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Who does it seem that all Doom 3 hype is based on graphics?


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
I'm looking into buying the game but I have no idea of the gameplay nor have I seen impressions. Seems like everyone wants it for its sploogetastic graphics. Someone post impressions damnit!


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
It sure seems that way by the screens I've seen.. No huge ass monsters with machine guns attached to there hands or anything. No multi monster fragfests either.. whats up with that. I'm all for survival horrors.. but its DOOM it needs MAYHEM.


Tag of Excellence
The best marketing standpoint for this game is the graphics so naturally that's what they are heavily pushing. Also id was extremely (and still is) tightlipped on the nature of the game and went to extraordinairy measures to make sure that no information was leaked to the public on the nature of their product.

Now this description is merely based on what I've read from the media but I'd describe this game as a "survival horror FPS with heavy action."


Yeah, check any of my posts, Doom III is just an overhyped techdemo to me. People are only waiting for it so much because, it's DOOM, and the graphics are really nice. If it's a decent game, I'm sure all that hype will make people believe the game rocks so hardcore, but in 2-3 years, people will just realise it's just average :p

lol, I think I have a bias against it :-\


Yeah, of course it's overhyped. Who cares if it's still just shooting a bunch of monsters with shitty AI? ITS G0T GR8 GRAFIX!

As long as a game looks fantastic, people will always be over-optimistic....


People forget that a part of what created tension in "survival horror" games was trying to navigate from savepoint to savepoint with very limited ammo. But as far as I can tell, the ammo isn't going to be limited and it is going to be another one of those plodding "Hit QuickSave every 30 seconds affairs"....so there goes a couple major tenets of the genre.

The scares will come from....you guessed it....."OMG NORMAL-MAPPED ZOMBIE THRU TEH WINDOW!"


Actually, from the videos I've seen, it really is a lot more involved. They seem to use a lot of techniques with the engine to scare you in new and different ways that just weren't possible on other engines. Also, I believe a lot of the enemies are harder to take down than in old DOOMs.


border said:
People forget that a part of what created tension in "survival horror" games was trying to navigate from savepoint to savepoint with very limited ammo. But as far as I can tell, the ammo isn't going to be limited and it is going to be another one of those plodding "Hit QuickSave every 30 seconds affairs"....so there goes a couple major tenets of the genre.

The scares will come from....you guessed it....."OMG NORMAL-MAPPED ZOMBIE THRU TEH WINDOW!"

Dude, way to pass judgement without having played it at all. How do you know there's plenty of ammo and quicksaves?


Well considering you can't see shit while holding a weapon unless firing it (light from the muzzle flash), I'd say you are going to need plenty ammo.


Tre said:
Supposedly, the game is much slower and a lot more like a Survival Horror game than the original Dooms that were mindless.

Which I why I'm not as interested in it... the original mindless Doom was fantastic... but of course they can't have 50 enemies on screen anymore because no reasonable system on the planet could handle that with the purty graphics.


Totally. I think most games back in the original's DOOM's day were faster paced than games we have today, graphics having a lot to do with that.


But games like Serious Sam still prove that it can be done.... that game is just a fun time killer and co-op is the shit. There's a place for both types of game IMO. I should clarify that the reason I have less anticipation for Doom 3 than something like Half Life 2 is becuase I'm not a fan of horror settings.


Mashing said:
Which I why I'm not as interested in it... the original mindless Doom was fantastic... but of course they can't have 50 enemies on screen anymore because no reasonable system on the planet could handle that with the purty graphics.

Yeah, Serious Sam is the best example of mindless attacks of enemies, but sometimes it gets too hectic. I'm talking 200 skeleton dog things at you at once.


Mashing said:
But games like Serious Sam still prove that it can be done.... that game is just a fun time killer and co-op is the shit. There's a place for both types of game IMO. I should clarify that the reason I have less anticipation for Doom 3 than something like Half Life 2 is becuase I'm not a fan of horror settings.

For sure. Just the thing is, more emphasis is put on graphics these days than ever. It can be done - anything can be done - but there's hardly enough talented devs to put out a game that looks great and plays very fast at the same time.


It's base on graphic hype, because supposely, all ID games brings new graphics effects that would raise the bar for years to come. That's the reason why so many companies are willing to paid for their game engine. Also, you can safely say that ID is the reason why Opengl is still around.
Not to get more off track here but I say anyone who isn't going to play this game just because its "hyped on graphics" or "not like doom 2" is just hurting themselves. Doom 3 had a lot to live up and I don't think ID would even think about releasing a title that isn't going to be as groundbreaking and entertaining. THose persons are definatly going to be missing out on a great game.

And I think the main selling point for doom 3 isn't the graphics, but probably just because its a sequal to doom.

From everything I've seen in the game in regards to trailers and gameplay footage. What's exactly not to like? Great audio, great graphics, and FPS gameplay. It's the full package.


The hype is based on the graphics because that's what ID does best. Their games (recent games at least) aren't exactly known for their fantastic gameplay.

That said, you should prolly wait for some reviews to hear about the gameplay.


Hitman said:
I'm looking into buying the game but I have no idea of the gameplay nor have I seen impressions. Seems like everyone wants it for its sploogetastic graphics. Someone post impressions damnit!
If this was a game like Unreal Tournament or Quake I would not be interested in it at all regardless of the graphics. The fact that it plays like a normal Wolfenstein/Doom FPS is the only reason why the graphics even matter to me.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
SA-X said:
The hype is based on the graphics because that's what ID does best. Their games (recent games at least) aren't exactly known for their fantastic gameplay.

That said, you should prolly wait for some reviews to hear about the gameplay.

uh. All of ids games have fantastic gameplay.

Except for the old old old old stuff.

Hovertank 3D? first 3D pc game... but it SUCKED.
Commander Keen? Classic. (except for Keen Dreams)
Catacombs 3D? the very beginnings of the wolf3d engine but i thought it sucked
Wolf3D? Classic.
Doom 1/2? Classic.
Quake? Classic.
Quake 2? Classic.
Quake 3? Classic. (Best DM Evar? Yup!)
Doom 3? I can guarantee you it will become yet another accolade on id's decked out list already.


DopeyFish said:
Wolf3D? Classic.
Doom 1/2? Classic.
If you like mindless, repetitive crap, then yes.

DopeyFish said:
Quake? Classic.
Quake 2? Classic.
Quake 3? Classic. (Best DM Evar? Yup!)
Lots of multiplayer fps games are better than these 3.

Never played the first 3 games on your list so I can't comment.


Uhhhh, are any of the Quake games REALLY classics by virtue of their single player mode? Because Doom 3 is going to flop or fly based on the campaign missions, not netplay.

That's what is disturbing....id hasn't made a really great revolutionary 1P experience since Doom.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
border said:
Uhhhh, are any of the Quake games REALLY classics by virtue of their single player mode? Because Doom 3 is going to flop or fly based on the campaign missions, not netplay.

That's what is disturbing....id hasn't made a really great revolutionary 1P experience since Doom.

At the time, Quake and Quake 2 were good single player games, dude.


DopeyFish said:
At the time, Quake and Quake 2 were good single player games, dude.

I don't think you could pay most gamers to waste their time slogging through Q1 and Q2's missions. Maybe Q3A since expert deathmatch'ers would just slaughter the bots real quick...but they still wouldn't have much fun doing it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Based on what was recently shown, I don't think Doom 3's single player game is going to be like anything they've done before. It seems to share much more with Half-Life than Doom or Quake.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
SA-X said:
If you like mindless, repetitive crap, then yes.

In 1993 and 1994, Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing came close to Doom or Wolf3D. Everything else was mindless and repetitive in comparison.

SA-X said:
Lots of multiplayer fps games are better than these 3.

Never played the first 3 games on your list so I can't comment.

There is no single fps game that can match the pure fun, exhiliration or polish as Quake, let alone Quake 2 or the master of them all, Quake 3. Not a single one. There have been some that have come close, but always fall short of reaching the goal.


id's never really had awesome gameplay to me...not to say their games are bad, I played a lot of Q3A, but...something like the original HL or Deus Ex, now there was an *experience*. Then again those are both primarily 1P games. I hope Doom 3 has awesome gameplay but I really doubt it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
miyuru said:
id's never really had awesome gameplay to me...not to say their games are bad, I played a lot of Q3A, but...something like the original HL or Deus Ex, now there was an *experience*. Then again those are both primarily 1P games. I hope Doom 3 has awesome gameplay but I really doubt it.

Doom 3 really seems like it will BE an experience, though.

People need to sit down and give this a chance. If anything, it has the potential to seriously blow people away...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
miyuru said:
id's never really had awesome gameplay to me...not to say their games are bad, I played a lot of Q3A, but...something like the original HL or Deus Ex, now there was an *experience*. Then again those are both primarily 1P games. I hope Doom 3 has awesome gameplay but I really doubt it.

That old e3 leak thing was awesome as hell, and it ran at 10 fps and was missing nearly everything. If that old piece of crap is any example of what to come... prepare to be amazed.


As far as I'm recall, every FPS was basically just a re-tread of Doom until Jedi Knight and Half-Life came along. Quake was just Doom without the gigantic enemy hordes....cold, empty levels with "Find the Key/Switch" types of objectives. Beyond the novelty of playing in full-on 3D, Quake and Quake 2 were more-or-less mediocre because they lost the adrenaline thrills of Doom but never had any kind of entertaining, cerebral challenges.

The concern is that id has not yet demonstrated an ability to deliver at the new high watermark created by titles like Half-Life and Halo.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
border said:
As far as I'm recall, every FPS was basically just a re-tread of Doom until Jedi Knight and Half-Life came along. Quake was just Doom without the gigantic enemy hordes....cold, empty levels with "Find the Key/Switch" types of objectives.

The concern is that id has not yet demonstrated an ability to deliver at the new high watermark created by titles like Half-Life and Halo.

quake was also in 3d... having rooms on top of each other, adding a lot more game mechanics in (like a physics/3d particles system, etc)

Half-Life is more like an advancement on Quake (well heck, it uses a reworked Quake engine)


Quake's advancements were more-or-less technical shit that didn't make a difference. Physics didn't result in a game that played much different from Doom, and particles are just graphical stuff to begin with.

Half-Life is built on id's engine (I don't see what that's got to do with anything), but I think most everyone agrees that it was really able to do something in the genre that hadn't been done before.


border said:
The concern is that id has not yet demonstrated an ability to deliver at the new high watermark created by titles like Half-Life and Halo.
Yup. And with HL2 and Halo 2 coming out this fall, people aren't going to want to burn $50 on a game that plays like a big tech demo in comparison. Well, the non graphics whores anyway.

I would love it if Doom 3 turns out to be awesome, but I think people have every right to be skeptical at this point.


This thread is so completely stupid.

ID has kept a tight lid on the game. How many people have the final build right now.....the only thing we have to go on is the graphics. Wait till next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and you'll get some gameplay impressions.


Junior Ace
SA-X said:
If you like mindless, repetitive crap, then yes.

Lots of multiplayer fps games are better than these 3.

Never played the first 3 games on your list so I can't comment.

Calling them "mindless, repetitive crap" isn't commenting?
I liked Quake 2's single player. I still remember seeing sparks shooting out of the crashed space ship.

Granted it wasn't as good as the multiplayer experience, but discounting the game's one player mode on account of the excellent multiplayer mode is foolish. Granted, if you truly felt the single player campain was average or mundane, that would be acceptable criticism.
id rocks. If anything, their multiplayer-centric Q3 is the most repetitive of all their games. I'm looking forward to more single-player goodness. I highly recommend going back and playing jdoom on Ultra-Violence difficulty. Doom had lots of tension.
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