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Wife has Cancer


Remission does exist, even in the hardest cases, despite what the best docs say. On stage 4 treatments, willpower does absolutely fucking work, so do NOT give up hope.

Savor each day, do the things you always wanted to do, and say what you've always wanted to say. When they finally depart us, they're gone forever. Have no regrets, man.


First off, I’m so sorry you have to both deal with this shit.

I’ve not been through it with spouse, but have with my sister and Dad. In terms of coping, you will do that. And I expect your wife will do too. My sis and dad seemed to cope better than the rest of the family despite being the ones who were ill and having treatment, But everybody did cope, I think perhaps in large part because it can feel so surreal being given news like that.

It’s important to have somebody to talk or vent to, so make sure you have access to somebody, or even post online somewhere could help. I would also echo what Juliotendo mentioned. Have time to maybe do something that your wife loves. What I mentioned above regarding dealing with it being quite surreal, that can tend to make the days blurry. But special moments won’t feel like that, they will feel special. So treat yourselves to some special times together.

I’m sorry man :messenger_heart:


You and your wife will be in my thoughts, I hope you get the support and love from those around you to make things better and give you both strength.


I’m really sorry op. Just keep your heads up and do your best to weather the treatment. Try to rally whatever support network might be available to you in family and friends. Wish you and your wife the best man. 😔


My complete heart is with you and your family.

I know people say thoughts and prayers are useless but I can promise I’ll send some extra love/prayer to your wife this weekend in church


Cancer sucks so much. My mom got two years ago but she's fine now after chemo. The quality of life and cure rates are increasing with each passing day so keep your hopes up. Hugs to you and your wife!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm sorry for you and especially your wife. How effective did they say that maintenance chemo is likely to be?


So sorry to hear that. You have my prayers! Don’t let them fool you with nonsense talk like that. I got a friend that have beaten cancer when they told him you won’t live for more than a year. He’s still alive and well. And yeah, 7 years passed since they told him you only have a year to live
I'm really sorry to hear this, OP. I wish your wife a full recovery and May Patience and perseverance be showered upon you both :messenger_heart: My thoughts and prayers to you and your Wife.
I don't really post very often, but I'm really sorry to hear this. I lost my fiancé a few years ago after her 6 year long battle with cancer, just a few months before our planned wedding. My mom also recently went through chemo and radiation for breast cancer.

Seeing your loved one suffer through the treatment, and the disease itself, is not something anybody should have to go through, and as mentioned above, it really does put things into perspective. Everything else really doesn't matter. Memories, relationships, and love. That's it.

You will have to be her rock, as hard as it is. Your positivity and hope is what will keep her wanting to fight in those moments where she doesn't want to anymore.

I wish the best for the both of you.
Kick it's arse!

Sad to hear the news, I'll be sending positive vibes your way my friend. It's a fight a lot of us will join at somepoint in our lives.
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Wife has cancer, and it will never go away. Maintenance chemotherapy rest of her life.

The purpose of this post is:

I am wondering who else has or is going through the same thing with their spouse.

Sorry to hear about this OP.
Not my wife but my mum had breast cancer when I was 18 in 2005 and then 10 years later she had bone marrow cancer for which there is no cure either.
She is doing alright at the moment but we never know when it's going to come back.
The treatment she did helped I guess, not like we can know in what state she would be without it.
Be there for her and try to enjoy whatever time you have together is all I can say, hopefully many many years still.


dlbeast dlbeast Sorry to hear, lost enough family members allready, it's tough.

All you can do is try to stay strong, but realize it's ok not to always be strong too, you'll focus more on the happy moments you get, so yes, finding someone to talk to can be a great help.


Very sorry to hear that. I don't know anyone close by who has/had Cancer. All I can say is that if you ever need to talk we all are here to listen or just send a PM to me anytime.


Fucking cancer. 😠

I lost my mom and stepdad to that shit both within the last 4 years. It's not the same as a spouse, so I won't pretend to know how you're feeling, but I will suggest this advice, and I do hope you take it:

Have her switch to a plant-based diet immediately. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and dark green leafy vegetables as much and as as often as she can tolerate them. Make smoothies out of it. 3 a day. Absolutely NO processed foods, and drop her sugar intake as much as humanly possible.

I'd bet handsomely that you see positive results within a year.

My very best wishes to you and her. ♥
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I don't really post very often, but I'm really sorry to hear this. I lost my fiancé a few years ago after her 6 year long battle with cancer, just a few months before our planned wedding. My mom also recently went through chemo and radiation for breast cancer.

Seeing your loved one suffer through the treatment, and the disease itself, is not something anybody should have to go through, and as mentioned above, it really does put things into perspective. Everything else really doesn't matter. Memories, relationships, and love. That's it.

You will have to be her rock, as hard as it is. Your positivity and hope is what will keep her wanting to fight in those moments where she doesn't want to anymore.

I wish the best for the both of you.
How did you manage it? How did u do your job at work, and go home and be the "rock". Did u ever just feel that constant weird feeling in your gut?


Very sorry to hear that, brother.

I would suggest doing some research into Cyber/Gamma knife. The technology is making leaps and bounds.

Most of all, don't give up. Be each other's crutch, and push through.
I'm sorry for your struggle, but I will say that you should not blindly accept the doctors (or anyone else's) diagnosis and/or advice.

Doctors do not know what will happen to your wife (or to anyone else). They know what has been observed and reported - that is all.

And on a deeper level, we're all dying, and I don't just mean physically. We're all dying with every moment. With every breath we let go of a past, of circumstances - of a "self" - that will be no more. Life is in the present - the only thing that is or ever will be real.

A "dying" person's circumstances are no different than they are for anyone else.


Faith - Hope - Love
Ohh dlbeast dlbeast , I am so very sorry to hear about your wife's illness. My heart and prayers are with you both and your family. :messenger_pensive:💔

Love can be a wonderful element of healing in itself. I pray for strength for you both through this battle, and hope that you both come through this even stronger and closer than you already are. Much love to both of you!
I am also sorry to hear what has happened and will also keep you and your wife in my prayers.

I will also echo some others in that every moment now is precious and to spend as much time with her as possible. Be with her, laugh with her, share the good and the bad with each other. I truly hope for the best for you two.


Cretinously credulous
With you by her side, she will fight it out and emerge victorious. Be her pillar and everything will be fine i am sure.
How did you manage it? How did u do your job at work, and go home and be the "rock". Did u ever just feel that constant weird feeling in your gut?

To be quite honest, I don't really know how I managed, but I managed for her.

I was in university when she got diagnosed. She was in the hospital a lot and I wasn't sure how long she really had. The doctors were pretty much telling her to prepare for the worst about 2 years into it... so I tried to spend as much time with her as I could. I ended up not finishing my degree and just started building websites and doing online marketing from my laptop to get by (I still do that do this day, 11 years later).

The weird feeling in the gut doesn't really go away unfortunately. I mean there were times when she was in remission and things were going well and it was a little bit easier, but the next blood test or whatever was always looming around the corner so it was always in the back of my mind. Anytime we got bad news or even just a test that was a little bit off, the paralysis of it all would set in. You just learn, over time, to deal I guess. I knew that whatever I was going through was nowhere near what she was, so I just forced myself to just keep going.

John Day

Truly sad to hear that. I can only repeat what all the guys here have said. Be well you and your wife, and be there! Best pain releaver on these trying times.

Best of wishes my man, and you have friends here, whenever you need the comfort. It’s the least we could all do.
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