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Who is the most prolific poster on GAF?

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I can't decide between:



(other avatars include Lindsay Lohan's stupid smile, Jack Bauer)
on GAF ever, or right now?

MAF usually posts random garbage these days (aside from the occasional thread of worth like his music review one), but as long as he keeps that avatar, he'll be one of the better known duders.

Buddy posts a lot, but doesn't really seem like prolific poster, whatever the hell that is, to me. Most of his threads consist of self-depreciating stories, whereas the rest mesh into the current OT clique stuff that you (Striker Obi), Will, and a few others post.

Wario's one of the few recognizable personalities that posts in the Gaming Forum a lot, but I haven't really noticed anything interesting coming from him for months now (story wise, his bargain threads are always good... if you're a filthy american!).

The posters that have stood out for me are;

MrAngryFace, adelgary, AlphaSnake, BuddyChrist, Konex, EAD Ninja, Ferrio, Cubsfan, Marty Chinn, bishoptl, Serafitia, Shinobi, and The Shadow.

Out of all of those, I have to think that the most remembered will be MrAngryFace, if not for his tenure, then for his longevity featured in his name and avatar (and mentality :p).

But if you were asking me who, of all those people listed, would most make me want to click on a thread because they made it, or they posted in it, then I'd say bishop.
Also, I didn't consider myself, since it's pretty tough to decypher how known (or prolific) you've been on the board, unless you're basically a lurker.
I wouldnt think you would be mike, cause you just sorta appeared in power ya know. If futami were still around, or hell, opa, I would say them.

People like us just dont matter, we lack controversy!
Lack controversy? What about that time when I;

- Deleted PTGreat's massive Star Wars thread right before perma-banning him and changing his account name from PTGrievous to LOLbannedLOL

- Censored the word 'Buffy' on the forum to piss of SolidSnakeX, which in turn made him start referring to his favorite show in his favorite massive thread to 'the Buff', which in turn forced me to spam the thread with images of Buff Bagwell and random Buff Bagwell quotes

- Declared that sales threads were banned, which promptly got me de-adminned for months

- Created a thread citing that anyone who posted in it got banned, which in turn had people post in the thread, which in turn allowed me reason to ban them, which in turn caused a handful of people to protest my position as an admin

- Started the "I'll give you a tag" post which resulted in a bloated, 500+ page riddled with newly appointed Junior Members, Infant Members, and NPC characters

And that's just the stuff that's happened in the past year.
Id like to match up our controversy sir! I've done some bad shit! Damnit! If only I had the records to back up our pissing contest :(

Musashi Wins!

Mike Works said:
Buddy posts a lot, but doesn't really seem like prolific poster, whatever the hell that is, to me. Most of his threads consist of self-depreciating stories

I thought he was the old news poster in Gaming. I keed!
Mike Works said:
But if you were asking me who, of all those people listed, would most make me want to click on a thread because they made it, or they posted in it, then I'd say bishop.

WORD UP BRO! +10000000000

bish is my #1 favorite GAF poster, ever.

Bob White

I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish I've always loved bish

I see....


Mike Works said:
Lack controversy? What about that time when I;

- Declared that sales threads were banned, which promptly got me de-adminned for months

And that's just the stuff that's happened in the past year.
That's hilarious -- not you getting de-adminned, but declaring that sales threads were banned. When was this and how ugly did the gaming board get?
To clear up some of the confusion:

prolific (pro'-lif-ik), adj:
1. Producing offspring in great abundance; fertile
2. Producing adundant works or results. A prolific artist.

I'm gonna go with B.
AirBrian said:
That's hilarious -- not you getting de-adminned, but declaring that sales threads were banned. When was this and how ugly did the gaming board get?
This was on the previous board (not the temp 1-2 week one, but the one that kept getting server busy errors) I think. Every fucking second thread was a sales thread, I swear to God. It's not nearly as bad now as it was then, as it's completely bareable now.

But yeah, this occured one night at 2am, where I posted a stickied thread declaring all sales threads were banned.

The next day (or later that day I guess), eXxy woke up, saw the thread, deleted it, and de-adminned me citing my lack of going over this with any admins as the reason.

It was worth it


Mike Works said:
But if you were asking me who, of all those people listed, would most make me want to click on a thread because they made it, or they posted in it, then I'd say bishop.

Same goes for me. Also I like every posters that participated in the NHL season thread and yes that even includes you maple leafs fans (fifty, dopey etc..) :p

But I don't think there is truly one most prolific poster on GAF, I think what makes GAF as great as it is (the off-topic board) is the whole community. I think any poster could leave and GAF would still be great and keep on going.
Kabuki Waq said:
I say Bishop too his posts are exactly what i would say if i was a black white guy.

Karl Malone of GAF.

WTF? i hope Bishop doesn't start posting like this:



Mike Works said:
- Created a thread citing that anyone who posted in it got banned, which in turn had people post in the thread, which in turn allowed me reason to ban them, which in turn caused a handful of people to protest my position as an admin

Hah. I can't believe I missed that...
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