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Wii U Community Thread

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Skyward Sword seemed well out of the norm to me. I was very surprised at just how much they gave away.

Indeed, I wasn't spoiled as much later as I was in the beginning, it was the E3 gameplay, it's like i couldn't resist it, just watched it. I was upset about it so then I got under a lockdown.

I didn't like the idea of showing off the ways how to progress, the circular eye thing, makes all the puzzles worth nothing, the puzzles are all suggestive on their own, you're going to figure it out sooner or later, but if you come with expecting them, the surprise effect is missing and it makes the game feel worthless to play.

I've never been any big stroy-focused guy, all the emotional stuff you see other people playing games for, i have an opinion for that that I rather focus on my real life rather than some movies/games stories that people focus too much time into but in zelda it was that good that it really made a difference in my opinion of the quality of the game.

I really had no idea that the old lady was the same young one guiding the last parts of the game, this time travel stuff oh god.
The feeling of the game doing it's proper thing was amazing, the gaming industry today is riddled with spoilers, nobody seems to be noticing how many game experiences are wasted in fin air.
It's like super easy, but i wasn't expecting it, and it made the surprise so great, I haven't had such an experience ever in any game in my life it was so deep, it made me feel like a kid who's mind was almost totally absorbed into the game.


Could you post that story?

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing it was this one


Because the developer demoing the game wasn’t really technical he couldn’t shed any further light on any differences, although he did say that he thought the Wii U was slightly higher resolution than the other versions – but that he wouldn’t swear to it.



El Capitan Todd
The thing with expiring NDAs is that it doesn't guarantee publishers/developers will talk about their games, as these were Nintendo's NDAs rather than their own. If they feel their in-development titles are still not ready to be shown (for a multitude of reasons), even though Nintendo has said the publisher wide embargo is over, they won't show them.

at least for games like darksiders, skylander and all star racing...or (if ir exist) Cod, I'm wondering if they'll start showing them AFTER the release on the shelves...
This sounds a lot like you're angry that Nintendo isn't focusing on graphics alone for every single Wii U game. Assuming that equates "they can't do HD"?

The fact that NSMB U, or Nintendo Land, or Pikmin 3 don't use the visual technology of Crysis 2 does not make them 'crappy' games. The vindictive attitude over titles like that is misplaced.

There are obviously going to be Wii U games that are 'big budget' in the way people want to see regarding Dat Graphics. Retro's games. 3D Mario games from EAD. Zelda. And more.

Did Nintendo frustrate some people by not coming out with a demonstration of at least one 1st party game that was appropriate to show off graphics technology? Yes. Because people have been rather fixated on Nintendo + graphics for six years now. Or rather, Nintendo + graphics technology - since the tech and the actual visual package of a game are not always the same thing. Pikmen 3, for instance, looks lush, appealing, and runs at 60fps.

But in the end, it seems Nintendo is focusing on launching Wii U with titles that fall in the middle, rather than all 'causal' (how that word has been abused) and all 'hardcore'.

It's just too bad for core gamers that many no longer consider 2D Mario a core game, or a significant series. (The sales disagree.)

No, not really. I didn't give a shit about Wiis inferior graphics in 2006, neither did I care that 3DS didn't look as good as Vita. Because they immediately went full out with revealing full fledged games with certain amount of effort behind them and giving confidence in the systems future. Plus in the case of the Wii with a truly convincing concept compared to WiiUs gamepad which feels nothing but crude at this point and doesn't really show anything that justifies a whole machine built around it.
Apart from 2008, these poorly looking Mii games and other shit never bothered me, unlike the ridiculous amount of the consoles haters, as I was thankfully able to look beyond that and see the Wii as a console full of great titles and overlooked gems.
This time however, at least up until this point, there's nothing more to it. It really doesn't ,,fall in the middle'' at all. When it comes to internal studios, they are solely focusing on getting non-gamers back with cheap fitness and karaoke dreck and Nintendoland is nothing but last years tech demos with some abominable ,,Nintendo''-look added to it, same goes for Wario. Pikmin 3 looking good, but that wasn't even made specifically for the console.

With the whole year before E3 also considered and some of the interviews and tidbits that came afterwards, this thing feels almost insulting to me. Either they can't handle the HD development, or they just don't want to, but in either case if they aren't fixing this in september, they deserve to fall even harder than the 3DS with WiiU imo. Even as a huge fan, there's only so much I can bear. Sometimes I feel better about, as there's a couple of ,,nice to have'' games I'd pick up in the launch window, but ultimately with what else they've shown so far and absolutely no confidence what comes afterwards (droughts? Retro etc working on something I don't care about?) it's just poor all around and makes this feel like the least ambitious Nintendo console to date.


No, not really. I didn't give a shit about Wiis inferior graphics in 2006, neither did I care that 3DS didn't look as good as Vita. Because they immediately went full out with revealing full fledged games with certain amount of effort behind them and giving confidence in the systems future. Plus in the case of the Wii with a truly convincing concept compared to WiiUs gamepad which feels nothing but crude at this point and doesn't really show anything that justifies a whole machine built around it.

I disagree, I see a machine offering various forms of control for various types of games.
We have motion control, dual screens, traditional controls, a balance board. Obviously, dual screen controls is being focused on because its the new kid on the block. But the point is to not shoehorn dual screens into every game if its not necessary.

No, this is not a machine built around its controller. This is a machine built upon past machines. Past and future input possibilities.

You claim that graphics is not the selling point of this machine, yet your focus is on future games. What type of game do you expect to see in the future that is not being presented during launch? Virtual reality? Because almost all forms of game genres are being offered during the launch window.

What are you missing, and why do you think it wont appear on the WiiU?
No, not really. I didn't give a shit about Wiis inferior graphics in 2006, neither did I care that 3DS didn't look as good as Vita. Because they immediately went full out with revealing full fledged games with certain amount of effort behind them and giving confidence in the systems future.

Really? I don't think you are remembering things correctly, Nintendo didn't immediately go full out revealing huge complete games. E3 2005 Nintendo revealed a bunch of single minigame experiences, the only "full fledged game" from Nintendo was the Mario Galaxy demo. Other than that there were a bunch of minigames that eventually became Wii Sports, a couple that became Wii Music, and one that eventually became Wii Sports Resort. Nintendo didn't reveal "full fledged games" until E3 2006, when they revealed Wii Sports, Wario Ware Smooth Moves, Excite Truck, Day of Disaster, Project Hammer, and Metroid Prime 3. Oh, and they revealed that they tacked on Wii controls to the Gamecube Zelda game. While that was the best keynote in the history of E3, you can't really say a bunch of "Full fledged games giving confidence to hardcore gamers in the system's future" were revealed there.



If there is anything new it won't be for launch (unless Call of Duty is talked about) but maybe teases of things that will come in the spring. Even if that happens it won't more then a handfull of things. I could care less if anything from EA and Capcom is talked about at some point though. I'm done with both companies as far as games from them. Tired of the carrot baiting of Capcom and just the bs in general from EA.

Edit: I do welcome any information regarding games from Ubisoft, Activision, Square-Enix, Bethesda, THQ, Warner Bros, Sega and some the smaller and lesser known companies.

There has been pretty much no Japanese support announced yet so that is gonna come soon
I disagree, I see a machine offering various forms of control for various types of games.
We have motion control, dual screens, traditional controls, a balance board. Obviously, dual screen controls is being focused on because its the new kid on the block. But the point is to not shoehorn dual screens into every game if its not necessary.

No, this is not a machine built around its controller. This is a machine built upon past machines. Past and future input possibilities.

The gamepad clearly is the focus as of now and there's hardly any convincing software for it.

You claim that graphics is not the selling point of this machine, yet your focus is on future games. What type of game do you expect to see in the future that is not being presented during launch? Virtual reality? Because almost all forms of game genres are being offered during the launch window.

What are you missing, and why do you think it wont appear on the WiiU?

Well, it's a Nintendo console so I expected Nintendo games. Like, real games. Not soulless cash-ins. I was ready for Nintendo HD, but what I got instead was karaoke, some Wii Fit addon, two equivalents of Wii Play and they apparently believe that you can ease the concerns of longtime fans because... they made these abominations called Miis look like caricatures of other Nintendo properties?
As I said, there's some good games at launch, but since Nintendos own productions are completely lacklustre apart from Pikmin and there is nothing known about what's beyond that (which could very well mean droughts), it's an overall truly pathetic way to introduce your console to the world.

Really? I don't think you are remembering things correctly, Nintendo didn't immediately go full out revealing huge complete games. E3 2005 Nintendo revealed a bunch of single minigame experiences, the only "full fledged game" from Nintendo was the Mario Galaxy demo. Other than that there were a bunch of minigames that eventually became Wii Sports, a couple that became Wii Music, and one that eventually became Wii Sports Resort. Nintendo didn't reveal "full fledged games" until E3 2006, when they revealed Wii Sports, Wario Ware Smooth Moves, Excite Truck, Day of Disaster, Project Hammer, and Metroid Prime 3. Oh, and they revealed that they tacked on Wii controls to the Gamecube Zelda game. While that was the best keynote in the history of E3, you can't really say a bunch of "Full fledged games giving confidence to hardcore gamers in the system's future" were revealed there.
But that's the point? Last year was like 2005, this year should have been 2006. But it was just a poor rehash of the same exact shit.
(And I think you are remembering it quite wrong :p 2005 didn't even show the controller yet. It teased the console with some 10 second clip of Metroid Prime 3, plus Virtual Console. Then 2006 was as you said, a simply amazing final reveal)


Treyarch QA tester listing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for Wii U on his Linkedin profile.


Public Company; 201-500 employees; ATVI; Computer Games industry

May 2012 – Present (4 months) Santa Monica, CA

QA tester for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Duties include QA testing on PS3 and Wii U, multiplayer testing while collaborating with team, ad hoc testing, and regression. Bug writing, research, and documentation are performed with each issue that is found.
Well, it's a Nintendo console so I expected Nintendo games. Like, real games. Not soulless cash-ins. I was ready for Nintendo HD, but what I got instead was karaoke, some Wii Fit addon, two equivalents of Wii Play and they apparently believe that you can ease the concerns of longtime fans because... they made these abominations called Miis look like caricatures of other Nintendo properties?
As I said, there's some good games at launch, but since Nintendos own productions are completely lacklustre apart from Pikmin and there is nothing known about what's beyond that (which could very well mean droughts), it's an overall truly pathetic way to introduce your console to the world.

That is a very one-sided look at Nintendo's Launch line up, as you seem to have forgotten that (for the first time in 16 years) there will a Mario game at launch & calling Game & Wario a Wii Play equivalent is frankly ludicrous (considering the Wario series predates the Wii __ series by years). Also lots of people have no issue with Miis & are actually interested in Nintendoland (I remember a time when "gamers" were the only ones playing minigame collections, rather then just complaining about them).

I just don't understand why people need to see a splash video showing the likes of MK & Zelda, they are obviously going to arrive on the Wii U, they have already confirmed certain games for past the "launch window" (Smash & Zelda have both been mentioned as being in development) & it's been Nintendo policy not to announce games as early as they used too(in fact I think the E3 you mention was called out as a reason why).


Anyone planning on changing how they go about purchasing games once the Wii U launches? Bad habits you are trying to break? Etc?

Had planned on picking up potentially three games at launch (with the system) but going have to drop that down to at the most two. The goal going forward is to only buy games I'm really interested in. None of the "support this type of game" crap that took place on the Wii in order to do my part in hopes of getting more quality games. If they're there they're there. If they happen to be something I really want to play then I'll buy it. If not then oh well. Not interested in trying to past some stupid test. Time is just not there for that and the desire to not waste money is to strong.

Also going forward going to try my best to not buy any new games until I've completed the previous game that was purchased That means finishing the single player story of a game and putting a decent number of hours into the multiplayer. That is unless I just end up hating the game as I continue to play. At that point it's getting sold and won't be kept in the collection. Not sticking to that is how I got the backlog I got on the Wii.

The exception will be on launch where I'll end up with two games. ZombiU for the new experience and Black Ops 2 (if it's there at launch) for the old and trusted, also for the multiplayer. Figure Assassin's Creed 3 (unless something else interest me more) can wait until December/Jan (should be enough time to really put a lot of time into the other games) to be gotten and that should last last a while as well.


Gold Member
Anyone planning on changing how they go about purchasing games once the Wii U launches? Bad habits you are trying to break? Etc?

I usually just STOP buying games for previous console after buying a new console, so any games bough after I have picked up a Wii U will be for Wii U, however there are a few that I would like to get that are PS3 exclusive so I'll have to see what happens, and some games have not yet been announced on Wii U but I really REALLY hope they will be.


Neo Member
Anyone planning on changing how they go about purchasing games once the Wii U launches? Bad habits you are trying to break? Etc?

Had planned on picking up potentially three games at launch (with the system) but going have to drop that down to at the most two. The goal going forward is to only buy games I'm really interested in. None of the "support this type of game" crap that took place on the Wii in order to do my part in hopes of getting more quality games. If they're there they're there. If they happen to be something I really want to play then I'll buy it. If not then oh well. Not interest in trying to past some stupid test.

Also going forward going to try my best to not buy any new games until I've completed the previous game that was purchased That means finishing the single player story of a game and putting a decent number of hours into the multiplayer. That is unless I just end up hating the game as I continue to play. At that point it's getting sold and won't be kept in the collection. Not sticking to that is how I got the backlog I got on the Wii.

The exception will be on launch where I'll end up with two games. ZombiU for the new experience and Black Ops 2 (if it's there at launch) for the old and trusted, also for the multiplayer. Figure Assassin's Creed 3 (unless something else interest me more) can wait until December/Jan (should be enough time to really put a lot of time into the other games) to be gotten and that should last last a while as well.

You don't plan on getting Nintendo Land?
Assuming it doesn't get bundled in


Nice. So now that the cat is even further out of the bag, how about we get some official announcements.

I think the COD Embargo is not even Nintendo, its prob Activision dont want to hurt MS feelings for WiiU having the best version of BO:2 lol. But anyways it was the same with Wii COD, we didnt get official announcements until very late.


"Wii U doesn't have any power restrictions"

That's very good :).

So, can we end the stupid "Nintendo screwed over developers by giving them an underclocked Gamecube CPU" for the 12th time now?

Edit:IBM confirmed the same power7 technology in Wii U, Reggie said publishers wont find excuses in porting games, Shinen got thousands of animated objects running with little effort and with less limitations, Jeremiah denounced rumors giving the wrong impression of Wii U and now this.

Point is, Wii U's cpu is anything but Flipper or Xenon. It's something much better. :)


Anyone planning on changing how they go about purchasing games once the Wii U launches? Bad habits you are trying to break? Etc?

I'm actually going to try and go all Wii U/PC this generation for as long as I can. Right now I'm 360/Wii/PC, but cutting back would be nice. The only problems that arise are games such as NHL13 and Naruto Generations. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll be focusing as much as possible on those 2 platforms and buying only a scattered game on the 360. Going more digital is also an option but that all comes down to Nintendo's online infrastructure, which we know nothing about yet.


Unconfirmed Member
So, can we end the stupid "Nintendo screwed over developers by giving them an underclocked Gamecube CPU" for the 12th time now?

IBM confirmed the power7 in Wii U, Reggie said publishers wont find excuses in porting games, Shinen got a thousand animated object game running with no effort, Jeremiah denounced rumors giving the wrong impression of Wii U and now this.
I don't remember IBM confirming that. And the power race won't be "over" until we've got XLS sheets of comparisons between the hardware of Durango, Orbis and Wii U.


So, can we end the stupid "Nintendo screwed over developers by giving them an underclocked Gamecube CPU" for the 12th time now?

IBM confirmed the power7 in Wii U, Reggie said publishers wont find excuses in porting games, Shinen got a thousand animated object game running with no effort, Jeremiah denounced rumors giving the wrong impression of Wii U and now this.

Hopefully, someone should post this in the "Why is everyone obsessed with Wii U specs" thread and be done with the stupid Eurogamer article.

Also who is Jeremiah and what did he say?.


Rösti;41131752 said:
I don't remember IBM confirming that. And the power race won't be "over" until we've got XLS sheets of comparisons between the hardware of Durango, Orbis and Wii U.
"#WiiU uses same #power7 chips."

Sounds like a Power7 to me, although obviously scaled to fit inside Wii U.
So, can we end the stupid "Nintendo screwed over developers by giving them an underclocked Gamecube CPU" for the 12th time now?

IBM confirmed the power7 in Wii U, Reggie said publishers wont find excuses in porting games, Shinen got a thousand animated object game running with no effort, Jeremiah denounced rumors giving the wrong impression of Wii U and now this.



Hopefully, someone should post this in the "Why is everyone obsessed with Wii U specs" thread and be done with the stupid Eurogamer article.

Also who is Jeremiah and what did he say?.

Jeremiah Slaczka a.k.a neogaf's Jackson and scribblenauts dev.

"Speaking in the latest issue of Game Informer, Slaczka said that the Wii U is "definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It's kind of frustrating to see the rumours and speculation of people going back and forth saying it's weaker or more powerful. It's definitely more powerful."

Rösti said:
I thought that was debunked.
Dunno. Who debunked it?

Between that, we also had this:
" It's a silicon on insulator design and packs the same processor technology found in Watson"


You don't plan on getting Nintendo Land?
Assuming it doesn't get bundled in

Not really. If it's bundled I'll mess around with it but not buying it separately. There is a significant lack of information regarding how the single player experience will be and I doubt there will be any. I have no one a the moment I can play this with locally on a (semi)regular basis. The seemingly lack of online multiplayer doesn't make the game a worthwhile purchase, regardless of any price point. If there is one major concern I have with the Wii U it's the focus on local multiplayer. It's not doable for me at the moment on a regular basis. When I move it's not going to be possible at all unless I meet new people that are interested. Then it could be purchased.


Anyone planning on changing how they go about purchasing games once the Wii U launches? Bad habits you are trying to break? Etc?

Not really changing but will continue to do what I did toward the end of the Wii's life and only buy games I know I'll get a lot of playtime in.

I know CoD will give me all I really need for like 9-10 months so I really could just get that one game. But having a spare or two won't hurt so I'm getting ACIII as well for sure right now. It's possible I'll get one more game that might be fun to play with the wife, but not sure I've seen one yet that she would really get into, she's not much of a gamer.
That is a very one-sided look at Nintendo's Launch line up, as you seem to have forgotten that (for the first time in 16 years) there will a Mario game at launch & calling Game & Wario a Wii Play equivalent is frankly ludicrous (considering the Wario series predates the Wii __ series by years). Also lots of people have no issue with Miis & are actually interested in Nintendoland (I remember a time when "gamers" were the only ones playing minigame collections, rather then just complaining about them).

I just don't understand why people need to see a splash video showing the likes of MK & Zelda, they are obviously going to arrive on the Wii U, they have already confirmed certain games for past the "launch window" (Smash & Zelda have both been mentioned as being in development) & it's been Nintendo policy not to announce games as early as they used too(in fact I think the E3 you mention was called out as a reason why).

I didn't expect Zelda, the last one isn't even a year old. It's not like Zelda and Mario are the only things that Nintendo ever did... And even with their ,,new'' policy (which they began in like 2007), they still had an amazing first showing off 3DS. So this years whole deal doesn't really give me confidence, regardless of whether we know ,,that these big games are surely coming anyway''. Bad enough that their teams are apparently so mishandled that they couldn't get anything better ready for launch, but in the year of a new consoles final reveal there should be a promising glimpse of the future, but as of now they are providing the exact opposite.
Also, I love Wario Land and I love Warioware, so this new game is yet another slap in the face. It's not more than Wii Play and Raving Rabbids back then. All of that could have very well been Nintendoland attractions. It's ridiculous how they want to cash in with the same crap twice (cheap tech demos from last year, with minor efforts in giving them somehow new looks), while they could not even get a full fledged Warioware game ready. A total impertinence in my eyes. It might very well be the most loveless game from Intelligent Systems I've ever seen, if you exclude some downloadable stuff.


So, can we end the stupid "Nintendo screwed over developers by giving them an underclocked Gamecube CPU" for the 12th time now?

IBM confirmed the power7 in Wii U, Reggie said publishers wont find excuses in porting games, Shinen got a thousand animated object game running with no effort, Jeremiah denounced rumors giving the wrong impression of Wii U and now this.

I may have missed that... when did that happen? Link?

nevermind... I see the link... reading...

Edit 2: Eh, still need something more concrete.

Oh, the actual quote from Shinen wasn't "a thousand"... but rather; "literally thousands of animated objects"


Oh, HELL no! *Loads Shotgun*


Metroid may make a return if Nintendo and Team Ninja figure out the best way forward for the series, Dead or Alive 5 director Yosuke Hayashi has told VG247.

We quizzed Hayashi on the matter of a Metroid: Other M sequel at gamescom, to which he replied “Unfortunately Metroid is kind of out of our league as it’s Nintendo’s game, but we’re still in close touch with co-creator Sakamoto-san, so we want to do something with him moving forward definitely. It really depends on what he wants to do with the game first.”


El Capitan Todd
As I said in the topic in the gaming forum, I loved the battle system, the narrative approach and to me the game was top notch under the tech aspect.
I hated the artstyle and the lack of lonely exploration and scanning.
So, mixed feelings.


Just in case any of you missed it:


If you're looking to get into the Assassin's Creed series before the third one comes out (so you can buy it on Wii U), they have AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations all for 75% off right now. The first one is not offered but in my opinion it is very skippable.

Edit: Though there is a continuous story throughout them so you will kind of miss the beginning if you skip the first. Also, this deal appears to be today only.

Spreading more Assassin's Creed love in case any of you still haven't got in on the series and are looking to.


I may have missed that... when did that happen? Link?

nevermind... I see the link... reading...

Edit 2: Eh, still need something more concrete.

Oh, the actual quote from Shinen wasn't "a thousand"... but rather; "literally thousands of animated objects"
I edited my initial post to better reflect my position.


I edited my initial post to better reflect my position.

You may have also remember that in another(?) interview, Shinen also said:

"I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.”

Now if this is the same game(it's logical to assume so) where they are rendering those thousands of animated objects(twice, in multiplayer with gamepad), and they believe they are still only tapping 20% of Wii U's potential, then I find that mighty impressive.

We still have yet to see this game, but if Shinen says it looks brilliant, then I'm inclined to believe it's - at the very least - a good looking game.
Really? Because I see many games using wiimotes.
We also have seen no games using two gamepads.
Maybe you dont get the point of the gamepad just yet?

Which is why the whole concept feels crude. It's like, the gamepad clearly is supposed to be that hot new attraction. And then it also somehow isn't. It will be the main controller coming with the console and yet in their flagship title Mario U, the tasks you can do on that thing are the most superfluous one could think of (tap somehwere to make a platform...), while the actual game is played with Wiimotes by others. ZombiU takes advantage of it and yet none of what was shown is worth sacrificing pointer controls. P-100 looks good in that regard and they did a horrible job of actually promoting that game.
It's also yet another shitty excuse for 3rd parties to say ,,well, we don't want to bring games since we need to make something with that new feature''.
Well my Gamescom report will go up soon with my Wii U impressions (Rayman Legends, Wii U Gamepad, Pro controller, Toki Tori 2 PC)

Just as a tidbit: All of the stuff mentioned above is really really good :)


I don't think we would be seeing all these story elements all over again. Sakamoto more than often said that he would take feedback to heart after OM releases. But who knows, perhaps the backlash hit him hard and he continues it out of defiantness anyway :]
Ppl blame sakamoto but team ninja games generally suck. Ninja Gaiden 3 was an abomination. They've done nothing well this generation. Ninja Gaiden 2 was their apex.

"from the creators of the critically acclaimed games (not really) Metroid: Other M and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, comes a thrilling sequel that is just as crap as the first, Metroid: Another M"
Ppl blame sakamoto but team ninja games generally suck. Ninja Gaiden 3 was an abomination. They've done nothing well this generation. Ninja Gaiden 2 was their apex.

"from the creators of the critically acclaimed games (not really) Metroid: Other M and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, comes a thrilling sequel that is just as crap as the first, Metroid: Another M"

I´d prefer "Metroid M&M" :D
When you read posts around here, you can really tell if someone is having a bad day or not.

By the way, i AM convinced the gamepad is innovative enough. And i AM convinced there is enough software coming. And i dont think nintendo is having a hard time getting games made for wii u. They are doing the best possible thing they can, which is to take a slight step back for launch and let 3rd parties get a good chunk of sales for their games. Does everyone forget all the articles and talk about nintendo purposely changing their policies to allow 3rd parties to have time in the spotlight? Because i remember them. And now that we are seeing a 3rd party dominated launch for wii u we get all these crybabies acting as if nintendo doesnt have anything coming for wii u. Its BS. How much more smart could they be, than letting 3rd parties take the spotlight and get some sales, then in a half a year to a year when more talk of next xbox etc comes out they start showing their big games, which will be even more ready and polished after all that time? Seriously? How much smarter does nintendo have to be to convince some of you?

Nah, lets spent a few more meltdowns and few thousand more posts about how dumb nintendo is.
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