The mainstream music industry is too fractured and unimaginative right now to push a single band to the forefront of popular music of the quality of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, or the Beatles. Radiohead comes close, but not close enough, and have been on a downhill slide ever since Kid A. Late '80s-early '90s U2 comes close, but after Zooropa they're dead to me, and most others as well. If you'd posted this thread a few years ago I'm sure some people would have answered with Oasis, and look where they are now.
If by the Beatles comparison you mean "music for the masses that later gained the reputation of high art for some inexplicable reason that we'll never really understand" (and here I'm talking about Please Please Me, Beatles For Sale, etc.), then Madonna from around the period of "Vogue" is the correct answer. If you mean the Abbey Road-era Beatles as opposed to the mop-top Beatles, then... well, the powers that be have ensured that new albums of the caliber of Abbey Road will never get radio airplay, ever again.