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Why don't we have more physics based games like Psy Ops????

So, I played Psy Ops the mindgate conspiracy back in the day on ps2. Never got around to finishing it. Right now I started playing it again and jesus christ I realized we really don't have games like this anymore.
Keep in mind this game came out on the ps2 and it had insane physics and ragdoll effects. This was before half life 2 came out.
But, as I look at modern shooters, there seems to be a lack of physics in those games. Recently I finished Doom Eternal. While it is an awesome game, there's not much physics in the game. Everything is static, pretty much.
Imagine doom eternal but with destructible walls, insane environmental physics and shit. That would be so awesome.
Every game just seems to use havok physics and that applies to some basic barrel physics.
Why do devs don't focus on this more? Physics is so awesome when done properly, and I feel this is unexplored territory.
I'm just stunned with psi ops, that's a ps2 game and it has better physics then most modern games.
What do you think?
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Gold Member
I was playing Motorstorm Pacific Rift and the game felt better in terms of how the cars react to the road and each other, going through the environments, giant winding courses with insane views, 16 cars all at once doing their own thing, than any racing game I’ve played this gen. It’s kind of sad really. We’ve really taken a step back in a lot of ways.


Weak CPU in consoles. Everything got nuked after the PS4 and xbox one release. AMD renders physics on CPU front.
Is the SSD


This will reduce boot times and game loading times as well. Donnelly further went on to mention the following regarding how Control can take advantage of SSDs on PS5:

For something like Control that could translate to an even deeper destruction system, richer, more detailed worlds, and simple quality-of-life improvemen


I would think that such things were rather cutting edge at the time for the console space, and it probably either wore out its novelty, or is just expected.

There was a time where an automatic transmission on a car was something you had to pay a premium for.


imo it's more that it must be challenging to code and risky to sell so nobody do it...expect a little nintendo with botw

on same subject trying decor interactivity is depressing in most AAA
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ChatGPT 0.1
The last time I've seen it done in a game is Battlefront (force choke) to kill someone, visualizing Vader using the force on something like throwing a baseball is just weird to me.

I actually agree. 7th gen games like Red faction guerrilla and NeverDead really made me appreciate physics and realise how almost no modern games really utilize them anymore. Rockstar even used to incorporate Euphoria into their games once.


So, I played Psy Ops the mindgate conspiracy back in the day on ps2. Never got around to finishing it. Right now I started playing it again and jesus christ I realized we really don't have games like this anymore.
Keep in mind this game came out on the ps2 and it had insane physics and ragdoll effects. This was before half life 2 came out.
But, as I look at modern shooters, there seems to be a lack of physics in those games. Recently I finished Doom Eternal. While it is an awesome game, there's not much physics in the game. Everything is static, pretty much.
Imagine doom eternal but with destructible walls, insane environmental physics and shit. That would be so awesome.
Every game just seems to use havok physics and that applies to some basic barrel physics.
Why do devs don't focus on this more? Physics is so awesome when done properly, and I feel this is unexplored territory.
I'm just stunned with psi ops, that's a ps2 game and it has better physics then most modern games.
What do you think?
Probably because of this gens poor cpus, there was more physics games on 360 and ps3 than are out their today.
Ctrl+f: noita

Since there were no hits I'd wholeheartedly like to recommend Noita. It's a 2D rogue-lite game where you play as a wand-wearing spell-casting witch exploring the under and the overworld.

The pixels are big, but each one is physically simulated. Here's a quick example:

The wand crafting system is as deep and wide as the world itself. The spells that can be used with wands are versatile and imaginative.

I've played Noita for over 100 hours so far and have had tons and tons of fun with it. It's hard and brutal but so very much worth it. Being cautious is the key... and also the use of headphones!

Despite Early Access Noita is already a modern classic and praised by many, which can be seen on its Steam page, for example. Should be out of EA in September or October, according to the developers.

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Ctrl+f: noita

Since there were no hits I'd wholeheartedly like to recommend Noita. It's a 2D rogue-lite game where you play as a wand-wearing spell-casting witch exploring the under and the overworld. The pixels are big, but each one is physically simulated.

Here's a quick example:

The wand crafting system is as deep and wide as the world itself. The spells that can be used with wands are versatile and imaginative.

I've played Noita for over 100 hours so far and have had tons and tons of fun with it. It's hard and brutal but so very much worth it. Being cautious is the key... and also the use of headphones!

Despite Early Access Noita is already a modern classic and praised by many, which can be seen on its Steam page, for example. Should be out of EA in September or October, according to the developers.

It looks great but rogue elements kill it for me.


Probably because of this gens poor cpus, there was more physics games on 360 and ps3 than are out their today.
No, jaguar 8 core cpu is way faster than Xbox360 and ps3 cell cpu but still slow compared to modern cpus. They prioritise graphics instead of physic, you can offload some physic on GPU.

ps3 cell has only one real cpu core called PPE and it's very slow + has additional 6 active SPE cores for simple tasks.
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No, jaguar 8 core cpu is way faster than Xbox360 and ps3 cell cpu but still slow compared to modern cpus. They prioritise graphics instead of physic, you can offload some physic on GPU.

ps3 cell has only one real cpu core called PPE and it's very slow + has additional 6 active SPE cores for simple tasks.
It's faster then cell and xb360 cpu, but it's still shit, there's no question about that.
No, jaguar 8 core cpu is way faster than Xbox360 and ps3 cell cpu but still slow compared to modern cpus. They prioritise graphics instead of physic, you can offload some physic on GPU.

ps3 cell has only one real cpu core called PPE and it's very slow + has additional 6 active SPE cores for simple tasks.
They might be faster but in comparison to what they have to render its a big ask for jaguar cpus its not feasible to render uncharted 4 or god of war graphics and still have enough power to do complex physics, whilr its easier for a 360 to render battlefield bad company and still have enough power for physics


Gold Member
psi-ops was low-key one of my favourite game of ps2 era.
even today there is no better or more satisfying use of telekinetic power during combat like that game.

control is somewhat close but doesn't have nearly the same total control of the power nor the sense of weight, everything in that game feel soo light.

i will literally kill a goldfish for a triple A sequel.
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Gold Member
I actually agree. 7th gen games like Red faction guerrilla and NeverDead really made me appreciate physics and realise how almost no modern games really utilize them anymore. Rockstar even used to incorporate Euphoria into their games once.


every modern rockstar hame has euphoria engine, from gta4 to rdr2.


electro, play noita on pc, that games has more physics than any game ever.
obviously the graphic is very simple.

How are graphics like this made? Some of the particle effects look pretty wild, sure it's "simple", but it makes me curious how they do some of that stuff, it's not frame by frame hand animated stuff is it?


Gold Member
How are graphics like this made? Some of the particle effects look pretty wild, sure it's "simple", but it makes me curious how they do some of that stuff, it's not frame by frame hand animated stuff is it?
every pixel is simulated, every single pixel on screen, character, materials etc, it's basically a giant physics engine made videogame.
and you have a shitload of different material that respect physics laws.
you can literally have one pixel stain of enemy blood on your cape...

it's an incredible achievement for people who like to play with major physics in games, you never ever gonna have 2 similar run.
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Second Sight is pretty cool if your looking for another PS2 game kind a similer to Psi Ops.

Human Fall Flat can be a funny little party, more of a physics puzzle game.


No, jaguar 8 core cpu is way faster than Xbox360 and ps3 cell cpu but still slow compared to modern cpus. They prioritise graphics instead of physic, you can offload some physic on GPU.

ps3 cell has only one real cpu core called PPE and it's very slow + has additional 6 active SPE cores for simple tasks.
PS3 cell actually has more raw computational power than jaguar.


PS3 cell actually has more raw computational power than jaguar.
Yes, but is severe bottlenecked by low amount of cache and in cpu real world tasks is slow as fck.
Cell was never designed for games, it was good in numer crunching tasks with simple code.
Cell doesn't have Out-of-order executions, it sucked compared to cpus even back from 2003-2004.
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I’ve been curious, and this seems like the right place to ask.

Is Control kind of a Psy-Ops spiritual successor? I get that vibe from seeing it in action over so many Digital Foundry Ray-Tracing pieces.

I would have to check it out if so.


Because it has never been about hardware but about design.

Physics feels fun until you realize that it produces shitload of bugs and players can use it to destroy game progress. This is why in Red Faction G you could destroy buildings but you couldn't destroy small rocks.
You can't program any cinematic when everything can be destroyed.

Then there are technical reasons. Pathfinding is one of the hardest thing to make and having destruction where you can destroy everything means that job is twice or triple as hard and you will never be able to make it bug free.


Gold Member
I’ve been curious, and this seems like the right place to ask.

Is Control kind of a Psy-Ops spiritual successor? I get that vibe from seeing it in action over so many Digital Foundry Ray-Tracing pieces.

I would have to check it out if so.
it kinda is, but the telekinetic gameplay is more simpler and with less control (pun intended) compared to psi-ops, also psi-ops had a more weighty feeling while playing with bodies and objects.
shooting part and mobility is vastly better in control tho.
I’ve been curious, and this seems like the right place to ask.

Is Control kind of a Psy-Ops spiritual successor? I get that vibe from seeing it in action over so many Digital Foundry Ray-Tracing pieces.

I would have to check it out if so.
It kinda is. Control is much more refined and, well, newer.
Psy ops is more simplistic but when you consider it came out on the ps2, it's impressive.
I highly recommend it.


Gold Member
It kinda is. Control is much more refined and, well, newer.
Psy ops is more simplistic but when you consider it came out on the ps2, it's impressive.
I highly recommend it.
the telekinetc power is more simpler in control tho.
in psi ops you can move freely the object with the analog stick, choosing the height etc. and you need to aim and push the analogue stick in the direction of an enemy, is far less automatized.
in control you press a button and pick an object and then lock on an enemy and press another button to hit them, very simple mechanics with almost zero skill or aim involved.
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Loved Psi-Ops.

People may want to check out Gemini: Heroes Reborn, a sort-of spiritual successor (and originally part of an intended episodic franchise loosely tied to the NBC Heroes show) that was made by some of the former Psi-Ops team. It's a couple bucks on Steam, also buyable still on Xbox One and PS4 for $15.

And I know this is an old bump-post, but a reply:

I would think that such things were rather cutting edge at the time for the console space, and it probably either wore out its novelty...

Even in the games themselves that were very physics-based, the "novelty" eventually had to give way to gameplay balance.

In both Psi-Ops and Star Wars: Force Unleased (my two favorite physics games), you're throwing people and stuff around all over the place for the first few levels, but then enemies start to get shields or armor that blocks your force (and I think also there was increasingly less stuff to throw around also, so that you can't just crush everybody easily when in a serious fight.) They would design special encounters around physics ("hey, there's a lot of barrels in this area... oh crap, a tank just rolled in, what am I - oh, I get it...", that kind of thing) but full levels with free physics can be a nightmare to design gameplay around, unless you are less concerned about gameplay balance and primarily just want to deliver the joy of futzing around (which is a bit why "physics playgrounds" have made a bit of a comeback in VR.)

That said, I still wish there were more games like Psi-Ops and Red Faction: Guerrilla. Fun finds its own form of balance.
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Man, I don't know why we don't, but I definitely wish we did. I've always been a big fan of ragdoll, and overall physics in games. Seeing Havok for the first time, Source, Euphoria, etc. It was always so exciting to me. Much like AI in games, I feel like we're at a point where physics aren't talked about as much as they once were at one point, and it's unfortunate. I'm really looking forward to a point where that changes.

I would always absolutely ADORE a new Psy Ops. That game was so much fun, and SO underrated.
(necro bump thread but I love Psi Ops)

Psi Ops was awesome and would love another one. Surfing around on a crate lid with your psi powers was a blast.

More games like Psi Ops or Control would be welcome. NOT in VR please.
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