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Who has seen Napoleon Dynamite?

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Well it opened nationwide this weekend. Did anyone see it?

I absolutely loved it. This movie pretty much nailed my day to day humor. My friends came out of the theater and said I acted just like Napoleon (not normally, but when I'm trying to be funny).

Napoleon is the greatest character in cinema history.



Right from the creative opening credits and from the first time Napoleon got on screen, I knew I would really like the movie. The way he acts is exactly how me and my friends act to exagerate our humour from time to time. "GOD! I'm such an IDIOT!"

"Girls want guys with skills. Like...nunchuk skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills."


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I know a girl who really wants to see this, and asked if I'd see it with her, but she thought she'd like it because she thought it looked like a Wes Anderson film (which it isn't). Should I bother going to see it with her, or suggest what I really want to do which is watch a movie at my place?


demon, it's definitely a movie worth seeing. If you're thinking that it's just another stupid comedy then you might want to drop that thought from your head. There is an actual story here and it's a pretty endearing one too. While the movie is pretty damn hilarious at points, the main plot is still about the struggle of geeks in high school. It's a thoroughly entertaining flick.
I LOVED IT! Funniest movie I have seen all year. The characters are just so quirky, Napoleon, Pedro, Uncle Rico, and the girl (forgot her name). I've seen the movie twice and I can tell it is going to be one of those movies that gets more funny everytime I see it. Plus I got an awesome free "Give Me Your Tator Tots" shirt (and got many comments on it when I wore it).

Download Jamiroquai - Canned Heat, you get a much higher appreciation for it after seeing the film.

How was the wedding scene at the end? I heard they were adding it for the nationwide release. I'll see it again anyway, but any comments on it would be appreciated.


There was a wedding scene added? Since when?...For me the movie ended when Napoleon and the girl were playing with that ball.


Meier said:
Thanks for ruining it, cock.

If you're referring to the wedding, they've been pimping that in tv adverts =p

Meier said:
Thanks for ruining it, cock.

I guess you are talking about the wedding scene :(

But like Meier said, they have been talking about it on the TV adverts. Plus we don't know whose wedding it is. For all I know it could be something completely random.
"I caught you a delicious bass." that made me laugh. plus the dance at the end, flippin' hilarious.

the movie was alright. I was expecting something else certainly. It just seemed a little, I dunno, forced? The guy playing Pedro seemed to be staring off into space for interminable lengths of time after delivering lines, not sure if that was intentional or not.

The credits were awesome though, very cool.

The trailer for Harold & Kumar was funny as hell, probably best thing I've seen (no, I hadn't seen it yet). I liked the parts with "the asian from American Pie and the Indian from Van Wilder" and then they cut to Van (Ryan Reynolds). Great trailer, I think I'm gonna have to see the movie. The Taxi trailer looked interesting, if only for the taxi itself. Man that was a nice car.


Saw it a few weeks ago. It's pretty good. I don't know that my cheap ass would have paid to see it, but I think for most it's worth it.
Ok, I just read that the short film that inspired this movie (and what eventually got this made) only cost $500 to make.

I am so making a short film within the next 2 years.


RevenantKioku said:
If you're referring to the wedding, they've been pimping that in tv adverts =p

I dont watch much TV so I didnt know they'd been advertising it on there.. just heard about the new scene from a friend. My bad.

I've already seen it twice so I dont know if going back a third time just for the new scene is worth it or not :(


Sounds like a movie that I'll enjoy. Too bad there is a 0% chance it will be released where I live. Thank god for teh interweb! :)

Jim Bowie

I loved this movie. I laughed until I cried. I haven't done that in a long time, not since The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (which is out now on DVD... go buy it). I missed the wedding scene, though. Damn! I don't know if I will pay another $10 to go see it again. Is the wedding scene worth $10?
Anyone who goes needs to stay until the projector stops running. The added wedding scene almost doesn't even happen. I mean the credits rolled completely and the big blue "This motion picture has been rated PG13" screen comes up and then FINALLY you get the wedding scene. Quirky shit I tell ya. Worth sticking around for tho. :)

Jim Bowie

Uno Ill Nino said:
I mean the credits rolled completely and the big blue "This motion picture has been rated PG13" screen comes up and then FINALLY you get the wedding scene.

Aha! I caught you in the act, evildoer! It was rated PG! Therefore, there IS no wedding scene! I knew it! I knew you all were lying :p

I may go again- I love that movie. And I WILL sit and watch the damned wedding scene.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Anyone who goes needs to stay until the projector stops running. The added wedding scene almost doesn't even happen. I mean the credits rolled completely and the big blue "This motion picture has been rated PG13" screen comes up and then FINALLY you get the wedding scene. Quirky shit I tell ya. Worth sticking around for tho. :)

Your theater probably already had a print before the wedding scene was released and the projectionists were just too lazy to splice it where it belongs and just tacked it on the end of the reel.


I just got back from seeing Napoleon Dynamite. It doesn't rank very highly on my list of movies I've seen over the last year or two (though it's still probably better than Bad Boyz II).

I don't know, it just didn't grab me. It had a few moments, but a lot of it felt pretty flat. Apparently the film is drawing quite a lot of comparisons to the work of Wes Anderson, but I found Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums far more entertaining, their characters more interesting, and their themes more palatable. Perhaps if I had been predisposed to wanting to relish in the absurdity, I may have laughed more, but that would hardly be genuine. As it was, I came in with my expectations on an even keel and left disappointed.

On the plus side, it had a good soundtrack, and the last 15 minutes of the movie were almost worth the price of admission. Almost.
b00duh said:

Wet hot is obviously awesome as is napoleon..

whats not to like?!?

"tina! come eat your ham!#@!"

Wet Hot is screening at a local theater in my area (Pittsburgh), and Michael Showalter (Coop/writer) and David Wain (director/writer) are doing a Q&A afterwards. I can't freaking wait.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Ristamar said:
though it's still probably better than Bad Boyz II.

Ecstacy + New boyfriend + morgue = 3 of the greatest scenes of last summer. The Cuba part went on slightly too long, but the movie was great otherwise. Hearing Will Smith curse is great.


I will confess, the 'New Boyfriend' scene was funny, and the 'They Do It Like We Do!' scene with the rats also had me laughing.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Jesus, the closest theatre playing this movie is about 20 miles from here. Guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.


Time ta STEP IT UP
What's with people on this forum always giving smart ass replies?

I don't have a car yet so there's no way of getting there. I'm also home alone for the next 2 weeks and my friends don't want to drive to a town they've never been to see this movie. How's that sound, jack ass?
That's fine and all, I just find it odd that 20 miles is really far. There isn't a bus that goes there? Sorry if I was being a smart ass about it.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Badabing said:
I don't have a car yet so there's no way of getting there. I'm also home alone for the next 2 weeks and my friends don't want to drive to a town they've never been to see this movie. How's that sound, jack ass?
Is the town inhabitanted by giant bloodsucking bats?
I saw it a few weeks ago and completely missed out on the deleted scene. I'm not sweating it though, since I'll be buying this DVD the day it's out, which can't come soon enough.
I saw the movie opening weekend, long before the new scene was filmed. Could someone kindly tell me what happens? I have an idea, and don't really mind having it spoiled before I get the DVD.
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