Vieo said:
My beard grows pretty fast but I only shave once a week. I've had to shave my mustache since 8th grade. The problem with my facial hair though is that it's REALLY coarse. So coarse in fact that you can cut yourself on it. I keep a little patch of hair on my chin so that just in case some big guy gets me in a bearhug, I'll rub my chin in his eye and blind him.
*ATTENTION!!! RETARDS THIS IS NOT A SONG I'm kicking knowledge to the youth*
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Great Idea I like the dirty tactics!
This is not a dig on you but use that manuever if a Maaar-ine ever grips you up again.
Then throw him a head butt to the cranium followed by a well placed kick to the balls.
No man can withstand this combo of disaster!
When He is down stop his skul then walk over and stop his groin repeat that process three times.
This will incompacitate any advesery that dares oppose your might!
Get a new girl and keep checkin for that guy, you may get the opportunity for revenge.