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Who Are Your All Time Favorite NBA Players, and Why?

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Physically disadvantaged in almost every aspect, but doesn't take a day off.


MJ was so good it got to the point where people expected him to do crazy shit and he still managed to surprise people.


Michael Jordan - Obvious

Larry Bird - Amazing to watch, and a great scorer. His defense was very average though. His passing is amazing.

Penny Hardaway - Damn, tall point guard with amazing crossovers, great post up, great playmaker, just fun to watch.

Shawn Kemp - LOL DAMN

Shaq - For someone his size, he was very quick and his spin moves, especially in his orlando days were amazing.


Junior Member
Michael Jordan - Obvious

Larry Bird - Amazing to watch, and a great scorer. His defense was very average though. His passing is amazing.

Penny Hardaway - Damn, tall point guard with amazing crossovers, great post up, great playmaker, just fun to watch.

Shawn Kemp - LOL DAMN

Shaq - For someone his size, he was very quick and his spin moves, especially in his orlando days were amazing.

I'll only point to kemp as needing the glove to be what he was. Outside of him your list is agreeable.


Unconfirmed Member
Tom Chambers. I don't know what else I need to say.

Allen Iverson. The epitome of a true baller. Will forever be one of the sport's pound-for-pound greatest.

Also: MJ. He is the GOAT.


Jason Williams - his style of play really influenced how I played (to an extent lol). I didn't want to be the guy in the playground who tried to do every fancy move to look good, I mostly copied his passing style. I didn't have the handles that he had at all. He was very entertaining to watch, and he actually turned into a stable point guard by the time he was in Miami. His early kings years were some of the most entertaining basketball I watched. Among the Kings players of that era, he and peja stojakovic were my favorites to root for.
1)Magic Johnson
2)Kobe Bryant
3)Cedric Ceballos
4)Nick Van Exel
5) Eddie Jones

all personified what it meant to be a true professional and a competitor, and of course all played for the greatest organization in all of professional sports, The Los Angeles Lakers, and all played for the greatest owner in the history of the world, Dr. Jerry Buss.


Junior Member
1)Magic Johnson
2)Kobe Bryant
3)Cedric Ceballos
4)Nick Van Exel
5) Eddie Jones

all personified what it meant to be a true professional and a competitor, and of course all played for the greatest organization in all of professional sports, The Los Angeles Lakers, and all played for the greatest owner in the history of the world, Dr. Jerry Buss.

Wtf no Kareem or Vlade Scooter?? I'd have both over NVE and Eddie.


Allen Iverson- day in and day out he gave everything. Also he was a style icon. Everybody was rocking cornrows because of him

Tracy McGrady- I just liked his style of play. He could shoot the 3 but also was tall and fast. Good ball handler and a scoring machine
John Wall. Love his attitude on and off the court and I had the pleasure of watching him grow into an all star player in the 5 years he's been in the league. A great team player and leader, it's a shame he gets overshadowed and brushed off so often since he isn't a scoring point guard that so many like to overhype.

But you do you John, keep proving the doubters wrong.



"Let me tell you something: I'm a big believer, when it comes to quarterbacks and point guards. Who's your dad? Who's your dad? Because I like confrontational players, I don't like passive aggressive. Strong families equal strong leaders. Talent? Overrated. Leadership? Underrated." - Cowturd


Jordan because watching him was ALWAYS special. He just didn't have losing in his DNA.

The more you read about Jordan - on and off the court - the more impressive AND obsessive you realize he is.


Junior Member
Jordan because watching him was ALWAYS special. He just didn't have losing in his DNA.

The more you read about Jordan - on and off the court - the more impressive AND obsessive you realize he is.

MJ was obsessed with winning and in return in made him into a dick.

Having said that, I am honored I got to watch him play, he truly was the greatest. Every game he played you knew you were in for a treat.


Kareem IMO was the most "unstoppable player" just because of the obvious. If anyone ever again perfects a shot that cannot be blocked... and makes it so damn often... then that's an NBA title contender right off the bat. What a team player too... god he was truly a perfect basketball player.

MJ was probably the best all-around player. I think Lebron is honestly a more talented player than MJ, but MJ played smarter. MJ had the heart and the greatest coach of all time for support, whereas Lebron kinda just has himself and tries to take everything on solo... and clearly it acquires less rings ;(

Bill Russel, Wilt, Kareem, Hakeem. I think those 4 were all the best big men in their own way, however I do think in a straight up type of game, Shaq in his prime was > their primes.

The best shooter of all time is Larry Bird (just under 49.6% for his career) and many were from range. Jordan was 49.7%, but that included many closer shots, so really Bird had better accuracy considering where he'd pull up. Kareem is much better with 55.9% shooting, but in comes that whole "unstoppable shot" thing so some people discount his shot % due to that even if technically he was by far the best shot %.

Bird was also the king of following his shot. I challenge anyone to see which shooter followed his own shot and got the offensive rebound more than Bird. I really don't think there is one. Michael was close, but not nearly as much. This statistic is also the reason I completely hate Kobe, because he ASSUMES his greatness, and never follows his shot... plus he also is almost 5% FG under Bird and Michael, and also has less stats in almost every single other aspect of the game compared to them. Whenever someone mentions Kobe as a "great," I just want to slap the shit out of them 1000 times. He deserves to be called "a good player" and that's it.

Most powerful and intimidating player of all time...... this is a toss up between Shaq and Wilt, and I don't think I need to discuss why. Shaq of course was much more powerful than Wilt, but in their respective times, Wilt was just as powerful compared to his opponents as Shaq was...... but it's just the times were different. This aspect of basketball has changed probably the most, so it's very very difficult to compare different generations on this topic.

There's a lot more, but my counter-strike queue popped. Later!
Wtf no Kareem or Vlade Scooter?? I'd have both over NVE and Eddie.

Vlade is a traitor for his Sacramento days. Kareem was a bit before my time. I never really got to see much of him in his prime Laker days in the 70s/early80s except for when he was like 90 years old.
I grew up outside of Chicago, so the Bulls were my gods as a child.

Michael and Scottie were the obvious ones, but as a white kid who figured to be about 6' 3", John Paxson and Steve Kerr were two people would I thought were clutch underrated guys that I loved.

Others: Reggie Miller, for being such a good 3-point shooter and the clutch plays. I hate that he didn't get a ring. Kevin Garnett, because his intensity is unreal and it is a relic of an age when basketball was physical and players didn't like each other. Tim Duncan, unselfish and humble, quietly became one of the most decorated players of all time.

We'll give it some time, but one day Joakim Noah will have a place on the list as well. Passionate, intense, and wants to win every single game.
Charles Barkley - I was a chubby kid so he was the player I identified with most. Plus I loved that he didn't give a shit about what people thought of him. Plus he wasn't a bad shooter for someone of his size

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Prime Shaq

Its easy to name the greats, but watching Pippen play defense was amazing
Mr. Houdini of the hard court...
Bob Cousy

This cat was responsible for an outbreak of broken ankles in the 50's despite only being able to dribble with his right hand..

But seriously...


Tim Hardaway- Warriors Hardaway was his best form..

Mitch Ritchmond

Chris Mullin

It's a shame that they only played together for two seasons.

I was a huge fan of Stockton back in the day as his stat line was always so efficient. It seemed like he would score 15-17 points a game but take like 5 -7 shots to get there..

Finally...Mr. White Chocolate himself aka cannot throw a chest pass if his life depended on it.



The look on the Glove's face is priceless..shit he even sticks a leg out to try and trip him..
kevin garnett.

his versatility is crazy. he can shoot, pass, rebound, block, steal, offense, defense he can do it all. he led the twolves in points, rebounds, steals, assists, blocks in a single season. damn. talk about being an all-around player.


I'll only point to kemp as needing the glove to be what he was. Outside of him your list is agreeable.

oh man Payton set him up well. But there was this one dunk that was more memorable than anything where he pointed and taunted haha. He just so damn entertaining personality wise. Like Barkley haha
John Stockton was a maestro of smooth moves and vision and knowing when to get nasty. It wasn't "him" but it's there, waiting, should it need to come out or if an opponent made it. Being the all-time best on two main categories by huge margins proves how fucking skilled he was.


Physically disadvantaged in almost every aspect, but doesn't take a day off.

Yesss. *brofist*

And here I was worried I'd be the only guy saying Stockton!


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Yesss. *brofist*

And here I was worried I'd be the only guy saying Stockton!

You are not. I started watching basketball because of him. I stopped watching after he retired.

The shot

The pass

Brilliant, efficient, tough, down-to earth, modest, loyal, all class. His Hall of Fame speech juxtaposed against Jordan's in the same induction year just says so much about both as people. One of my role models growing up.


Neo Member
Even though he's not my choice for objective GOAT, I must reiterate how under appreciated (IMO) Allen Iverson was. He was so disruptive to the game offensively and defensively:

-He could run in and out of screens like Ray Allen/Reggie Miller - but he could do it with OR without the ball. His effective scoring range was everywhere and being able to create your own shot is the most valuable thing a player can have.
-He wasn't a great defender by any metric but he was more often than not one of the league leaders in steals per game. Similar in vein to his offensive disruption, you just can't defend against FAST.
-He wasn't super efficient like Kobe or Jeffrey, but he also wasn't 6'6"+ (probably not even 6' flat) and gave up a lot of body mass to boot. That dude was built ALL wrong for his: play style, vs his peers and for career longevity. But nobody in the game to that point (and since, IMO) moved around the court like A.I. Super fast cross juxtaposed on top of laid back, casual movements. That shit is crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Also, for no reason at all, he could dunk over Marcus Camby.
-Fan favorite, black sheep, front page controversy. I don't think anybody can deny his social impact on the league (good or bad).

None of his stats are super exceptional aside from his scoring legacy and I think it's laudable that he accomplished that mostly by being able to unbalance the game around him.

The M.O.B

<<<<<<This Guy

Simply because I followed this guy from the moment he got drafted. Starting following the heat and the rest is history.

I grew up rooting for the Lakers naturally due to being a SoCal native but didn't really get into watching the NBA on a daily basis until Wade. I'm 24, all things considered I should have ended up as another blind Kobe fan. But I got learned.

Also, he is 33 and still putting out All Star stats despite people always saying "Yeah, he is done now that his athleticism is gone blah blah blah"

Check the Highlights


Stockton for the reasons others have mentioned

Kevin Garnett because he's just one of the most passionate athletes ever. The stories other players tell about him are always fascinating. I've loved watching him play since the early 2000s

Ginobili because his style is incredibly unique....the way he gets to the basket, can knock down jumpers, can do it all...and he's reppin' us lefties!


Dwyane Wade - The very first ball game I truly watched was the the game Wade dropped 42 on the Wizards in game 4 back in 2005. That game is the game that got me into basketball, and he's been entertaining me ever since. For that, there will never be a player that'll come close to Wade for me.

Non Heat Player - Steve Nash. He ran one of the most fun to watch offenses I've seen. I just enjoyed watching him play.
This. D-Wade and Steve Nash are my two faves. Both guys were small for their respective positions yet they played their hearts out. Real warriors. I've never seen a guard block so many shots in D-Wade.

Some of my other faves include Russell Westbrook, Steph Curry, Ray Allen, Tony Parker, and, of course, the almighty Lebron. Lebron is the perfect basketball player. Fuck Jordan lol.


Jordan (I'm from Chicago and witnessed his airness during his entire career)
Pippen (Same as above)
Shaq (Most dominant player to ever play the game)
Penny Hardaway (Amazing player who's career was cut short by injuries)
Kobe (MJ number 2)
Kemp (Athletic freak that I loved to watch dunk on folks)
Bird (God tier shooter)
Dominique Wilkins (The Human Highlight Film)


Nash, Jordan, Kobe, Magic, Kareem.

Current faves include Kawhi, Kyrie and I'm looking out for my aussie mate Patty Mills dropping them 3's.
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