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Wife has Cancer


To be quite honest, I don't really know how I managed, but I managed for her.

I was in university when she got diagnosed. She was in the hospital a lot and I wasn't sure how long she really had. The doctors were pretty much telling her to prepare for the worst about 2 years into it... so I tried to spend as much time with her as I could. I ended up not finishing my degree and just started building websites and doing online marketing from my laptop to get by (I still do that do this day, 11 years later).

The weird feeling in the gut doesn't really go away unfortunately. I mean there were times when she was in remission and things were going well and it was a little bit easier, but the next blood test or whatever was always looming around the corner so it was always in the back of my mind. Anytime we got bad news or even just a test that was a little bit off, the paralysis of it all would set in. You just learn, over time, to deal I guess. I knew that whatever I was going through was nowhere near what she was, so I just forced myself to just keep going.

This feels close, except we have 5 kids. Oldest is 27, and our youngest is 10. I cant not work, cause she can't work. Reading your comments, give me some guidance, basically in many ways, i see similarities. The gut thing is the worst, and you can only compartmentalize so much before you start to think your crazy.

Airbus Jr

Never give up

always pray and believe in miracles

Ive heard lots of stories of cancer survivor surpassed their life expectancy

we are with you on this together brother

Stay strong
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Sorry dude. That blows in ways I can't imagine. I agree with some of the posts here, fuck the doctors and their bullshit. They killed my grandma with their no hope bullshit.
This dude had brain cancer and he beat it.
I knew a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and started chemo. She was dead in 6 months.
Another guy with leukemia and he hasn't done shit for it and he's still kicking 3 years later strong as an ox.
Don't rule out every option until you have.
Needless to say, trust your gut, your heart, and if you're a man of God, then pray to him.
No matter what happens, be grateful for the time you have together.
God bless.


I sincerely hope the best for your family. My mother has cancer but is in remission. There are advances using stem cells to fight cancer cells, my friends father is working on a nasal spray that uses the stem cells in a way that goes right into your bloodstream. Try and reach out to your extended family for support if you need some time off, maybe they could watch the kids or make some meals. You could also start a GoFundMe as a way for people to help you and the family out. Remember you have people that care about you and feel free to come here and vent whenever you need to.


I'm curious to know, if OP's wife beat the damn thing
Looks like they haven't posted in 2 years. So we probably won't find out. Hopefully things went well for them.

How did you end up stumbling across this thread? It's five years old.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I know he hasn’t been around etc. wish him the best.

But the thought of your wife getting cancer is fucken haunting. Genuine love is rare, some people spend 40 years looking and waiting for it. Some people never find it.
We don’t realize how good we have it - to be in a happy marriage. My wife is wonderful, she’s my best friend, game buddy, movie buddy and personal chef.
I genuinely would prefer it to be me, stick on a brave face and die behind a hard smile.

You ever seen all the Rocky movies? I love them all and Adrian is a huge part. Then in Rocky Balboa she’s just… gone.
No screaming noooo! No oscar bait goodbye. She’s just not there.
Rocky does his annual tour of the places and she’s just not there. He’s a different soul. Heartbreaking man.
Getting teary eyed.

Stallone is criminally underrated as a ‘real’ actor.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
film cheers GIF by Lionsgate Home Entertainment


I was going to dunk that poster for a really weird and inappropriate thread necro but it looks like he's already been taken care of.


Neo Member
I know he hasn’t been around etc. wish him the best.

But the thought of your wife getting cancer is fucken haunting. Genuine love is rare, some people spend 40 years looking and waiting for it. Some people never find it.
We don’t realize how good we have it - to be in a happy marriage. My wife is wonderful, she’s my best friend, game buddy, movie buddy and personal chef.
I genuinely would prefer it to be me, stick on a brave face and die behind a hard smile.

You ever seen all the Rocky movies? I love them all and Adrian is a huge part. Then in Rocky Balboa she’s just… gone.
No screaming noooo! No oscar bait goodbye. She’s just not there.
Rocky does his annual tour of the places and she’s just not there. He’s a different soul. Heartbreaking man.
Getting teary eyed.

Stallone is criminally underrated as a ‘real’ actor.
I was thinking about making my own thread but stumbled into this one first. I probably still will create a thread at some point given this one is 5 years old.

I lost my wife to ovarian cancer in May of this year. She was first diagnosed in October, 2023 and it became terminal in March. Not even a year ago we were making plans for our future. Being her caregiver for that short period of time provided me with the most intense important purpose I’ve ever felt and now that it’s over I feel like I have none. Just emptiness.

We were together for nine years. It’s simply the most devastating loss imaginable. Cherish your loved ones everyone. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring.


I was thinking about making my own thread but stumbled into this one first. I probably still will create a thread at some point given this one is 5 years old.

I lost my wife to ovarian cancer in May of this year. She was first diagnosed in October, 2023 and it became terminal in March. Not even a year ago we were making plans for our future. Being her caregiver for that short period of time provided me with the most intense important purpose I’ve ever felt and now that it’s over I feel like I have none. Just emptiness.

We were together for nine years. It’s simply the most devastating loss imaginable. Cherish your loved ones everyone. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring.
That's really sad and you will never completely get over that loss but hopefully in time the emptiness will be less. Death is such a bizarre thing, we are surrounded by it but very few of us are capable of processing or understanding it in a way that lessens those feelings you are having. Take care of yourself and know that those feeling you are experiencing are normal and in time the pain will lessen but it will be a hard journey.


Neo Member
My wife was diagnosed with colon cancer about 8 years ago. It was malignant but it was found early.

She had surgery and chemo. The chemo was relatively short thankfully and the surgery was successful.

She goes for yearly PET scans because she has genetic markers which mean she's highly likely to develop another tumor or some other kind of cancer.

Very few people know because she chose to not make it part of her personality. She doesn't use words like "cancer survivor" nor does she really think about it outside of getting the yearly check.

So, like you, it is a constant overhanging thing in our lives but we VERY rarely talk about it and it has yet to change how we live our lives or plan our future. In other words, we've chosen to treat it as a reality we live within but not a challenge or an obstacle or something we have to battle. We give it no more power in our lives than it deserves.
I was thinking about making my own thread but stumbled into this one first. I probably still will create a thread at some point given this one is 5 years old.

I lost my wife to ovarian cancer in May of this year. She was first diagnosed in October, 2023 and it became terminal in March. Not even a year ago we were making plans for our future. Being her caregiver for that short period of time provided me with the most intense important purpose I’ve ever felt and now that it’s over I feel like I have none. Just emptiness.

We were together for nine years. It’s simply the most devastating loss imaginable. Cherish your loved ones everyone. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring.
My wife and I have been together 9 years and I couldn't even imagine losing her... I wish you all the best.
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I was thinking about making my own thread but stumbled into this one first. I probably still will create a thread at some point given this one is 5 years old.

I lost my wife to ovarian cancer in May of this year. She was first diagnosed in October, 2023 and it became terminal in March. Not even a year ago we were making plans for our future. Being her caregiver for that short period of time provided me with the most intense important purpose I’ve ever felt and now that it’s over I feel like I have none. Just emptiness.

We were together for nine years. It’s simply the most devastating loss imaginable. Cherish your loved ones everyone. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring.

Im sorry for the loss of your wife, love to you and anyone in the same position.


I was thinking about making my own thread but stumbled into this one first. I probably still will create a thread at some point given this one is 5 years old.

I lost my wife to ovarian cancer in May of this year. She was first diagnosed in October, 2023 and it became terminal in March. Not even a year ago we were making plans for our future. Being her caregiver for that short period of time provided me with the most intense important purpose I’ve ever felt and now that it’s over I feel like I have none. Just emptiness.

We were together for nine years. It’s simply the most devastating loss imaginable. Cherish your loved ones everyone. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring.
Sorry to hear that. I am an atheist, so thoughts and prayers doesn’t ring the same way, but I will keep you in my thoughts.
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