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Will DS work on wireless campus connection?


Alright, I go to St John's University in Queens. We have a wireless signal available for all the freshmen and sophomores that were given laptops. So wherever they are, even in classrooms, they connect to the Internet.

Has Nintendo spoke about how the DS configures itself to online environments?

Can I look forward to buying a DS and then walking over to campus and being automatically online?


Yamauchi: "DS will work at St John's University in Queens."
There you go. Official non-drunk, non-madeup confirmation.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
We have a wireless signal available for all the freshmen and sophomores that were given laptops.
Your school is wasitn its money. Poor students need to ge thier own damn labtops!


I don't get it? Howcome nobody's answering my question? All I asked is if the DS works with any wireless connection as soon as you enter a wireless area. I'm not hip to the whole wireless thing, so I don't know how these areas work.

Why is it that nobody's taking me seriously, is the answer supposed to be obvious to me?

Somebody nice write back.


Fatalah said:
I don't get it? Howcome nobody's answering my question? All I asked is if the DS works with any wireless connection as soon as you enter a wireless area. I'm not hip to the whole wireless thing, so I don't know how these areas work.

Why is it that nobody's taking me seriously, is the answer supposed to be obvious to me?

Somebody nice write back.





testicles on a cold fall morning
do you have to login in using a username and password? if so most likely no. my campus requires that a user logs into the system through a proxy server first before they have unlimited acess.

Plus it also assumes that Nintendo will actually follow through and have actual products online in the next 2 years. It's much easier to make promises than it is to follow through.


It all depends on if it's an open network (no encryption) or that they don't have their wireless access controlled through some kind of access manager (another words only devices with mac addresses programmed into the access manager will be able to connect). I'm guessing that if the college supplies the laptops, then this is going to be the case. Which means that the DS probalby won't be able to connect.

But that's all just speculation.


The range of the DS is only ~30 feet, too, so you'll have to limit where you actually go to play it. With my laptop, I can get a signal anywhere on campus because it's guaranteed 100 feet.


No one knows, period. It depends if the DS supports 802.11, 802.11b or 802.11g. I personally think it's plain old 802.11 (as all the documentation I've seen just lists it as 802.11), which will make things interesting as many hot spots don't support that protocol.

But then you've got the stuff coming from the Warp Pipe people, the possible encryption of your wireless network....who knows.


rollin' in the gutter
I just checked the wireless connection in my dorm room, and it's an unsecure connection, configured for open access. That sounds like it lacks encryption, :eek i can't wait for the DS to come out.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
It pretty much depends on the school. For your school in Queens, with the residential areas not being too close to your campus (and thus your network), there probably isn't as much a concern for leaching of bandwidth to non-staff/faculty/students than say Brooklyn College or NYU which has/have small campus(es) and is surrounded by houses/apartments/businesses. I would suggest you find out from your IT department what the protocol is for using the network (as others above me have pointed out)
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