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Why do people care about movie sales figures? Please explain!

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I'll start this off by quoting a post I saw in the "Official I,Robot Thread".

Grizzlyjin said:
Crap, I've been OWN3D. I planned on seeing it with a few friends for Friday, but I didn't expect it to get good reviews. I don't really want to see it right now though...I don't want this movie to beat Spider-Man 2, I sure hope Spidey is on top this weekend. I know its unlikely, but I pray.

This is something that I've oft noticed in the OT. Is it the OT's response to the gaming-forums "sales-age" running joke, or do you people actually care whether or not others are getting rich...? I could understand if the movie houses were lacing your pockets with money when their movies do well, but that certainly isn't the case to my knowledge...And it's not like the sequel to Spiderman depends on how the movie performs against I,Robot. It's a guarantee that there will be a sequel.



Because no matter what, Spider-Man 2 HAS to make the most money in 2004. It HAS to. This is how it was meant to be.


Hollywood Square
I hope Spider-Man 2 beats I, Robot too. The more money it makes means the closer we are to the sixth and final SPIDER-MAN installment -- THE SINISTER SIX.

nomoment said:
Because no matter what, Spider-Man 2 HAS to make the most money in 2004. It HAS to. This is how it was meant to be.

Nope. Looks like Shrek 2, unfortunately, will be the money king. Damn you, you ogre!


How much money a movie makes is a way to measure how good it is. It kinda puts things into perspective.


Hang out with Steve.
For me, it's not so much about whether a certain studio makes money or not. Sometimes I root for a movie made by someone I admire or starring someone I admire, or I root against a movie that has an association with someone I do not.

But mostly I've found myself inexplicably fascinated with how movies perform, especially against other movies. I'm addicted to boxofficemojo.com. I love seeing the day-to-day comparisons, theater counts, up & down trends, etc. And I can't for the life of me explain why. :D


7imz said:
How much money a movie makes is a way to measure how good it is. It kinda puts things into perspective.

No it isn't. That's like saying a game like PoP or VJ sucks because it didn't sell what GTA3 did.
SteveMeister said:
For me, it's not so much about whether a certain studio makes money or not. Sometimes I root for a movie made by someone I admire or starring someone I admire, or I root against a movie that has an association with someone I do not.

But mostly I've found myself inexplicably fascinated with how movies perform, especially against other movies. I'm addicted to boxofficemojo.com. I love seeing the day-to-day comparisons, theater counts, up & down trends, etc. And I can't for the life of me explain why. :D

Fair enough, lol... I just didn't know if you guys knew something I didn't.... Or if they were secretly paying you!


7imz said:
How much money a movie makes is a way to measure how good it is. It kinda puts things into perspective.

No, its only a measure of how many people have seen it. People have to spend their money before they can draw an opinion on the move as such your hypothesis is without base.


I'm not saying that if a movie makes money it's good and if not it's bad, BUT people tend to measure things by how much money they make


7imz said:
I'm not saying that if a movie makes money it's good and if not it's bad, BUT people tend to measure things by their how much money they make

hence the saying... 'lies, damn lies, and statistics' :D


JeffDowns said:
I'll start this off by quoting a post I saw in the "Official I,Robot Thread".

This is something that I've oft noticed in the OT. Is it the OT's response to the gaming-forums "sales-age" running joke, or do you people actually care whether or not others are getting rich...? I could understand if the movie houses were lacing your pockets with money when their movies do well, but that certainly isn't the case to my knowledge...And it's not like the sequel to Spiderman depends on how the movie performs against I,Robot. It's a guarantee that there will be a sequel.


Just like how people actually care about how many products that multi-billion dollar corporations sell, they also care about and root for or against films made by other multi-billion dollar corporations. It's like rooting for your favorite sports team, but no matter who wins, we all lose (usually).
Success at the BO generally means that a sequel or follow up will be in the works. Because so many people like Spiderman they are excited that it makes money so they can see more of it in the future! It is also the competitive thing too. People like to see things they like get in the lead. While I wasn't a big fan of Riddick I would have liked to see it make a bit more money as I would like to see another Riddick movie made.


Willco said:
Spider-Man 2 needs more money!

SOLD! I'm going to see it again in the next couple of weeks...probably catch a matinee this time around.

I just watch movie sales figures because I like seeing bad movies bomb.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
People are insecure and require the masses to somehow voice their approval on the person's tastes.

I follow the box office pretty closely, but I really don't care. I have nothing vested in a film's performance. If I like a film, I'd love to see it at least be profitable. If I dislike a film, I don't really care much, as studios can pump out as much crap as they want as long as I'm still getting some good stuff.


I didn't like the fact that Sony's Spiderman beat Attack of the Clones back in '02 (and I already hated Sony for their lewd actions with Nintendo, misleading them and attempting to use them as a 2nd party for their CD technology), so yeah, so kinds of things factor into caring about box-office sales...

Of course, I was intrigued by this stuff since like 8th or 9th grade in HS (I'm entering my senior year of college now, though I'm really behind on my degree), and I subscribed to Entertainment Weekly to track all this stuff (I was also really into TV Nielson ratings, NPD TRSTS videogame figures, and Billboard Record/Music CD sales)...

I rooted for NBC, Friends, Seinfeld, Spice Girls, Jewel, etc...

I'm glad Spidey 2 will fall to Shrek 2 for the year's #1 movie...

way more

Yeah it's wierd. 15 years ago nobody gave a shit how much money a movie made. Then in the mid 90's they started printing the B.O. totals in the entertainment section and now everyone thinks they're a damn Hollywood insider.


The truth:

Your movie ticket is your vote.
Every year the studios look at the way that people voted and make more movies like that.

If people vote for crap movies, we get more crap movies.
If people don't vote for good movies. Good movies disappear.

If you love movies, how much they make IS important.


If a movie you like flops in B.O. then you're less likely to see movies of that kind (that you like) being made in the future. Conversely, if shit movies keep getting good B.O. then chances are that you'll see a lot more shit movies in the future, especially when they love sequels so much.


What is this American obsession with Spiderman? The first Spiderman made over 400 Million in that country and the second one is well on the way to similar box office takings yet it seems the rest of the world couldn't give fucks about it. I’m interested to know why this is the case?


I have a question for someone that's in to the movie market. How did following movies do in form of sales:

The Hulk
Terminator 3
Passion of The Christ

Thanks. I don't need exact numbers just how well/bad they did.


GAF's Bob Woodward
xabre said:
What is this American obsession with Spiderman? The first Spiderman made over 400 Million in that country and the second one is well on the way to similar box office takings yet it seems the rest of the world couldn't give fucks about it. I’m interested to know why this is the case?

that's not true - I'm not in america, and people here (that I know of, at least) are hyped to see it.


I don't really care how much a movie ends up with, but it is fun to make predictions and see how close you get.


If a movie underperforms during its first week (depending on # screens and marketing and other stuff) there probably won't be any sequels made, and it may or may not kill lead actors' careers (Stallone anyone?). Movies that destroy all box office records set the stage for what movies are going to be made in the future. The overwhelming international success of fantasy novels like LotR and comic flicks Spiderman is the reason why we're getting stuff like Chronicles of Narnia, more comic flicks, as well as series of films produced back-to-back. If Sky Captain for instance manages to make $300 million in ticket sales and becomes America's favorite movie, you can bet we'll see more crazy '99% cg' movies like that in the coming years. That's just how things seem to work.

It's just micromanaging BS for movie fans really.


Hang out with Steve.
xabre said:
What is this American obsession with Spiderman? The first Spiderman made over 400 Million in that country and the second one is well on the way to similar box office takings yet it seems the rest of the world couldn't give fucks about it. I’m interested to know why this is the case?

Part of it is that so many people in the US grew up reading the Spider-Man comics, watching Spider-Man cartoons, etc. It's largely a nostalgia thing. Plus, Spider-Man's one cool superhero.

Anyway, the first movie made a bit more worldwide than it did in the US: $418M overseas, $403M in the US. So I wouldn't say the rest of the world didn't care about it at all.


Deepthroat said:
I have a question for someone that's in to the movie market. How did following movies do in form of sales:

The Hulk
Terminator 3
Passion of The Christ

Thanks. I don't need exact numbers just how well/bad they did.

They all did great, but The Passion did spectacular (pretty much would be the box office story of the year if it wasn't for Shrek 2 surpassing it in gross)...

Troy did about $130 million, which is decent, but it really did well overseas...

Hulk and T3 did good, but of course studios were expecting a bit more from them...
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