Going to be a bit blunt here, but sometimes dreams are just dreams and there is no meaning to it. It is just the subconscious putting a random assortment of information together that feigns coherence, like it is reality.
However, sometimes dreams do have some meanings (I'm not talking supernatural here, as supernatural dreams seem like bs). Sometimes, your psyche tries to tell you something you may know subconciously but not conciously.
I remember right after my Dad died, I always dreamed of him. He was alive and well, but when I woke up I felt so sad. My waking mind was always so confused, how can he both be here and not be here? My grief was affecting the way I dreamed. I don't remember much about my dreams, but I remember being surprised when I saw him and he was almost always the center of the dream. I also remember one where I could time travel to be with him again and try to stop his death.
Is something different in your life or are you experiencing trauma?