Yeah that is the one thing about xbox controllers that I never liked. I got used to the asymmetrical design as i did with the switch, but it is missing a ton of features compared to the dual sense and even the joycons.
- One I miss the touch pad. I know people bitch about that (mostly xbox only players and fanboys did), but it was so useful as it not only works as a mouse pad it also works as multiple button array. left for map right for inventory. Or you want a radial, can do, its programable by the devs.
- Haptic rumble, its just another level above.
- Pressure sensitive triggers, fun. I get that multiplayer fps players don't like them but they can be switched off, I like them as i don't play mp games and value immersion.
- Colored lights- Some again mostly xbox only owners and fanboys bitch about this, and yeah ps4's were at first very bright, but it has been fixed with settings and a more subdued lights on the ps5 controller.
There is great immersion with this. People take it for granted but damn GTA those red and blue rotate or when you are getting shot at and bleeding the controller lights turn red. You get it in your peripheral vision, again adds immersion.
- Six Axis gyro controls - I love this option but it isn't implemented enough. For switch its so great being able to fine tune headshots with gyro aiming, or puzzle games that can use it
As someone who loves immersion, loves rumble, loves haptics lighting, the xbox controller is a step down.
The pluses for xbox controller:
- Removable batteries. As I have usless ds3(ps3 controllers) that don't work as the batteries are shot. I shouldn't have to disasmble it to replace with a after market battery.
Xbox solves this. Although they really should ship with removable rechargable battery packs. Otherwise a $13 purchase on amazon will get you two recharge paks.
Also Xbox controllers don't die from battery as quick.
- Cheaper - the standard black one is $59.99 in the states, any other colored or special options are the same cost as dual sense ps5 controllers $74.99 Which is overpriced considering what is in the dual sense.
Xbox really flaked out on the controller, its almost identical to the XB1 which was close to the 360.
Why Microsoft didn't get shit for it unfortunately so expect them to continue the trend of zero innovation in the controller. Too many shooter fans are "its good enough, I don't use those features anyway".