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Why the hell do we call them Bosses?

Teh Hamburglar said:
I would always say that I "beat" the game but my mom would always ask if I had "conquered" the game. roofles

Because she wanted you to be more assertive. She always thought you were a pussy.
I first heard the word "mini-bosses" when my aunt first told me about Metroid, I must have been around 8 since the game was released at that time. Since it was a whole new word, I misheard it as "mini-gossar" which is "mini-lads" in Swedish. Didn't make much sense to me then.
I think it started in Japan, as fen pointed out. Then it got translated over when Nintendo brought over the players' guides and such.
why not call them mid-level managers or something. i eman, they are only in charge of a level so it's not like they can make company wide decisions.....
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