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Who would in the right mind provide support for PlayStation 3 and CELL: "they" would.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Alias , Criterion, Discreet, Emdigo, Novodex, Softimage, Sony Computer Entertainment and Vicarious Vision are pleased to introduce COLLADA.



You got 3DS Max, Maya, Sofitmage 3D/XSI and Renderware covered.

Yes, COLLADA is not simply linked to PSP and PS2 even though it has profiles for PS2 (I think it would have a PSP one, but I cannot confirm that) and another platform ;).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:
It's a file format. What the hell does it have to do with PlayStation and Cell?

As I said, there are profiles for several things in there... PS2... and something else.

Wonder why SCE is involved :p.
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