This sounds a lot like you're angry that Nintendo isn't focusing on graphics alone for every single Wii U game. Assuming that equates "they can't do HD"?
The fact that NSMB U, or Nintendo Land, or Pikmin 3 don't use the visual technology of Crysis 2 does not make them 'crappy' games. The vindictive attitude over titles like that is misplaced.
There are obviously going to be Wii U games that are 'big budget' in the way people want to see regarding Dat Graphics. Retro's games. 3D Mario games from EAD. Zelda. And more.
Did Nintendo frustrate some people by not coming out with a demonstration of at least one 1st party game that was appropriate to show off graphics technology? Yes. Because people have been rather fixated on Nintendo + graphics for six years now. Or rather, Nintendo + graphics technology - since the tech and the actual visual package of a game are not always the same thing. Pikmen 3, for instance, looks lush, appealing, and runs at 60fps.
But in the end, it seems Nintendo is focusing on launching Wii U with titles that fall in the middle, rather than all 'causal' (how that word has been abused) and all 'hardcore'.
It's just too bad for core gamers that many no longer consider 2D Mario a core game, or a significant series. (The sales disagree.)
No, not really. I didn't give a shit about Wiis inferior graphics in 2006, neither did I care that 3DS didn't look as good as Vita. Because they immediately went full out with revealing full fledged games with certain amount of effort behind them and giving confidence in the systems future. Plus in the case of the Wii with a truly convincing concept compared to WiiUs gamepad which feels nothing but crude at this point and doesn't really show anything that justifies a whole machine built around it.
Apart from 2008, these poorly looking Mii games and other shit never bothered me, unlike the ridiculous amount of the consoles haters, as I was thankfully able to look beyond that and see the Wii as a console full of great titles and overlooked gems.
This time however, at least up until this point, there's nothing more to it. It really doesn't ,,fall in the middle'' at all. When it comes to internal studios, they are solely focusing on getting non-gamers back with cheap fitness and karaoke dreck and Nintendoland is nothing but last years tech demos with some abominable ,,Nintendo''-look added to it, same goes for Wario. Pikmin 3 looking good, but that wasn't even made specifically for the console.
With the whole year before E3 also considered and some of the interviews and tidbits that came afterwards, this thing feels almost insulting to me. Either they can't handle the HD development, or they just don't want to, but in either case if they aren't fixing this in september, they deserve to fall even harder than the 3DS with WiiU imo. Even as a huge fan, there's only so much I can bear. Sometimes I feel better about, as there's a couple of ,,nice to have'' games I'd pick up in the launch window, but ultimately with what else they've shown so far and absolutely no confidence what comes afterwards (droughts? Retro etc working on something I don't care about?) it's just poor all around and makes this feel like the least ambitious Nintendo console to date.