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White House to direct Pentagon to deny admission to transgender people


Just a bully move.

Cost for Transgender Military personnel (if they all wanted re-assignment surgery at the same time): 8.4 million per year.

Cost for Viagra: 41.6 million per year. (does not include other erectile dysfunction medication, that would be 84 million or so)

Fuck the fuck off you fucks.
Just a bully move.

Cost for Transgender Military personnel (if they all wanted re-assignment surgery at the same time): 8.4 million per year.

Cost for Viagra: 41.6 million per year. (does not include other erectile dysfunction medication, that would be 84 million or so)

Fuck the fuck off you fucks.

It's only important when it affects cis men for republicans.



New: US Senator Tammy Duckworth, a veteran who lost both of her legs in the Iraq War, responds to President Trump's transgender ban.



I mesn, this very thing should be illegal right? Its straight up discrimination

So Outserve has already said that if it becomes policy they are fighting it and have counsel ready. They are probably working on this right now.

They also have a FAQ that is pretty good to go through on this right now. Pretty sure most LGBT servicmemebers know about Outserve, but if you run into any that don't, pass it on to them as well.


Would Mattis actually do anything with this?

The "deployability" standard is a load of shit, and Mattis knows that. And as an experienced commander he should know that there is nothing worse for combat readiness than letting a decent sized chunk of the armed services know that they might abruptly be torn from their units and discharged without honors for something entirely out of their control.

If the White House actually implements the anti-trans "guidance", it'll be a real moment of truth for Mattis to see whether he goes through with actually tearing trained personnel out of their units on the eve of a major troop deployment to a war zone.


I don't know why anyone would want to fight for Trump anyway. Still disgusting how he is going about it, but I'd be leaving.


Just a bully move.

Cost for Transgender Military personnel (if they all wanted re-assignment surgery at the same time): 8.4 million per year.

Cost for Viagra: 41.6 million per year. (does not include other erectile dysfunction medication, that would be 84 million or so)

Fuck the fuck off you fucks.

Always amazes me that the GOP and health insurances in this country had no problems covering things like Viagra immediately, but birth control? FUCK NO! Anyways, that's a bit off tangent.

Trump's just flexing his bully muscles. The money involved is ridiculously small, especially when compared to what he wastes on stupid golf trips. He's doing it to satisfy those evangelicals that make up part of his ever diminishing base.

I'm very much looking forward to Mueller finishing his investigation and giving us some reprieve from this orange moron.
I mesn, this very thing should be illegal right? Its straight up discrimination

LGBTQ are not a protected class as specified by the Civil Rights Act. Obama-era executive actions only covered federal employees, but were obviously subject to to the whims of subsequent presidents. The DADT repeal of 2010/11 should give Congress precedent of legal power over admitting openly LGBTQ persons to the armed forces, but it looks like it will be settled in court.
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