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Why did Cyclops aka Scott summers get done dirty in the og trilogy?

He's supposed to be the leader of the X-Men yet barely gets any screen time and when he does, ends up being a jobber.

X men 1. Does nothing but bitch and get cucked. Takes a cum shot at the end that mildly help the team.

X men 2 pushes an old man around in a wheel chair, then gets beat up and then disappeared for the rest of the movie.

X-Men 3 gets killed within 5 minutes of the film.
I always thought Marsden would have been better cast as Wolverine as they're both on the smaller side. Jackman should have played Cyclops or another character instead.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I got the impression that Singer didn't care for the character much, and neither did the (co)writers of any of the other films.

My take: many people don't seem to "get" Scott, Singer included. He's not a dick full stop, he's rather ultra protective of those under his wing (aside from Logan of course) to a fault, and he takes his leadership duties comically seriously - which were given to him by Xavier, a man whom he admires - or at least used to - a great deal.

Edit: Yea, Scott Summers is basically Captain America without the filters, as others have hinted at. Probably a more realistic take on what an individual with such power and responsibility would look like.
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He’s had some great development in the comics. Yeah, the MCU definitely needs to give characters like him and Storm more time to shine as opposed to being the Wolverine show again.


It happens because of Wolverine.

Wolverine usually has a sting attitude against him(leadership and sharing the same love interest). Which is actually balanced on the animated series. But as the year passes, they made use of him to push Wolverine as the badass and awesome character above the x-men. It's in some way similar of what Sonic do nowadays, make their allies smaller(like making them stupid, helpless, etc) in order to make him the spotlight.

Thats where I simply gave up X-men and it's constant use and ball suck of Wolverine. Nothing against him, I like him. But only when he is a part of x-men, not the leader and not above them. Now everything resolves around him.
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Ironically wolverine was the ultimate jobber in the animated series.
This is something i never realised until i went back a few months ago and saw a couple of episodes from the animated series and oh boy is he the biggest jobber in the show.I understand why since it's a kid show and they don't show blood so he's only ever worth something when he's fighting robots/sentinels but you have to wonder how they turned him into the star of the films coming after the animated series.I also don't understand now WHY I liked him so much as a kid based on the show.He's an incredible character when he's in his element doing what he does best but since what he does isnt very nice a kid show will always limit him.


I got the impression that Singer didn't care for the character much, and neither did the (co)writers of any of the other films.

My take: many people don't seem to "get" Scott, Singer included. He's not a dick full stop, he's rather ultra protective of those under his wing (aside from Logan of course) to a fault, and he takes his leadership duties comically seriously - which were given to him by Xavier, a man whom he admires - or at least used to - a great deal.
You're probably not too far off. My guess is it would have less to do with liking him than that model of Cyclops getting in the way of Professor X.

Gotta remember, in the Byrne and Austin generation, Prof X wasn't really in the frames that often -- the X-men were. But with an actor like Patrick Stewart, especially playing against Ian McKellen, they brought Stewart to the forefront of the movies. He was more of an Optimus Prime character, rather than an important but more background character. And look at the actor they chose to play Cyclops -- at the time a relative nobody.

It's like mixing music, I'm sure. Though both the bass and drums might offer great performances, you gotta compress that bass drum or bass guitar (or both), or one's gonna clobber the other in the mix.


Gold Member
Singer probably saw the cartoons, which effectively make you hate Cyclops if you're even the slightest of Wolverine fan.


Ironically wolverine was the ultimate jobber in the animated series.
Still took no shit from Cyclops.





It's hard to give equal attention to an ensemble cast, and let's face it, Wolverine would put cheeks in the seats. There was inherent competition between Cyclops and Wolvie, of course they're going to side with Wolverine.


The writers probably thought he was a stiff and uninteresting character. And I bet the writers realized that's actually really convenient since Cyclops can be the unsympathetic straight man who lays down lots of rules for Wolverine to then rebel against.

Also in the third movie I think the actor wasn't available. If I recall correctly he was off acting in Superman Returns so he stopped by just long enough to be killed off since that was preferable than him just being absent.


Gold Member
Just be glad we got Captain America as an honest, good hearted, unironically NICE guy.

We can't have more than 1 of those role models in a generation....


Parody of actual AJUMP23
They didn’t even know Colossus existed. So feel great fil you got some action from eye boy.


They didn’t even know Colossus existed. So feel great fil you got some action from eye boy.

He got fairly redeemed in the Deadpool movies. Particularly it was great to see him and Juggernaut (one that doesn’t look like a joke unlike the one in X3) finally duke it out.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Cuz Cyclops is lame and generic. Goody two-shoes sidekick material at best. Wolverine resonates more with the audience cuz he’s easier to identify with while also being more fun to watch on screen. The Xmen movies have a ton of flaws but shoving Cyclops out of the spotlight is not one of them. Professor X and even Storm fill the leader role better.


Cuz Cyclops is lame and generic. Goody two-shoes sidekick material at best.

Tell me you don’t read the comics without telling me you don’t read the comics.



He’s defeated Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, and his entire own team being mind controlled. By all means, please underestimate Mr. Scott Summers and what he’s capable of and willing to do to get shit done. Villains do, and it’s often the last mistake they ever made.

Goody two shoes? The Cyclops of the last two decades is laughing his ass off at such a label.
Tell me you don’t read the comics without telling me you don’t read the comics.



He’s defeated Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, and his entire own team being mind controlled. By all means, please underestimate Mr. Scott Summers and what he’s capable of and willing to do to get shit done. Villains do, and it’s often the last mistake they ever made.

Goody two shoes? The Cyclops of the last two decades is laughing his ass off at such a label.
How did he control his beam?


How did he control his beam?

I admit I forget that detail, it’s been like well over a decade since I read these. I remember basically Scott seemingly sacrifices himself because he knows the Breakworld enemies will revive him to get info they need. Also, at this point Scott had seemingly been depowered hence why the bad guy is just casually in his face.

Upon being yelled at on what other lies he has told, Scott smiles and reveals his powers have been back for some time, instantly kills the guy, and blasts his beacon to the sky while Emma psychically links him with all the X-men so Scott can deliver Xavier’s iconic rallying cry: “to me, my X-men.”

He also just simply uses a gun when he’s seemingly de powered. Simple, but gets the job done sometimes.



Gold Member
Cyclops power is lame for an action movie lead so they focused on Wolverine because Wolverine is a brawler and brawling equals action. But they still tried to push Cyclops as the leader of the team and it didn't work because he was gimped and overshadowed by Wolverine. Fox did a pretty lousy job with all of their X-Men movies.

I feel like this phase of the MCU would have been better if it had focused on mutants instead of the Avengers' b-team. They could still have gotten to Kang and Secret Wars if that's really where they wanted to go.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Cyclops power is lame for an action movie lead

I think rather no one has realized how destructive and certain he is, for film anyways.

He can level the power of the sun in literally the blink of an eye, and he does so to insure his fellow mutants can live in his absence. Scott Summers is one of the most dramatically terrifying heroes in Marvel's fiction IMO. Given the chance he will make Xavier's dream true.
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Cuz Cyclops is lame and generic. Goody two-shoes sidekick material at best. Wolverine resonates more with the audience cuz he’s easier to identify with while also being more fun to watch on screen.
If only ‘Wolverine and the X-men’ was the first animated series to come out with the cast instead of the 90s show and if only it lasted more than the few seasons it did. People would have a much different take on Cyclops and the many other X-men members who were deemed useless in the original 90s show.

I consider WatX to be the Spectacular Spider-Man of X-men adaptations. Writing that was too good for us to deserve and thus it was axed just the same.


Tell me you don’t read the comics without telling me you don’t read the comics.



He’s defeated Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, and his entire own team being mind controlled. By all means, please underestimate Mr. Scott Summers and what he’s capable of and willing to do to get shit done. Villains do, and it’s often the last mistake they ever made.

Goody two shoes? The Cyclops of the last two decades is laughing his ass off at such a label.
Well, he WAS pretty lame and generic. He's done a lot of shitty things since then though, but I think the entire main cast is covered in blood by now, except maybe Jean(altho I think she racked up a kill count as Phoenix but not sure)?

I think Beast and Xavier are still shittier persons, but Cyclops did graduate from lame and generic, to somewhat of a badass, to 'any means necessary' guy.

Also, I think some of those panels are Ultimate Cyclops, so not mainline Cyclops, but I'm not sure.


Well, he WAS pretty lame and generic. He's done a lot of shitty things since then though, but I think the entire main cast is covered in blood by now, except maybe Jean(altho I think she racked up a kill count as Phoenix but not sure)?

I think Beast and Xavier are still shittier persons, but Cyclops did graduate from lame and generic, to somewhat of a badass, to 'any means necessary' guy.

Also, I think some of those panels are Ultimate Cyclops, so not mainline Cyclops, but I'm not sure.

The one with him killing Magneto I believe is Ultimate, Jean‘s clothes are her Ultimate continuity IIRC.

I’d still say Scott had some good characterization even in the Chris Claremont run of Dark Phoenix and such, but yeah he definitely got more complex as the years went on. Can’t really blame him for some of his actions, I mean at some point humanity’s treatment of mutants would wear anyone down, hell he even calls out The Avengers for failing to do much to protect mutants at times, and they don’t exactly disagree with him.

Beast, shitty? I know Xavier was revealed to have a few skeletons in his closet, but I must have not read anything where Hank did anything morally shaky.


The one with him killing Magneto I believe is Ultimate, Jean‘s clothes are her Ultimate continuity IIRC.

I’d still say Scott had some good characterization even in the Chris Claremont run of Dark Phoenix and such, but yeah he definitely got more complex as the years went on. Can’t really blame him for some of his actions, I mean at some point humanity’s treatment of mutants would wear anyone down, hell he even calls out The Avengers for failing to do much to protect mutants at times, and they don’t exactly disagree with him.

Beast, shitty? I know Xavier was revealed to have a few skeletons in his closet, but I must have not read anything where Hank did anything morally shaky.
He's been doing morally dubious things for a while now, even Dark Beast surmised that there wasn't much difference between them and that Beast was heading down his path anyway.

As for recent events:


If only ‘Wolverine and the X-men’ was the first animated series to come out with the cast instead of the 90s show and if only it lasted more than the few seasons it did. People would have a much different take on Cyclops and the many other X-men members who were deemed useless in the original 90s show.

I consider WatX to be the Spectacular Spider-Man of X-men adaptations. Writing that was too good for us to deserve and thus it was axed just the same.

Damn, that’s high praise. I never got into WatX, but I do remember the first version of its trailer was awesome. But the dumbasses who made it didn’t stop and think they might need permission to use a Foo Fighters song (latter half of the trailer plays “Best of You”) so they had to officially take it down.

Thankfully someone else reuploaded it:

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