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Will Spider-Man 2 outsell Enter The Matrix?

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
No, because most of the reason ETM got so hyped up was due to the heavily-touted original movie sequences.

Man, I should stop commenting about Atari... %)
DMczaf said:
Did Enter the Matrix outsell the first Spiderman game on PS2/Xbox/GC?

How much did the first Spider-Man sell? And I didn't think it came out at exactly the same time with the movie, I could be wrong though.


Tag of Excellence
Considering the furious masturbation my friend's reporting at the local stores I'd be suprised if it didn't.

Oh we're talking about games here... yeah I'm with you. Go Spiderman 2.


GameFan Alumnus
Spidey should outsell it. Look at all the marketing behind the movie. Considering the movie is better, there will be more long-term advertising behind it, and Spidermania will carry it over the top.

Musashi Wins!

Littleberu said:
Nah. It's a good game. Casual won't buy it.

I think it will sell quite well. People love the Spider-Man.

It is starting to get good reviews now too, though not from any major sites yet.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Spiderman doesnt need to make as much as Matrix since they didnt spent nearly as much on developing the game and licence,ATARI didnt even made that much profit off the ETM,Activision made more off the first Spiderman.


I don't think so. Not because it couldn't, but because there's been barely any exposure to the Spiderman game. Almost no news about it.


Probably not. Don't forget there are tons of Spiderman games out there already, and yet ETM was the first Matrix game to ever be released (thus more people wanting to try it out). That's a major factor.
Fleming said:
Spiderman doesnt need to make as much as Matrix since they didnt spent nearly as much on developing the game and licence,ATARI didnt even made that much profit off the ETM,Activision made more off the first Spiderman.

I'm not so sure about that, I'm reading that the new Spidey game has very high production values, the developers have full access to the movie script and material, and the movie actors are doing the voice work for the movie, including Kristen Dunst.
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