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Why don't I care?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So often times I see people bashing games because they have "dreamcast graphics" or something, but I've never had this view of anything, really. I'll even go back and play some PS1 games and admire their graphics.

Not sure what it is, maybe I have played enough bad PS1/N64 games that I'm glad if something even works? Perhaps my constant switching between generations of systems had made me like graphics for different reasons than most? Maybe because I don't buy enough (and AAA only) new games to really become accustomed to better graphics?

I don't know, but is anyone else like me? I mean I can understand why a person would look at these newer X-Box games and think they're cool, but I don't understand why the best example of gaming is then the standard. Of course I'm not even sure how my personal standards for things are even judged.

Sound is kind of a different matter, if I go back and play games with muddy, stereo-only sounds it usually stands out to me. But then there are times I'll be able to forgive it, perahps if the sounds are kinda cool in some way. Like FFVII has a lot of neat sounds even though they are so old.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dice said:
So often times I see people bashing games because they have "dreamcast graphics" or something, but I've never had this view of anything, really. I'll even go back and play some PS1 games and admire their graphics.

Not sure what it is, maybe I have played enough bad PS1/N64 games that I'm glad if something even works? Perhaps my constant switching between generations of systems had made me like graphics for different reasons than most? Maybe because I don't buy enough (and AAA only) new games to really become accustomed to better graphics?

I don't know, but is anyone else like me? I mean I can understand why a person would look at these newer X-Box games and think they're cool, but I don't understand why the best example of gaming is then the standard. Of course I'm not even sure how my personal standards for things are even judged.

Sound is kind of a different matter, if I go back and play games with muddy, stereo-only sounds it usually stands out to me. But then there are times I'll be able to forgive it, perahps if the sounds are kinda cool in some way. Like FFVII has a lot of neat sounds even though they are so old.

I used to care more about this a few years ago, but nowadays visuals aren't as important. I do, however, still enjoy discussing technical aspects and my love for 60 fps is undying...however I really have no problems playing older games. On the flipside, I do believe that strong visuals really can aid a high quality game.
it all depends. if i play a ps2 game for 30 mins i usually forget how disgusting the graphics are. but going from xbox/ps2/gc down to psone/n64 is tough at first.

maybe you dont play many sports games, but those are the WORST offenders. play madden 2004 and then go back to madden '99 on psone and tell me it doesn't bug the shit out of you

evil ways

I still play No Mercy, Fire Pro D/Z, and Soul Blade from time to time, and even though it sometimes hits me how better visuals are today for the most part, I don't get turned off by outdated graphics.

Musashi Wins!

I don't care too much about it. I can be as impressed as the next gamer when I play something like Ninja Gaiden or Metroid Prime but it's really about how many elements come together. As the above posts say, it's really just a plus to an already good game. I play a lot of games that seem to get blah reviews in the graphics dept. and yet they do a lot of things right graphically for me and then I don't notice very much. The only thing that's hard to forgive is weird clipping or collision detection issues.


Musashi Wins! said:
I play a lot of games that seem to get blah reviews in the graphics dept. and yet they do a lot of things right graphically for me and then I don't notice very much. The only thing that's hard to forgive is weird clipping or collision detection issues.

I feel the same way. I couldn't believe when Megaman Network Transmission for Cube was bashed, in particular by IGN, for having graphics that "looked like Super Nintendo". What, just because it's a 2d sidescroller it's SNES all of the sudden? That game has some awesome animated backgrounds and sweet fluidly animating 3d cel-shaded characters that look totally great up close, not to mention some really nice particle effects at times.
To make a broad stereotype, I think reviewers don't give enough credit to style in visuals (see the whole Zelda: Wind Waker debate, or better yet, Jet Set Radio).

I'd also like to echo what you said about clipping and collision detection (although that's not always a graphics element at it's core), and tack on that I do care about framerate quite a bit. Not that it has to be 60, or even 30 all the time (although if games had a strict 30 or 60 fps rule, I would LOVE it)--I'd be much happier if it were just consistent. Consistently smooth motion is essential to what I find to be a great feeling of control.


I agree. Since the end of the horrid N64/PS era, I've been happy with the graphics in basically everything I've played or even seen.


As long as the gameplay is good, I really dont care what the graphics look like. Although I admit its really hard playing Psone games. The goggles, they do nothing!

Ranger X

It's just that you're not a graphic whore dude. Graphics are part of the whole and of course necessary but not completely determinant.
I find it a bit hard to return to the previous gen (PS1/N64) though. Takes me 10 to 30 minute to go back at the graphics.
Quite the same with 2D. Sometimes NES or older il though to go back but SNES i have no prob going back to it.

(oh and i prefer older video games music. They focused more in composition and catchy sounds --- no choice because poor sound quality. I guess there was some incredible melody and incredible tunes back then. Especially SNES/Genesis era.
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