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Wii Mini: Exclusive to Canada | Dec 7th @ $99.99 (No internet, no GC support)


Everything about it is SO cute, and I'd probably get one if it had internet. Because, why not. Well, other than the fact that I already own a Wii U and still have my launch era Wii -- so it'd be pointless, but OTHER THAN THAT.


Is there some reason Nintendo has for releasing this in Canada? I guess they have some data that shows Canada doesn't use Wii online? So no Netflix, eshop, ect. I wonder if the gui is different considering you won't need any channels except the disc channel. it will be a very sparse gui if they didn't change it. I bet it has almost no internal storage or sd slot either, just a little for gamesaves.
I have to question the release of a Wii console that has zero use outside of playing Wii games. No opportunity to buy great WiiWare games, no GameCube b/c and releasing at a time when Nintendo should be promoting the Wii U and the 3DS. For $100, you can get a Wii that isn't stripped down at a sale. Very little reason for this product to exist except for collectors. I'm sure Krae_man will buy this. Surprised he hasn't chimed in yet.


Is there some reason Nintendo has for releasing this in Canada? I guess they have some data that shows Canada doesn't use Wii online? So no Netflix, eshop, ect. I wonder if the gui is different considering you won't need any channels except the disc channel. it will be a very sparse gui if they didn't change it. I bet it has almost no internal storage or sd slot either, just a little for gamesaves.

They still need a Mii channel, although they could just dump that into the home button menu.


Not bad looking and not a bad idea. Obviously Nintendo will do everything to flaw it's own product in the most stupid way so that's why no internet. 89.99 wouldn't hurt either.


They still make regular Wiis however. This is a targeted SKU for a specific market.

Hardcore gamers think that they are the center of the universe and literally cannot comprehend that someone other than themselves play video games on occasion. They can't stand it when something is not catered directly toward them.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I think the system looks cool enough to merit a bit better treatment.

Remove SD slot, but maybe add in usb harddrive support?
Remove USB ethernet, but keep wifi, or just keep usb ethernet, whichever is cheaper.

I think a $99 Wii + VC/Wiiware box would entice a few more people in addition to the budget buyers.
Who really streams 480i movies with their Wii anyway?

You mean via Netflix? Apparently a lot of people. In my mind, that's really the main issue with the lack of online, at least for families. Although as someone else already pointed out, families looking for a cheap console may not pay for Netflix.


How much does the Wii cost at retail currently? I may consider buying this for my nephew. He doesn't really need internet access or even have gamecube games.


I think the system looks cool enough to merit a bit better treatment.

Remove SD slot, but maybe add in usb harddrive support?
Remove USB ethernet, but keep wifi, or just keep usb ethernet, whichever is cheaper.

I think a $99 Wii + VC/Wiiware box would entice a few more people in addition to the budget buyers.

The people who are interested in buying virtual console games already have Wiis.

Yes Boss!

I really don't get why people would want this IF they already have a wii/wiiU.

Because it is the sexiest console to come along since the slim-line PS2?

It is also a breath of fresh air in a world stacked with techy full-featured consoles. Brass tacks, put a disc in and play.

And has some nice red controllers as a bonus.
Uh... when it's 100% wrapped, the size might indicate to the kid that it's an ipad, until he opens it. In which case, yes, he will notice it is a Wii.


What? Seriously? The size might indicate to the kid it's a box with a new pair of shoes. Or anything in the universe. Or a brand new sweater.


aka Mannny
Because it is the sexiest console to come along since the slim-line PS2?

It is also a breath of fresh air in a world stacked with techy full-featured consoles. Brass tacks, put a disc in and play.

And has some nice red controllers as a bonus.
no no no. I'll give you two for the controller and design though.
I...I oddly want one just to have it. I really hope it comes out in US. Do yall think it will? Do yall think that they will atleast keep selling these past the Holidays in Canada? Maybe I can get someone from there to ship it for me...don't know how much extra that would cost but I really want it just because its so unique XD


Love the look of it, will probably pick it up seeing as I can double those controllers for the Wii U negating over half the cost.


When I first saw this mentioned online, I figured that I'd pick it up solely for Virtual Console and WiiWare. Seeing what it is, though, I have no interest in this. I'd prefer a Wii without disc support if it supported Virtual Console and WiiWare.

I do like how it looks, though.


Unconfirmed Member
There goes my purchase. I wanted to get this for my little niece for Christmas, but no WiFi and Canada-only? Oh well. I'll buy the regular Wii model instead.


Nintendo could spend the the extra $1 for an embedded wifi antenna? This thing would be perfect if it still had wifi and an sd port. Virtual Console and Wiiware are now impossible.

I now just question when the virtual console will get shut down.
Pociask said:
Last, please stop making the argument that the high prices is necessary because look at the price of a Wiimote+ & Nunchuck. Nintendo makes a killing selling those pieces of plastic. They have manufactured tens of millions of them by now (didn't I see that they actually passed 100 million Wiimotes?). It is frankly outrageous how expensive they continue to be. The cost to manufacture a Wiimote+ & a nunchuck is not keeping the Wii Mini priced at $99. It just isn't.
It's not that the cost to manufacture them is forcing Wii Mini to be $99--it's that they'd be stupid to sell it for so cheap that people could essentially buy it for the controllers, like they do with FlingSmash. They make a killing on the controller prices, and they also want to make a killing on the controller + system prices.
Tim-E said:
The people who are interested in buying virtual console games already have Wiis.
That seems as safe to assume as that anyone interested in playing Wii disc games already has a Wii.
That seems as safe to assume as that anyone interested in playing Wii disc games already has a Wii.

Not necessarily. Parents can't see Virtual Console or WiiWare games on shelves. They can see retail games, and maybe they've been wanting to buy a Wii for their kid(s) but didn't want to spend more than $100. This is their opportunity to buy some of those retail games like Mario Kart (and maybe some crap games like Deal or No Deal) for their kids to enjoy over Christmas. If they knew or cared about VC games (and they would have to do a little research on the console to know), they would probably have picked up the original Wii.

Maybe people don't realize it, but there are a lot of retail Wii games. Many of them are likely garbage, but at the right price point, they might appeal to some families looking for cheap and accessible gaming fun over the holidays.


It's not that the cost to manufacture them is forcing Wii Mini to be $99--it's that they'd be stupid to sell it for so cheap that people could essentially buy it for the controllers, like they do with FlingSmash. They make a killing on the controller prices, and they also want to make a killing on the controller + system prices.

That seems as safe to assume as that anyone interested in playing Wii disc games already has a Wii.

Exactly. And I'm still thinking about just buying it for the controllers.


No WiFi? Eh, no GC support either is the final nail in the coffin. I'll stick with my current Wii, its not that big anyway.


No SD either?


This is worse than Sony BC stuff. LOL

Why would you need SD here? Or are you just trolling.

This is a budget console for people that can't always afford our expensive hobby. I think this is a great idea.

Only on GAF would people actually be offended by this.


napkin dispenser
I...I oddly want one just to have it. I really hope it comes out in US. Do yall think it will? Do yall think that they will atleast keep selling these past the Holidays in Canada? Maybe I can get someone from there to ship it for me...don't know how much extra that would cost but I really want it just because its so unique XD

It's going to be very expensive to ship these to the U.S. Shipping anything heavy to the U.S. from Canada is stupid expensive.
Ugly as hell, but it has its visual appeal because of its bizarre looks.. sort of. I kinda want it because its such an oddball system. Anyways, with all the features it is lacking I really feel its way overpriced. This thing should really be significantly cheaper than that.


It's not that the cost to manufacture them is forcing Wii Mini to be $99--it's that they'd be stupid to sell it for so cheap that people could essentially buy it for the controllers, like they do with FlingSmash. They make a killing on the controller prices, and they also want to make a killing on the controller + system prices.

Absolutely, and if that's the argument people are making, that's a valid point. It should be clear what the argument, is, though - the Wii Mini will be sold with a huge profit margin to pad Nintendo's bottom line (of course, this is fine, this is why companies sell things) and to protect their big margins on controllers.

The argument it seemed to me people were making was, the Wii Mini is a good deal because it includes $60 worth of controllers, so really the console only costs $39! Well, no, the controllers are sold for that much, they don't cost Nintendo that much. I would guess Nintendo could still make a comfortable profit if they reduced the controller prices and reduced the Wii Mini price, but none of us are in the Nintendo boardrooms, or catching hell from Nintendo shareholders for last quarter's losses, so I'll keep my armchair speculation to the wisdom of removing what I think are very important features.

I am all about budget versions of consoles, and budget versions of games. I've argued on this board repeatedly that there should be value options. But a good value doesn't mean it's missing essential parts. For example, the Wii redesign that removed GC BC - I think it sucks, but I get that, and people aren't buying Wii's to play Gamecube games. The Gamecube redesign that removed the optical port or whatever - fine, sure. But we're talking about the ability to play games online, stream Netflix, have a "fridge" for save game files, and buy and play Virtual Console and WiiWare games. That's not a value version, that's a different system, IMHO.

Nintendo didn't strip out these features to appeal to budget conscious shoppers. They could have just as easily released a fully-featured Wii Mini at the same price point or lower to do that. Instead, they are releasing a crippled, overpriced piece of hardware, and you've got folks here celebrating its purity and Nintendo's compassion for the common man. Give me a break.


I know it seems like no internet is a really poor choice but I feel like this console is for the same casual consumer that was amazed when we all bought one on release day and brought it over. My father, and my grandparents loved the Wii. They generally dont care much about new technology. They don't have internet access because learning to use computers is a really formidable thing. If I purchased this for either of them with a copy of Wii Sports, it's absolutely perfect for Xmas. It's basically a novelty purchase for them.


So I do not know if we have already comparison mock-ups based on the wiimote in the picture, but now that I am at home looking at the picture and looking at the same time at the Wii on my desk and how it compares to a real wiimote, I don't know, the mini does not seem to be so small; maybe a bit shorter. But I am terrible at spacial stuff so I am probably wrong, I would need to see the real thing side by side with a Wii.
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