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Who wants a Vagrant Story 2!?


FUCK I do! One of the best rpgs and awesome art style ever made. Come on Square! This game deserves a sequel!






P.S. Does anyone know where I can buy the game again? I lost my old copy. =)


I do. If they do, I hope they refine the gameplay more though. No more box puzzles and improved combat would be awesome.


Yep I'd love a Vagrant Story 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics 2 but I have no hope for any of these two to get a proper sequel.


Yeah, as long as Matsuno keeps getting producer/director gigs, it looks like Vagrant Story will live on in spirit. FFXII did seem reminiscent of it when I played it at E3.

But the prospect of a proper sequel is tantalizing, especially given the way the first game ended. And he's also said in interviews that half of the story & scenarios had to be cut out, in order to fit it onto one PSOne disc. Given that, I'd welcome a Vagrant Story: Director's Cut that restores everything they discarded.

It was one of the best and most original RPGs ever, loved it.


Fleming - I bought it a little over a year ago and was very unimpressed. The graphics don't hold up, and the combat was really tedious.


Maybe I'm not the best person to ask, since almost every PSX game I still think of as good looking was 2D.

I guess I thought Konoa held up pretty well too, but that's about it....


Nah, Vagrant Story still looks good. It's one of the games most improved by the PS2's smooth textures option as well.
VS holds up graphically extremely well today. It's a prime example of how art is becoming much more important that technology these days. I don't like to turn on texture smoothing when playing it on PS2 because I love those original textures so much. Smoothing them out removes a lot of their detail. It's easily the most polished game on the PSX.

As for gameplay, do you have to ask? It plays just as well now as it did when it came out. Story, script, cutscenes: still awesome, still some of the best ever, and still better than the ones in MGS. It also bears one of the best (and most literate) localizations ever, and the music...*swoon*
Me, Vagrant Story is really one of the best games ever made. At first, I couldn't get into it but when I did, I was hooked. The music and atmosphere of the game is indeed incredible. The combat is hard to grasp at first, but once you get it, it's damn amazing as well.

Ill Saint

Brilliant game. Awesome story, fantastic characters. Superb soundtrack, great graphics... not to mention the incredibly deep weapons system.

One of my favourites.


Final Fantasy XII is Vagrant Story 2 in every way possible. Like, absolutely every way. It's chock-full of the backstabbity goodness.



Unconfirmed Member
Vagrant Story holds up very well...about as well as any 3D PSX game could possibly hope to (mainly since it was probably the best looking game on the system). That said, the gameplay always pissed me off and seemed needlessly tedious at times. I've never made it all the way through the game, but it is very cool, and if they cleaned up some of the problem areas, then I would happily accept a sequel.

It was also the first game were Square clearly put a LOT of effort into the translation, and as such the script reads brilliantly. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game, or at the very least in a game translated from Japanese.
The more FFXII stuff that slips out the more I can put my burning desire for VS2 on the backburner. I still want it though. Maybe a PSP game, along with a director's cut remake for the PSP perhaps. Or is that just greedy.

White Man

I love VS. I'd be perfectly happy if they rereleased it with better, super-fast load times. They wouldn't even have to touch up the graphics. I'd be there on day one. Best art in a game ever.

I do think more people would get the game's system if it weren't for the slow load times. Faster load times between menus would encourage players to experiment more with weapon combinations. I think the slow load times kind of scared people away from experimentation.
Load times? The only load time I remember is the one between the memory card load screen and the game engine. The menus don't move all that quickly, sure, and R2 should have been mapped to a quick weapon-equip screen, but other than that the interface was very well-done, I thought.


Changing weapons took way to long which you had to do alot, but its still one of my favorite all time games. FFXI even has some VS touches like mission cutscenes even some artwork and chracters, much more VS/FFT/FF9 style than FF7-8 style and gameplay. I glad Square/enix went that way with FFonline even though those past games haven't been the best sellers for them.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Everyone should want VS2. Hey Bjork, which review was that? It's always fun to read well-written reviews of games you love. I remember The GIA had an review that was kinda good.
The game started very tedious with the Risk system slowin down fights, but towards the end, properly casting support spells and equipping the right weapon that you have worked on tirelessly to destroy your foes is incomparable. It truly is a magnificent game, for the few who can get into it.

We need a sequel or an extended edition. The most visible storyline cut was the pair of fighters(a guy and a girl) who knew you, but just appeared towards the end. They even had a chunk of the ending devoted to them.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Yeah, if anyone wants to see the beatiful Yoshida art that was showe during the ending (and shows Ashley with Lady Neesa and Sir Tieger - the latter being one of the coolest side-characters ever seen :) should check the Vagrant Story section of Naimoka. They have all of'm. I know it took me a while to find them.


Diomedeskun said:
We need a sequel or an extended edition. The most visible storyline cut was the pair of fighters(a guy and a girl) who knew you, but just appeared towards the end. They even had a chunk of the ending devoted to them.
Yeah, Tieger and Neesa just came out of nowhere, had one big battle with Ashley, and then more or less vanished from the story. You could tell they were meant to have a lot more gameplay and story scenarios, but it all got scrapped.

It also seemed like Rosencrantz's backstory with Ashley got cut a bit.
Great art! Thanks for the link.

I loved how the game was one of the few Japanese RPGs that actually felt like it took place in a (fictional) medieval europe. Most have a pseudo-medieval setting with ancient technology, but it is not a true medieval feudal world.
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