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Who bought GGXX #Reload?

Just trying to get a headcount and make another post about this GOTY contender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




It came out on pay day so I copped it fresh from the box. It's a crazy looking game, that odd anime feel to it. I kinda suck, but I really dig playing it.


The Faceless Master said:
went thru a huge preorder ordeal to get

Same here...Preordered from EB over 4 months in advance...even gave them a week after release to ensure they'd have time to recieve my copy. Got to pick it up and of course they'd mysteriously "lost it". They sent me to two other EB's with my slip(no dice).

Finally found it at the local mini Walmart of all places while looking for a new DVD release.
Had it since launch and love it. I don't why people keep saying t's unplayable online. I've had a good time with it and some excellent games. Only had one bad game but I knew the connection was crappy before I started.......

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Apharmd Battler said:
Had it since launch and love it. I don't why people keep saying t's unplayable online. I've had a good time with it and some excellent games. Only had one bad game but I knew the connection was crappy before I started.......

It all depends on the connection. Every time I've tried to play it, I've gotten games that were way too slow to be even remotely playable. :(

I don't have this problem with MK Deception, CvS2, or SvCC online. CvS2 and SvCC certainly have their laggy games, but nowhere near as bad as what I've experienced with Guilty Gear. I'm always up for trying again though.


Shoryuken said:
How much did you pay for that adapter and where did you get it? Also, how responsive is it?

I got the adapter from Dacoccobrova and I can't remember but it was pretty cheap. It's super responsive and I use it for sports games and fighting games :D

Dave Long

Brandon F said:
I'm still waiting for Dave to stop playing ESPN and challenge me!

I hear ya! I'm going to go online with it tonight or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow after I play the GamerDad Football game for next Monday. BTW, I played some dude with the GamerTag Kusanagi53 or something like that. If any of you see him, definitely play. Real nice guy and a good player too.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
MAF, do you not have the PC version? It makes for easy screen grabs:


Too bad the PC version doesn't have online play...


I bought it as well, it's a keen game, too bad most of the online players are cheapass fuckwits who just pick Ky kiske and shove you into a corner.


I own this wonderful piece of gaming. I unfortunatly hate the S controler and want to pick up a Street Firghter SE controler but they are too much over here at 35 bucks. But i might get it just because i like it a lot on Xbox. One other thing why didnt this support custom soundtracks? Cause i would want to rock out to Rock you like a Hurricane one of these days.

Now bring on 3rd strike for Xbox and i'm set.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I REALLY hope that the reason 3rd Strike got delayed is because of the online features; the *ENGLISH* version has been "out" for a week now via that most illegal of methods.

Here's hoping (again) that the Japanese version is online and fully compatible with U.S. consoles...it comes out in two weeks.
You can fight against Ky, Shouta uses Ky to a degree of skill thats pretty formidable, but enough air dashing, can let you just manuver through projectiles. Dont forget burst, and dont forget your sweep move, that can help.

I dont get cornered too often, im almost always dashing around either with the double tap forward or baikens guarding dash which rul3z.


0G M3mbeR
I got it, but the online play is garbage. Haven't had this much lag since the 350 ping days of modem Quake 2...


Yeah, I picked it up right around release. Anybody in here looking forward to GG Isuka (PS2) when November rolls around?
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