Sure. I mean, I can even be albino. But let's not split hairs here. Racially, I'm black, yes1. Just because you're non-white Hispanic doesn't mean you're Afro-Latino. You can be mestizo or Asian-Latino.
How so? But you saying this is actually hurting your own argumentAlso, you're a guy, right? It's somewhat different for us black men.
[Tried to] read both of them. That Brookings one had the word "dismantle" in it, at which point I immediately checked out. Using activist language in a study reduces the academic credibility of said study.2. Studies should suffice when going beyond anecdotal evidence?
Penalizing Black hair in the name of academic success is undeniably racist, unfounded, and against the law
Howard Henderson and Jennifer Wyatt Bourgeois argue that Black students are disproportionately penalized for natural Black hairstyles and educational leadership must embrace inclusionary policies that end the school-to-prison
I... I got nothing. This view is not based on statistical reality.3. I agree that the Act is symbolic because a company or school can say it isn't about the hair but some other thing they can't quite explain. It still goes on... Even after Brown v Board of Education and Civil Rights legislation.
It means everything, because in 2022 there are not just actual laws in place against discrimination, there is a giant social incentive to diversify the workplace.4. Saying it's 2022 doesn't really mean anything... There is still explicit and implicit biases in schools and the workplace against people of color or specifically against black and indigenous peoples. Someone SAYING something doesn't mean it matches with what someone DOES.
Finally, I think we've gotten to the root of the issue. Certain people want a utopia, a flowery world where everyone is playing kumbaya and holding hands under a rainbow. The world does not work in this way.That doesn't mean everyone is now kumbaya ...
EVEN SO, with the would not being a utopia, we do have it pretty damn good here in the US. So good, in fact, that it's one reason why people no longer focus on first order problems (food, shelter, etc) so they now have to worry about second/third/fourth order problems, regardless of whether those problems are real or imaginary.