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Wii? Non! - Nintendo Land |OT|

There seems to be a huge difference between the amount of coins you get by playing different games. I got all the way to the Evening of Day 2 on Balloon Trip and got 2 coins. I play through 2 minutes of F-Zero and get 10 coins. Kinda weird and discouraging...
Got a question.

Can you play the local multiplayer games with AI bots if you only have 1 person playing or do you need at least 2 players ?

You need at least two and there are no bots from what I know but in Mario Chase, Yoshi carts factor in some way when only playing with two players.


Got a question.

Can you play the local multiplayer games with AI bots if you only have 1 person playing or do you need at least 2 players ?

If you play Mario Chase, you have 2 Yoshi's helping. On Luigi's mansion there are Monita's with flash lights. Animal Crossing you play a different mode with 1 person.

YAY someone uploaded a bunch of NintendoLand music on youtube!

Night Plaza 8-Bit Version!
There seems to be a huge difference between the amount of coins you get by playing different games. I got all the way to the Evening of Day 2 on Balloon Trip and got 2 coins. I play through 2 minutes of F-Zero and get 10 coins. Kinda weird and discouraging...

Balloon Trip is run by Crazy Redd from Animal Crossing, a total ripoff when it comes to rewarding you.

At least the minigame itself is very worthwhile.


I wish this game had online multiplayer. Most of my gaming friends moved out of where I live so I have no one to play with. I played with a few of my casual gamer friends and I destroyed them in the games. It's just not that fun to play that way. :(


Whats the best 1 player game? Bummed out you cant play online and no bots because NONE of my friends are into this type of stuff :-/


Okay, got a little further in DK's Crash Course, and... I have no idea how to deal with the
diagonal R button platforms.
I just get launched to my death no matter what I do.

Also... Octopus is surprisingly difficult.


Okay, got a little further in DK's Crash Course, and... I have no idea how to deal with the
diagonal R button platforms.
I just get launched to my death no matter what I do.

Also... Octopus is surprisingly difficult.

Tilt in the direction you're going slightly and tap the R button.


I finally got together with three friends and we played the hell out of all 6 of the multiplayer games. Despite my initial misgivings from a demo, I actually enjoyed Zelda Battle Quest a lot. Playing with people you know most definitely helps things. And the other five games were great as expected, including Pikmin, Metroid, and Mario, which I hadn't had a chance to try previously. Metroid Blast can feel a bit overly chaotic at first, but after a few rounds you get a feel for it.

I still don't know if this is a good $60 package, but it hardly matters to me at this point. I was never not going to get the Deluxe Wii U, and as a pack-in, it's awesome. If only it were pre-installed, then that would have been absolutely perfect.

Unlike Wii Sports, I'm actually really into these games, so I'm going to see if I can convince my family to play. I think they'll really enjoy some of them.


Yeah this is going to be great for Thanksgiving, sure will be lonely though without online after this weekend though. The fact that there are people in the lobby that you could possibly play with is like rubbing salt in the wound.


I wish we had a full game of crash course à la Super Monkey ball, I'd play that so much.

Also, does anyone know if there is a way too see how many trophie, stamps, coins collected for each minigame/mii? and leaderboards for more than one game session?

Single player games are really fun when you're taking turns. I've been having a lot of fun with my girlfriend even though we are forced to only play SP games since the wii remote decided to stop working right as I got Nintendoland.


I don't care for the animal crossing game. If you spread out your two controllable characters you can see almost 3/4's of the map. The game becomes trivial to win if your the one going after the elephant.

I love the Luigi Ghost game. Very fun!

Mario Chase is very fun too! I wish both had more maps.


So there is more to DK... if I could only finish the last part without dying I could easily have 5 lives at the end....

There's a bunch of shortcuts for the red course, I've found three so far that can be reproduced easily, one of them makes the last part extremely simple:

- After the last flag (part 10 I think), get down to the platform right beneath, then move your cart slowly to the right towards the edge, keep tilting slowly to the right until your cart falls, it will do a flip on itself and land back on the wheels right next to the finish flag. (you won't get all the bananas/coins that are in this part doing it this way, but it saves you a lot of time)
- With the other one you can just completely ignore the tedious "L" platforms in the middle of the course (the part that is a little above donkey kong). You can just go to the left and jump below, pressing L to lift the leftmost platform helps make it easy.
- The other shortcut is in part 4 where you have to turn the right stick twice on two platforms to advance. You can bypass the second one and save a chunk of time by just jumping below. With enough speed and the right timing your cart won't break. It's way faster than going all the way to the right then going back to the L platforms.

Yup I know, I'm spending waaay too much time on this mini-game ...


For Metroid Blast I never let go of the A button, it should have been the default aiming controls. The morphball is pretty much useless too. I still have a lot of fun with it, but if they fixed the controls and made the morphball faster than walking it would be much imroved.

Davey Cakes

I don't care for the animal crossing game. If you spread out your two controllable characters you can see almost 3/4's of the map. The game becomes trivial to win if your the one going after the elephant.
I can definitely see this. But, at the same time I can see that teamwork prevails over anything.

It's certainly a game where it feels less threatening to be the Gamepad user. The idea of controlling two characters is daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, the advantages are clear. It's a bit more balanced in favor the of the Gamepad user, where I think Luigi's Ghost Mansion is heavily in favor of the Wiimote players.

Mario Chase is incredibly balanced though. At first it seems like the hider doesn't stand a chance but there are plenty of ways to dupe the seekers.

The games reveal their balance more as you play them, from my experience.

For Metroid Blast I never let go of the A button, it should have been the default aiming controls. The morphball is pretty much useless too. I still have a lot of fun with it, but if they fixed the controls and made the morphball faster than walking it would be much imroved.
I think Nintendo felt the need to incorporate the A button because some players are very unskilled and prefer to have moments when they can move the cursor without moving the screen. It's a consideration for low level players, and I'd say it's sound.

The morph ball is iffy, though. I think at best it can be used well in terms of making yourself a harder-to-hit target in moments of desperation.


If Nintendo gets people to play this over Thanksgiving, they will have another Wii Sports.
Everyone had a great time playing the 3 competitive attractions after Thanksgiving dinner. We had multiple families with kids and parents playing until past 1am and only spent a little more than an hour in each of those attractions. We just went in order of Mario, Luigi, and Animal Crossing (which also matches the increase in difficulty as people learned to use the Wii Remote and Gamepad). Lots of screaming in Animal Crossing as an animal drops candy like crazy to escape. ;)


I had the most epic Mario Chase game with 3 friends the other day, while I was Mario (GamePad). Came down to the wire with about 7 seconds left and I was flanked by two Toads. Miraculously I dodged both of their tackles and was victorious.

And then we watched the replay and it was AWESOME.
It'd be nice if we compiled all the info we know into a single guide. Stamps, platinum scores, extra levels, etc. If there already is one, I can't find it.


Finished the blue course on the donkey kong minigame at last, now to see if there are more levels and shooting for <80 seconds on the red course.
I finally got to try the multiplayer experience tonight! We had five players and went through pretty much everything. I think we all had the most fun with Mario Chase, but Ghost Mansion and Zelda Battle Quest were well enjoyed too.

My friends didn't know much about the system beforehand, but I think everyone left with an extremely positive view towards it. They all seemed excited and genuinely impressed.


Yup a surprise awaits you if you finish the blue course twice ... and this time it's not easy!

I finally got to try the multiplayer experience tonight! We had five players and went through pretty much everything. I think we all had the most fun with Mario Chase, but Ghost Mansion and Zelda Battle Quest were well enjoyed too.

My friends didn't know much about the system beforehand, but I think everyone left with an extremely positive view towards it. They all seemed excited and genuinely impressed.

I can't wait to try out those games, but wii remotes so expensive :(


I'm surprised at all the rage about Area 9 on Crash course on Miiverse. I haven't had any problems with it. The only problems I have is the very last part of Area 10. It ruins my perfect run everytime. ><


I'm surprised at all the rage about Area 9 on Crash course on Miiverse. I haven't had any problems with it. The only problems I have is the very last part of Area 10. It ruins my perfect run everytime. ><

right after you get the flag get down to the platform below then just tilt very slowly to the right towards to the edge, your cart will fall ... do a flip and land back onto its wheels next to the finish flag!

The classic way of going down every platform is a bit tedious, I still can't do the penultimate jump well enough.
Count me in as someone who would like a list of all the Stamps. Surprised they don't at least let you see what the requirements for each one is, they did in Wii Sports Resort.


right after you get the flag get down to the platform below then just tilt very slowly to the right towards to the edge, your cart will fall ... do a flip and land back onto its wheels next to the finish flag!

The classic way of going down every platform is a bit tedious, I still can't do the penultimate jump well enough.

I just watched on youtube what you described. I was like no F'n way that's so easy. lol

Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zXPMVC_EIQ


I finally got to try the multiplayer experience tonight! We had five players and went through pretty much everything. I think we all had the most fun with Mario Chase, but Ghost Mansion and Zelda Battle Quest were well enjoyed too.

My friends didn't know much about the system beforehand, but I think everyone left with an extremely positive view towards it. They all seemed excited and genuinely impressed.

Same here except Luigi's Mansion was the clear favorite. That game gets super tense.

I thought the Animal Crossing game was a lot of fun too. There's something hilarious about seeing a giant elephant head waddle around then vomit candy when you get close and scurry away. Controlling those guards and actually pulling off a tackle are impossible though.

Everyone left asking where they could find the version that came with the game.

I thought this thing was going to be a throw away tech demo, but it wound up being pretty brilliant. The multiplayer experience is a total blast and a reminded of what I love about video games. I haven't played Last Story yet, but this could be my game of the year.


I don't care for the animal crossing game. If you spread out your two controllable characters you can see almost 3/4's of the map. The game becomes trivial to win if your the one going after the elephant.

I love the Luigi Ghost game. Very fun!

Mario Chase is very fun too! I wish both had more maps.

I love all three of those but I wouldn't call Sweet Day trivial. We had three people playing as animals (elephant, squirral, frog) and it makes it a lot more intense. Especially if you're all working together. There are no flags to drop the food off at when it's more than one animal. The animals gotta just eat the posted number (depends on how many there are). And they all share the three hearts. It's mostly about getting the fruit to drop off the trees before going on a real eating spree because there is not enough laying around.

I think the three chase games are amazing. But Luigi's Ghost Mansion is the most fun of those three IMO. Playing as the ghost is awesome and finding the ghost is also intense. Watching people's backs while healing a downed partner and all that.


I love all three of those but I wouldn't call Sweet Day trivial. We had three people playing as animals (elephant, squirral, frog) and it makes it a lot more intense. Especially if you're all working together. There are no flags to drop the food off at when it's more than one animal. The animals gotta just eat the posted number (depends on how many there are). And they all share the three hearts. It's mostly about getting the fruit to drop off the trees before going on a real eating spree because there is not enough laying around.

I think the three chase games are amazing. But Luigi's Ghost Mansion is the most fun of those three IMO. Playing as the ghost is awesome and finding the ghost is also intense. Watching people's backs while healing a downed partner and all that.

Yup, the Animal Crossing game is damn fun with a full set of players. It is extremely fair in my experience as well. Blowing your load whenever a gatekeeper is close is always fucking hilarious especially when your friends are yelling as the gatekeeper closes in :p. My friends and I have had the most fun with Luigi's Ghost Mansion though. The fucking amount of yelling when we play that game is ridiculous. "PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE AS FUCK. RED RED RED SO FUCKING RED"

On another note does anyone know how many times you have to play those multiplayer games to get a star? I think I got a star after playing Ghost Mansion 30 times but I'm not sure if it is the same for every game or not.


Yup, the Animal Crossing game is damn fun with a full set of players. It is extremely fair in my experience as well. Blowing your load whenever a gatekeeper is close is always fucking hilarious especially when your friends are yelling as the gatekeeper closes in :p. My friends and I have had the most fun with Luigi's Ghost Mansion though. The fucking amount of yelling when we play that game is ridiculous. "PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE AS FUCK. RED RED RED SO FUCKING RED"

On another note does anyone know how many times you have to play those multiplayer games to get a star? I think I got a star after playing Ghost Mansion 30 times but I'm not sure if it is the same for every game or not.

lol yeah those three games def get everyone yelling. It might not work so well as you're also letting the gamepad user know, but what else can you do?

We also thought the vomiting thing was hilarious in Sweet Day. I pretty much started it when someone was chasing me and I starting throwing up all of my candy and make a funny vomit sound as I ran and everyone busted out laughing and kinda picked up on it.

In the mansion, I like playing as the ghost and hiding just around a corner or by a doorway. Somewhere random like the bathroom, too. Just jumping out and dragging someone off so I can lead them into a trap.

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Unconfirmed Member
I do like Mario Chase with 3 people instead of 1 other. Those fucking cheap Yoshi's.


I gotta admit it, I was pretty heavy-handed with Wii U skepticism, Nintendo Land in particular, but this sounds like something I would really enjoy playing with my girlfriend and some buddies. If only I was not broke :p


The more I play the more I'm impressed with this game. The main hub gets really beautiful at night with tons of stuff in it too!
We've taken to calling the Luigi game "Molester in the Dark."
Lol we did same thing. There was a room in the basement were everyone kept getting caught and everyone had dubbed it the "rape room". The first time someone got caught on the level with the conveyor belt and the body was just dragged along everyone playing was pretty much in tears because how silly it looked


Lol we did same thing. There was a room in the basement were everyone kept getting caught and everyone had dubbed it the "rape room". The first time some got caught on the level with the conveyor belt and the body was just dragged along everyone playing was pretty much in tears because how silly it looked

LOL! Yeah it was hilarious whenever someone died on a conveyor belt. There were times where all three people would get killed on the conveyor belt in the top and we'd just laugh.

These are the kind of multiplayer games I like. Where either way you're laughing and having a good time. FPS games where everyone is curse'n at eachother and rage'n just isn't fun.


Sounds like a blast, but ONLY if you have tons of friends over.

What if you play alone or at the most with 2 people though?

Our one and only remote broke so we're stuck playing the SP games for now, and it's fun even though I wouldn't spend more than a few minutes per session on most of the games. The main exception to this rule is the donkey kong minigame (crash course). That thing is so addicting, I keep going back to it and I have spent more time on it than my current Hitman Absolution / Endless space playthroughs. It's pretty simple to get into but the level design and the precision of the controls make it really fun and give it a lot of depth.

Honestly, as much as I love the game even though I technically haven't experienced all of it, I don't think it's worth $60. Luckily there's a bunch of people that resell their copies from the deluxe system, I got mine for about 40 bucks which is a fairer price for what the game is in my opinion.
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