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Who Here Loves to Drive?

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asking dangerous questions
Driving appreciation thread!

I just drove for the first time in nearly 3 months. MAN did I miss it...
...there's just something about driving that I find incredibly relaxing.

Fail an exam? Problems with the gf? Getting a seg. fault (ok, that's geeky)? Whatever the problem, I seem to forget about it when I drive.
When I'm behind the wheel, all i gotta think about is getting to my destination. Very relaxing (well, not so much when I'm in a rush and stuck in traffic...).

Driving rocks!!
And my car SUCKS - imagine how I'd feel in a nice car...droolz.

Anyone else love to drive?


shitting in the alley outside your window
i think its more that i can really absorb music when i drive.. so sometimes i just like to hop in my car and drive around. ive been doing it less since this gas price spike though.
I enjoy taking corners really fast without braking. It's fun to see unexpecting passengers in my car get all jostled around and surprised. Also, driving with good music at night is always fun.


I hate driving when it comes to road trips. I also hate city driving because you quickly realize how many poor drivers are on the road. I hate driving.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Love it. I drive 35 miles to my brothers house with a smile on my day almost daily. I drive when I can't sleep. I find an excuse to drive. I love driving because, sometimes, it also gives me a rush. I guess I'd like driving far less if I had a lousy car, but I'm fortunate enough to have a car I absolutely love.

There really is no feeling like going 100 at 5AM on a four lane highway, when there is absolutely nobody around. And watching the sunrise will you're at it. It's fucking heaven.


I used to corner unnessarily fast, but it costs to much in the end. I used to go through all the tires every 2 months. I realized that the amount I paid for the tires could have went to a new car on a lease.


went heavy on the boost after a long day today, havent opened up the throttle like that for a while.. driving rules (well, when you have space to operate)


I like driving provided I'm not in a real hurry, and there is no traffic, and I have a big ass ice coffee. Otherwise it's just a way to get home and stop driving.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I hate driving in shitty traffic when I need to but don't want to. I love cruisin, though. It's such a liberating experience, just driving around at 40-60mph around your area, listening to music you like. Especially at night. And especially when drunk. Oh yaaaaaa.


Count of Concision
I like to drive at night-- helps to clear the mind. Not as much as basketball, but sometimes I don't feel like getting sweaty at 2 AM. :p The only bad part is that I have 8 points on my license already (from a single ticket), and will have my license revoked if I get caught for speeding again...yet I keep tempting fate and trying to dodge that bullet. :p


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
demon said:
I hate driving in shitty traffic when I need to but don't want to. I love cruisin, though. It's such a liberating experience, just driving around at 40-60mph around your area, listening to music you like. Especially at night.
I was with you through that much.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Loki said:
I like to drive at night-- helps to clear the mind. Not as much as basketball, but sometimes I don't feel like getting sweaty at 2 AM. :p The only bad part is that I have 8 points on my license already (from a single ticket), and will have my license revoked if I get caught for speeding again...yet I keep tempting fate and trying to dodge that bullet. :p

It's hard to resist I know. The sound of our engine is beyond intoxicating and the rush would bring the comatose back to reality.
AlphaSnake said:
It's hard to resist I know. The sound of our engine is beyond intoxicating and the rush would bring the comatose back to reality.

Yeah, whenever I'm on the road, I can always hear the prowl of an incoming MAXIMA.



I finally got my licence at the start of the summer (stupid BC graduated licencing..) and I love driving too. Gas is WAY too expensive. But I love driving around, with the music cranked up, with one hand on the steering wheel, windows wide open. If I had a convertible the top would be down.

I have so many street racing stories that involve me, my friend, and the pink 93 Corolla. (Represent!) I myself drive a 92 white Mazda MPV. It controls like my bitch. Ohh yeah.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
HalfPastNoon said:
Yeah, whenever I'm on the road, I can always hear the prowl of an incoming MAXIMA.


#1 V6 engine for 8 years in a row, sonny. You know nothing.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
HalfPastNoon said:
My SLK owns you.


You've yet to post pics, or even tell me what year it is. Plus, your (supposed) shitty little Kompressor engine will never touch a VQ...ever.



I love to drive with the music cranked and taking corners fast most of the time, but I really get pissed off at traffic. With my motorcycle of course I have more fun and actually seek out nice roads to cruise/tear up on.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
HalfPastNoon said:
looks a lot like this model, only in silver:


2002 year. i'd take pics, but i don't have a digi cam.

Just as I suspected a 2002. I'd destroy your car. Your engine is lousy too. And the car is disastrously small too.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
HalfPastNoon said:
yeah, but i have the mercedes logo on my car. you have nissan. i win. get lost, ponce.

Mercedes is a piece of shit unless it has an AMG badge on it. Besides, BMW >>>> Benz.


Litigation Manuel said:
I enjoy taking corners really fast without braking. It's fun to see unexpecting passengers in my car get all jostled around and surprised. Also, driving with good music at night is always fun.

I love that. :)


*drowns in jizz*
Depends. I drive a crapload of miles single day. SOmetimes it's relaxing, sometimes I feel like rear-ending someone for the hell of it. It can be both inredibly stressful and incresidibly relaxing, depending on situation and mood.

But sometimes I wish I was in a bus.


i love driving at night on empty roads, but i get really pissed off driving during the day.

it's a good thing i don't have a gun in my car
I love crusing, especially at night, with music. I don't like it so much during the day; So Cal traffic is some of the worst on the planet. The thing I hate most is motherfuckers who drive like wreckless assholes and cause accidents.


only in the middle of the night or in the middle of nowhere. oh track days i wish i could touch you.

unfortunately most of my midnight jaunts end with a cop on my ass looking for a reason to pull me over.


I can't drive but my friend does, it rawks when I'll be on MSN at midnight or something and he'll message to say "Wonna go for a drive?" then we'll drive to random places, we ended up at the seaside the other night at about 3am. Teh awesoma.


Ante Up
AlphaSnake said:
Mercedes is a piece of shit unless it has an AMG badge on it. Besides, BMW >>>> Benz.

Agreed. All of the 'good' Benzes are $75k+, as they should be. If your MB has a '230' or '320' in the name, you don't have a real Benz. In my experience, the people who buy these lower rung cars do so simply to be able to say that they drive a Merc.


Not much I like to do on weekends more than buying a new CD, taking my car out on the highway overnight and flooring that SOB while listening to the whole album. Just wish I had a more powerful car to do all that with.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tuvoc said:
I love to drive. Plus, I drive one of these, and that makes it even better.

I liked this car better when it was called the Holden.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
With so many things in our life beyond our control, it's nice to get behind the wheel of a big, intricate machine and feel some sort of power. With the exception of the typical post-work, boneass tired drive home, I love driving. Whenever I can't sleep, be it 3AM or whatever, nothing beats hoping into my car and just cruising around the neighborhood. On the flip side of this question, I'd have to ask, how many of you enjoy simply riding around in car without the worries of having to drive (i.e. long trips, whatever)...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I have an hour commute to and from work...90% of it nice, open highway... that, cruise control and XM radio make my commutes very enjoyable. I love to drive.


Driving rocks, it is so relaxing. I hate traffic though and it can be beastly in DC, especially during the summer with all the damned tourists.

AlphaSnake said:
Mercedes is a piece of shit unless it has an AMG badge on it. Besides, BMW >>>> Benz.

LOL, I wouldn't go so far as to say that Mercs are shit, they are nice cars. The 600 SL is pure sex on wheels and I would love to have the money to buy one, but overall you were right when you said that BMW >>>> Benz.

BMW > *


Edit: One more thing, it isn't all about power. One things mercs are extremely good at are actually handling and performing at a high speed. You can take a Merc (or bimmer) up to 100mph and it feels like you are going 50mph. And don't leave Lexus out of the luxury car lineup, not the most fun car to drive, but they compete with Mercs in almost way and are probably the most reliable cars ever.
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