Before Wikileaks no one knew US bombed in Afghanistan ? Or was it the amazing reveal that people die in bombings ? April, a classified video of the 12 July 2007 Baghdad airstrike was released, showing two Reuters employees being fired at, after the pilots mistakenly thought the men were carrying weapons, which were in fact cameras.[164] After the mistaken killing, the video shows U.S. forces firing on a family van that stopped to pick up the bodies, constituting a war crime.
I don't get why wikileaks would do this
The video depicts one armed with an AK variant, another with an RPG and one carried an additional RPG round. Among the group were two Iraqi war correspondents working for Reuters, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen, who had come to photograph an American Humvee under attack by the Mahdi Army.
What was accomplished by classifying the video and not informing the public?That's Baghdad in Iraq, nor is it a bombing. And what exactly was accomplished with that leak ?
It's also not just the Apache pilots thinking they were carrying weapons, they were.
They are making a Monkees movie with Simon Cowell(?), but it's called the Monkeys and they are like CGI musical monkeys. Wanted Edgar Wright to direct.
jelly said:wikileaks shouldn't have done this.
And they realized a lot of these mails contained personal stuff, not relevant stuff or just highly sensitive employement details that have no value to anybody but assholes and scammers.Outside of not scrubbing social numbers from names of employees(? I haven't checked to see if they did) I see nothing wrong with this. The information from the gigs of data the people stole would've been out there eventually. Journalists already had it and picked at it.
So GAf is to blame for Amazing Spiderman 2 and breaking Will Smith. How deep does the rabbithole go?
And they realized a lot of these mails contained personal stuff, not relevant stuff or just highly sensitive employement details that have no value to anybody but assholes and scammers.
And if wikileaks wasn't the one to leak it, someone else would've. Is what I'm getting at. Wikileaks at least could scrub sensitive personal information out of the e-mails before releasing, but given they're all about "100% transparency" it seems like that'd fly in the face of their M.O.
And if wikileaks wasn't the one to leak it, someone else would've. Is what I'm getting at. Wikileaks at least could scrub sensitive personal information out of the e-mails before releasing, but given they're all about "100% transparency" it seems like that'd fly in the face of their M.O.
Blomkamp wanted $1M for closing shot of Chappie. Sony denied this.
Blomkamp wanted $1M for closing shot of Chappie. Sony denied this.
These people are so informal via email that it disturbs me.
These people are so informal via email that it disturbs me.
seriously. every email at my job is incredibly formal....
These people are so informal via email that it disturbs me.
While I find this morally wrong, I can't stop reading. It's all really interesting.
These people are so informal via email that it disturbs me.
Recap of Kevin Feige Notes - 11.19,13
Email-ID 88763
Date 2013-11-20 02:45:59
From rachel_o'
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Recap of Kevin Feige Notes - 11.19,13
There are too many story lines and we need to choose which ones we are focusing on and lift out the other ones, ie; could reduce father arc to just Roosevelt?
Could cut out plane crash and Richard destroying spiders and start on armored car dont start with Spider-Man .let the danger/stakes to NYC build first and then have Spider-Man enter the scene heroically.
Tone down Paul Giamatti performance, so he seems a bit more menacing and less cartoonish.
If you cut Richard from the opening and the plane crash maybe you could instead do Harry coming home and seeing Norman at the top of the movie as a cold open.
Really love Electro feels like you may not need the scene in his apartment, which makes him seems completely crazy and hard to relate too.
Like the idea that eel goes in his mouth and instead of burrowing, you see it glow within him
Need to set up the Power Plant earlier, visually.
Seems like the movie switches povs a lot why are we in Maxs pov during the car chase, worth looking at this playing out from Spideys pov.
There could be a better way to reveal that Peter is missing graduation maybe when you cut Gwen you cut to the wide shot?
Tiny note dont think Peter would lie to Gwen about sirens --- maybe he just downplays it
Stan Lee Cameo maybe need a little more emphasis on Peter here trying to get out of his costume and not be in seen set up a little more the pressure of the principal getting closer and closer to calling his name.
Instead of seeing the ghost of Captain Stacy, can just here the voice in Peters head and maybe flash back to the last movie? Dont think we should add Cap Stacy back into car chase.
There is too much back and forth with Peter and Gwen can we recut the Dim Sum scene so that it doesnt feel so repetitive of their break-up in the last movie Can Peter be more honorable and definitive and less wishy-washy?
Why do we need a year to pass
Harry story feels like the main plot of the movie Peter should look into the past b/c of Harry maybe find some photos of them together as kids use obsession wall more to set up this part of his past not just what happened to parents.
Not sure what Peter learns at Roosevelt is entirely correct. Were distracted by the idea that Peter became Spider-Man b/c of his fathers blood --- all this special back story with his super-scientist dad fights with the idea that Peter is normal kid from Queens who becomes the greatest super-hero in the world
Andrews performance is all over the place a lot of crying and then a lot of mania. Hard to track him emotionally sometimes. It undermines his reaction to Gwens death b/c he gets upset and emotional a lot.
Dont like the idea that May tells Peter his parents were spies b/c two seconds later he finds out they are not and it again fights with the idea that hes an ordinary kid.
Like the idea that May finds out hes Spider-Man finds his costume instead of just the rosemary harris wink-wink all the time.
Kind of like the morgue, but hate the dancing mortician cliché.
Are you using VFX to show how Electro is travelling from one point to another (bursts of electricity).
Need to underscore capture of goblin more sirens as you linger on the clock 1;21, 1:22 am (nice touch).
Surveillance scene should be about following Harry not Peter no one should be following Peter.
Can Electro hum Itsy-Bitsy Spider before he plays it electronically maybe we can use this again.
Maybe intercut the ending montage and hearing Gwens speech with someone going into special projects and revealing more easter eggs and see that the rhino case has been broke into and the suit is missing great way to transition to rhino ending.
Dont need Aunt May in the kitchen.
Spider-man needs to feel more directly responsible for preventing the planes from crashing.
Dont show New Yorkers looting.
kevinnotes11.19.13.doc (32832 Bytes)
Sony has never struck me as a company that needlessly requires useless formalities for absolutely no reason. The majority of these emails are among close colleagues and likely friends.
That one from Steve (the powers guy) to Andrew House is so fucking bad though. In so many ways.
While I find this morally wrong, I can't stop reading. It's all really interesting.
whoa, feige was giving webb advice on asm2??The Feige notes about Spider-Man are interesting
Holy Shit! This movie is the real fucking deal! So good! (NEOGAF)
Subject: Barbie/Super Model Super Spy
I was super optimistic going into this read - potentially to have a sudden puzzle piece arrive and for the whole project click into place. I'm afraid that's not the case. This script is OVERBOARD meets THE INTERVIEW.
I think that our Barbie should always be capable, not a ditsy blonde wronged by a man who triumphs in the face of adversity (OVERBOARD). Not to mention, 15 pages in when this model loses everything thanks to her Madoff boyfriend, then gets a borderline escort gig for a dictator (no way we can suggest or even imply that Barbie would ever do anything remotely hooker-ey....right??) and the CIA then taps her to be a spy because of the access that provides (INTERVIEW to a T, with training sequence to boot etc). Then the expected hijinx/girl rising to her true potential plotting ensues.
Its not bad (we've gotten the script before) and actually charming at moments, but this approach would need a major overhaul, and I think is subpar conceptually to our current approach. I'm not sure Barbie should have an "arc" in the traditional sense (as is the case here), which makes our take so brilliant. So if we were to embrace it, all this version gives us is another script/idea that needs a ton of work (in addition to all the above points and more, we would still need to infuse it with the toy/meta concept) + a Jeremy Garelick. Why not just see if Lavender & Garelick, with Garelick to direct, have an idea for our current version???
There is an in-between that Wikileaks never will be able to reach though. I don't disagree with the general concept of leaking bulk data, but there are major ethical concerns when it comes to the release of personal information. I just found the cell phone number, email address, physical address and bank account numbers for a person I don't even know. With a bit more digging around and very little conscience, I could pretty much ruin their lives. How is making this information public helping anyone's freedom of access to information? It's definitely something that can be received with mixed feelings and polarized reactions.
EDIT: My post says in a long form what you said in a shorter way. I agree with you, basically.
hey sony made deals with the military so it's ok that this is public, you know it's the justicey thing to doSo Gawker found this. Oh boy.
The Feige notes about Spider-Man are interesting
whoa, feige was giving webb advice on asm2??
And they listened to none of them, hah. His notes are solid, it definitely would've led to a better film than what we got, especially him wanting to tone down the multiple storylines.
And they listened to none of them, hah. His notes are solid, it definitely would've led to a better film than what we got, especially him wanting to tone down the multiple storylines.
The Feige notes about Spider-Man are interesting
Sony wanted to prove they can wear the big boy pantsIt reminds me of reading my friends earlier draft of his screenplay and all constructive cristism was met with a "nah not changing it because I want it in"
It can't (and it isn't) be emphasized enough that he is "One Of A Kind". DNA and spider serum. So he is the one that's different - his cross to bear is to live a life of loneliness. Isolate him. He might be charming, kind and good-looking, but still he has a responsibility to his powers (I wouldn't call it a "gift". What sort of "gift" condemns you to solitude). Isolate him. See how charming plays then.
He's only questions. No answers. The answers will bring him to a lie.
There's a girl problem. She loves him. But she will love him sooo much that it will kill her. Modern girl -"don't you try to protect me, even thou I don't have your powers and still- the whole fucking world is after me...." Modern girl thinks she understands. But it's one thing intellectualizing it, it's quite another to really feel it...
But her DNA is just as strong, she is a fully formed, capable human being with her own dreams an imagination. With her own rights.
But we expect the girl to die. We just have to push the carousel, give it an emotional nudge. Like "Harry, my blood can't safe you..." (Is that enough to turn a basically decent chap like Harry - who doesn't " Do" complicated, into a murderous beast? And are we - the scientist in me says "no"- archiving this?)
I'm way beyond writing past midnight, so bear with my rumblings:
He is isolated through his condition and moral compass. His friend are going mad.
He is singular.
He is Loney, and it will get so much worse.
AND UNCLE JIMMY (wots his name?!) WAS RIGHT!!! He ne'er understood, never saw it coming...
But there are two glimmers in the sky: Gwen and the young boy (Max is cooking up meth and Harry is contemplating his secretary ...or world-domination. (I'd like to know what side he'd come down on.)
But he's super lonely,too. And the shards of ice push closer into what's left of his humanity - his only fried. Peter Parker. "So peter, if I can't live, you can't love. And you know what they have burned brightly, passionately - could something so profoundly noble and right be wrong? Oh, to have loved just once.... What is that old promise I gave, for her love, I'd give everything. I'd move to LONDON.
But you have no choice in the matter. Not you, with your DNA and spider- ness.
But that little boy, the on you saved - no, not MAX, but the GOOD VERSION of Max.
Him you still can safe.
Peter, you are not the Icon. The Boy is. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS. He lets us in to your world, identify with you. He is us at our most human.
As he stands there, in front of Tienamahn Square, frightened , but knows full well someone, somebody has to do the right thing.... He will do it. HE WILL. HE's brave beyond his years. he cares. It will kill him, but a world without heroes...? He will do it, because to him it's inconceivable not to believe. In the Good that is Spider-Man. . And he waits. Like David and Goliath. Like the boy at Tienamen square.
Spider-Man sees him from behind , lays his gloved hand on his shoulder, and explains to him that each one has what the other so desperate needs: the boy is pure, has courage and a beautiful moral comprehension. But he could never do it. back to the singular Dna...Spider-Man is the hollow man. But as he looks into the kids eyes, he sees a glimmer of his former self in him. Something well saving for. Something to safe for Gwenn. And as he gets up, he knows that he will be such in this DNA mutation forever, lonely but purposeful. He needs to unchain his Heart and let the love back in. There are people that love him. But, right now, know one seems to understand him like the little kid in his poor, Spider-Man onecy.
You can promise a whole city something and not really mean it. Buy you can't promise that to a little kid... The kid Is You. The kid has you courage, decency and heart. But you have the DNA!
Just some mad rambling 3.30 am talk, with a fever....
Yeah, that's a piece of shit gutter trash site alright.So Gawker found this. Oh boy.
I'm not surprised they read our post.
Edit: Oops, hamchan already brought it up in the production thread.
Bleeding Cool looked into Drew Goddard's departure from Daredevil to helm Sinister Six. Marvel seems pretty bitter over the loss of Goddard.
It surprising Marvel and Sony were able to set that aside and cooperate on Spider-man.