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Whoopi Goldberg dropped by Slimfast for Bush remarks

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Razoric said:
You say this with nothing to back you up but ok...

So are you saying corperations should not have the right to drop people they hired to represent their company after they say something that could potentially hurt their profit margin?

They should, I just think they should also know what they're getting into before hand. Whoopi had always done wacky things that pissed people off (remember when she had Ted Danson dress in black face) and she's always been against Bush. So right there you know not to hire her because there's a chance she's going t do something bad. This isn't like the Kobe issue where you had no idea or no indication that he'd cheat on his wife and be accused of raping a girl (McDonalds dropped him from their campaign shortly after).


SolidSnakex said:
They should, I just think they should also know what they're getting into before hand. Whoopi had always done wacky things that pissed people off (remember when she had Ted Danson dress in black face) and she's always been against Bush. So right there you know not to hire her because there's a chance she's going t do something bad. This isn't like the Kobe issue where you had no idea or no indication that he'd cheat on his wife and be accused of raping a girl (McDonalds dropped him from their campaign shortly after).

I agree with you there. They should have known what they were getting into.


Yeah seriously, if they didn't want a childish idiot representing them, why did they hire Whoopi to begin with?


Online Ho Champ
what is the big mystery here? She was a spokesperson and slimfast felt she went too far and thats NOT the image they want promoting their product. How could any of you think this is political? Its MONEY fuck who you vote for , if you piss off potential customers by standing behind a spokepersons comments that some may find offensive/vulgar you lose MONEY. Learn to follow the MONEY. If I were the spokes person for a product and then all of a sudden got loaded and went to a political function and started talkin like andrew dice clay I would expect to lose my endorsement too shit. Why? cause bad news travels fast, mature jokes are ok for an event where people are paying to see YOU yeah but if your a guest speaker use your fucking brain and know the limits.


DonasaurusRex said:
what is the big mystery here? She was a spokesperson and slimfast felt she went too far and thats NOT the image they want promoting their product. How could any of you think this is political? Its MONEY fuck who you vote for , if you piss off potential customers by standing behind a spokepersons comments that some may find offensive/vulgar you lose MONEY. Learn to follow the MONEY. If I were the spokes person for a product and then all of a sudden got loaded and went to a political function and started talkin like andrew dice clay I would expect to lose my endorsement too shit. Why? cause bad news travels fast, mature jokes are ok for an event where people are paying to see YOU yeah but if your a guest speaker use your fucking brain and know the limits.

I'm sorry, but have you actually seen any of Whoopi's stand-up material? These jokes sound pretty tame, relatively speaking. Again, unless they only watched her in Star Trek before hiring her, they were stupid if they expected no lewd jokes out of her.

Also, she wasn't the only comedian and it sounds like "people paying to see her/them" is EXACTLY what this is. It was a democrat party and they had several comedians on stage to give democrat-tuned comedy.


Online Ho Champ
Tame or not its up to slim fast isnt it , because they cut the checks. Im not saying she was over the line im saying slim fast thought she was and so end of story, they wont risk alienating customers.
JC10001 said:
Take the whole Dixie Chicks fiasco for instance. The Dixie Chicks made a bad comment about Bush and what happened? People in the white house found out about it so they contacted all their little chronies to stir shit up (including good old O'Reily). The next thing you know you've got O'Reily and a bunch of other douche bags accusing the Dixie Chicks of treason and God knows what else. They also encouraged a boycot of their records. The next thing you know their record sales plummet. This in turn sends a msg: "Don't speak out against the administration or you will be punished."


A business can fire you for whatever the fuck they want if it hurts or is possible of hurting the business, it doesnt matter who you are.

If I walk into work tomorrow naked and start waving my piece in front of the customers, when I get fired will you guys be there to defend me?
"Then Limbaugh publically denounced all black people as being stupid. That's free speech, right?"

Being racist > making a joke. Like I said you expect Whoopi to do stuff like this, she always has. So you should do research on someone past before hiring them to promote your product. I think most people even know about what Whoopi's done and how it's been extremely controversial. So if they were fine with that this shouldn't matter. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the right to fire who they want, but how are you going to fire them for doing what they've always done?


I can just imagine O Reilly or Rush's reaction if some company did this to someone for a conservative comment, "The liberals in this country! They are takin away our free speach!". But when something like this happens, it's a case of, "ha, stupid commie"

Uh, O'Reilly and Rush make a living out of political commentary. That's what their shows are about. That's what they are expected to say. Slimfast takes a look at the tastless jokes of their spokesperson and says, "This won't fly." There's nothing wrong with this picture. Slimfast doesn't want anything to do with a person who bashes the president like Whoopi does.
Well, maybe they didn't realize how her jokes could potentially effect their sales. When they did realize that it could have a negative effect on their image, they decided the best solution was terminating Whoopi's contract. Anyways, I'm sure Whoopi was not financially hurt by the company's decision.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm not saying they shouldn't have the right to fire who they want, but how are you going to fire them for doing what they've always done?

By that logic, Whoopi could just badmouth Slimfast themselves and Slimfast would have to sit and take it since, you know, that's just her thing. You fuck w/ my money, you're outta here. And nothing's more American than that.
bob_arctor said:
By that logic, Whoopi could just badmouth Slimfast themselves and Slimfast would have to sit and take it since, you know, that's just her thing. You fuck w/ my money, you're outta here. And nothing's more American than that.

My point was that she's always been ripping Bush. The reason it's such a big deal is because of how hyper sensitive people are now. It's really all come from that Janet thing, you really can't say or do anything without being knocked down in some kind of way.
I don't see how bashing bush = loss in sales. Fuck I don't see how having whoppi as a spokeperson INCREASES sales. Shit, I don't know how slim fast is making money off that bullshit.


bob_arctor said:
By that logic, Whoopi could just badmouth Slimfast themselves and Slimfast would have to sit and take it since, you know, that's just her thing. You fuck w/ my money, you're outta here. And nothing's more American than that.

I think what SSX means is that they should've known Whoopi was controversial. They were either totally nieve about her past or they have been affected by the recent surge in hypersensitivty over political opinion. No one's saying that it wasn't in their right, we're just questioning their motive this late in the game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Che said:
Yeah yeah of course it all makes sense now. And Rome was a free country. You were free to call Ceasar an idiot, and his executioner was free to cut your head off. Everybody were free. Hooray!

Ah, so you are saying that Whoopi deserves freedom...but Slim-Fast does not have that right?


Oh well, at least they didn't murder thousands of animals for "public image". They simply fired one person...


Cyan said:
Wow. Whoopi was arrested and executed? Well, its about time.

Let me put this in a way your small mind might comprehend.

Let's say that Slimfast hired, say, Rush Limbaugh to be a "spokesperson" in their ads. Then Limbaugh publically denounced all black people as being stupid. That's free speech, right? So Slimfast shouldn't be allowed to fire him for that, despite the fact that it would set off massive boycotts, right? I mean, they hired him, now they're stuck losing the money and tarnishing their image.

Free speech. That means we're free to say shit about politicians, and the politicians can't do anything about it. If Caesar was free to cut your head off, then Rome didn't have free speech, did it? I'm going to let you in on a little secret here:
Slimfast is not a branch of the government.

Oh for crying out loud don't you have a sense of humor left in your body? Anyway if for any reason anyone gets fired in any country for they political beliefs and the goverment has something -anything- to do with it then that country's goverment is surely not democratic. And slimfast is not a branch of the goverment by it surely was affected by it. Comprendere?

PS. Your example sucked.


dark10x said:
Ah, so you are saying that Whoopi deserves freedom...but Slim-Fast does not have that right?


Oh well, at least they didn't murder thousands of animals for "public image". They simply fired one person...

huh? what? why?


Anyway if for any reason anyone gets fired in any country for they political beliefs and the goverment has something -anything- to do with it then that country's goverment is surely not democratic.

The government had nothing to do with this, Slimfast(Major Demo party donors) got complaints from its customers. They spoke out about whoopi's remarks, and she got fired for it because slimfast did not want its image tarnished.


Oh for crying out loud don't you have a sense of humor left in your body? Anyway if for any reason anyone gets fired in any country for they political beliefs and the goverment has something -anything- to do with it then that country's goverment is surely not democratic. And slimfast is not a branch of the goverment by it surely was affected by it. Comprendere?

People get fired for political incorrectness all of the time. It's not like this is an isolated incident. Anytime your spokesperson is putting hte company at risk, it's time to get a new one. It's common business sense.


Ripclawe said:
The government had nothing to do with this, Slimfast(Major Demo party donors) got complaints from its customers. They spoke out about whoopi's remarks, and she got fired for it because slimfast did not want its image tarnished.

Read the rest of my post.


Ripclawe said:
The government had nothing to do with this, Slimfast(Major Demo party donors) got complaints from its customers. They spoke out about whoopi's remarks, and she got fired for it because slimfast did not want its image tarnished.

BS they got calls from Republicans pissed that she said some bad things about Bush. The same thing O'Rielly (sp) did with Ludicris and Pepsi. Had he not whiped his crowd into a frenzy and got them to bombard Pepsi with hate mail then nothing would have happened.


dark10x said:
Ah, not keeping up with local (Greek) news eh?

When will you pay attention to what I'm saying? Like I said I and many others hate these bastard politicians. I'm personally dissapointed that no country has done something to prevent these disgusting assholes from killing all these animals (like embargo Olympic games for this or something like that). And unlike your media, there's a media outcry against them here for this matter. Like I said in previous posts when something wrong is happening we will not hesitate to oppose them. You're welcome to boycott bash bomb us (I was kidding about the bomb thing... OK?) till these heartless idiots change their minds (if they have any). So trying to turn this against me was a huge -may I say- failure.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So trying to turn this against me was a huge -may I say- failure.

Oh, but it wasn't...

If this was occuring here, guess what? There would be a HUGE outcry...but the problem is that the larger media outlets would likely ignore most of it. That's the problem. YOU don't know what's actually happening because your only source of information is media based. ;)

Now, what you don't realize is that these things can still be covered by smaller media groups that you'll never see. The US is a VERY big geographic area, I'm afraid. Unlike Greece, national news and local news can vary EXTREMELY heavily.

Of course, how do I know what's REALLY going on in Greece? I just read things on the internet, but I have no first hand experience (just like you when it comes to issues over here). How do you really know what's going on? What do you rely on? Media?


Jesus Christ. Seems like the WHOLE entertainment business hates Bush with a passion, let alone Republicans.


It's sad cuz I want Bush to lose the election not so much cuz his whole crew are assholes (which I agree they completely are) but so ppl can quite whining about him. Please vote Kerry so everyone can shut the fuck up! *crosses fingers that Ketchup swilling horseface wins in landslide*


bob_arctor said:
It's sad cuz I want Bush to lose the election not so much cuz his whole crew are assholes (which I agree they completely are) but so ppl can quite whining about him. Please vote Kerry so everyone can shut the fuck up! *crosses fingers that Ketchup swilling horseface wins in landslide*

IAWTP X 100%

I've been saying this to everyone.

I don't hate Bush but I want him out of office so this fucking angry mob goes away.
bob_arctor said:
It's sad cuz I want Bush to lose the election not so much cuz his whole crew are assholes (which I agree they completely are) but so ppl can quite whining about him. Please vote Kerry so everyone can shut the fuck up! *crosses fingers that Ketchup swilling horseface wins in landslide*

That Ketchup wasn't all that bad when it was topping those GOP freedom fries.


Take the whole Dixie Chicks fiasco for instance. The Dixie Chicks made a bad comment about Bush and what happened? People in the white house found out about it so they contacted all their little chronies to stir shit up (including good old O'Reily). The next thing you know you've got O'Reily and a bunch of other douche bags accusing the Dixie Chicks of treason and God knows what else. They also encouraged a boycot of their records. The next thing you know their record sales plummet. This in turn sends a msg: "Don't speak out against the administration or you will be punished."
This has got to be the stupidest thread I've read in a long time.

DJ Sl4m

Serves her right, shes's a celebrity made popular by being a likeable personality, not a politician.

I think it's funny how these celebritys think they have to take a stand and show the world thier oppinions on politics, when in reality thier opinion means shit.

If the ones who speak out are dumb enough to split thier fansbase in half, I say go ahead, serves em right for being a loudmouth and pushing thier opinions.

Let the politicians sling the mud, no need for actors and actresses to ruin thier career over stuff like this in the middle of thier career, this is an extremely dumb career move.
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