You're clearly someone that is unable to construct coherent, rational arguments. I'm going to write out two examples of false association contained in this thread and you tell me if you can spot the similarity and why both of these arguments don't work...
People who don't date transgenders just happen to be transphobic.
Those so-called "normal people" you mention just happen to be leftists or radicals.
It's fascinating and sad that you probably don't even realize how much of a hypocrite you are by saying things like this. If you still don't understand... take this example that completely invalidates your blanket statement... I'm a leftist, and I don't believe people who don't date transgenders are transphobic.
On the contrary, it is you who've failed to comprehend my own
rational argument, i.e. transgender activism, attacking people who neither care for/nor support transgenders & (as per the current topic) even going so far as to guilt & shame heterosexuals into dating transgenders is absolutely behavior found within people who embrace a far leftist platform & those who partake in that sort of behavior are in fact (not exactly breaking news here) by & large SJW's pushing a highly radical, unnatural & disturbed platform.
Of course you can be a leftist & not label people as "transphobic", but those who do label anyone who refuses to date a transgender as a "transphobe" aren't exactly republicans are they? No, they're dwellers in a bastardized distorted variant of the civil rights movement with transgendrs the new "oppressed" on their victim scale.
But keep on throwing those "sad", "fascinating" etc. words around like you have a clue about anything other than your own little quest here to appear smart.
This kind of attitude of extremes is part of the goddamn problem with social interactions today. Everyone that has beliefs or politics you find objectionable is not some kind of inherently villainous individual. Good people can be misled into supporting questionable ideals, especially if you deliver to them within a moral framework. If you haven't learned that from 2020 by now, you never will.
We need to stop looking at people who feel and think differently from us as some kind of hideous other and try and make some kind of effort to come to terms with each other. It may not be possible in every situation, but at the very least it's a more promising venture than the constant vitriol.
Yes, because "social interactions" yesteryear would totally countenance the concept of shaming heterosexuals into having sex with transgenders? Nope, I didn't think so.
I don't treat mental illness as a perfectly acceptable platform upon which people can debate opposing views. It's sick stuff.