And I thought I was the only one who's read that and have thought about it..hahaha, one can realize so many things on a simple messageboard.Tenguman said:
Anthropic said:A lot of previous empires rose to power because they were extraordinarily good at invading and exploiting other nations/peoples. However, that kind of expansion can't go on for ever and at some point the whole thing collapses.
The US, on the other hand, seems to be unique in the fact that we suck at imperialism. Early on, our economic prosparity did depend on exploiting the Native Americans and the African Americans. However, the explosive growth in the US's power and prosparity in the last 100 years seems to have been driven mostly by exploiting trade relationships and technology. Our sucesses have come when we've used military power as a bargining chip, rather than as a means for forced expansion. Our attempts at imperialism have consistantly blown up in our faces.
I think the most important factors, in the past century, came when Europe was crippled by war and the USA reeped the benefits.Anthropic said:A lot of previous empires rose to power because they were extraordinarily good at invading and exploiting other nations/peoples. However, that kind of expansion can't go on for ever and at some point the whole thing collapses.
The US, on the other hand, seems to be unique in the fact that we suck at imperialism. Early on, our economic prosparity did depend on exploiting the Native Americans and the African Americans. However, the explosive growth in the US's power and prosparity in the last 100 years seems to have been driven mostly by exploiting trade relationships and technology. Our sucesses have come when we've used military power as a bargining chip, rather than as a means for forced expansion. Our attempts at imperialism have consistantly blown up in our faces.
Anthropic said:The US, on the other hand, seems to be unique in the fact that we suck at imperialism.
Cimarron said:Economic imperialism is still imperialism you know.....
Socreges said:I think the most important factors, in the past century, came when Europe was crippled by war and the USA reeped the benefits.
belgurdo said:Empires last for thousands of years before they fall.
The US is barely over 200 years old
There wouldn't be a ball unless it was dropped! That's why I think the World Wars were the most important factors.Anthropic said:I think you're missing the real success here. The triumph wasn't picking up the ball Europe dropped, it was being able to run with the ball for so long.
Aligning such history with the present is kind of silly.belgurdo said:Empires last for thousands of years before they fall.
The US is barely over 200 years old
maharg said:Eh, I think the difference is far less significant than you make it out to be. And strictly speaking, the US controls about as much territory as the old Roman Empire did at its peak, and it wasn't all gained through trade.
At any rate, I don't think that difference will save the US. Whether it has been through the force of arms or through the use of arms as a bargaining chip, much of the world is unsettled by the level of control the US has over it.
Not to mention that the US absolutely DOES exploit foreign resources, whether direct imperial control is placed over them or not. Outsourcing isn't such a hot topic for nothing. It's basically exploitation, and even Americans don't seem to like it much at this point.
Anthropic said:There's no question there are some situations where we could be more fair, but in discussions like this people seem to forget (or not understand) how much trade is perfectly legitimate, as opposed to the smaller portion of it is that's unfair.
Agreed, unfortunately .Society said:Fall?
It has already fallen. Fallen into a pit of greed and selfishness.
DSN2K said:I so want to be alive when the oil runs out, just to see the world in total chaos. :lol
In per capita terms, I think China may need 60 years or so to exceed the US.
iyox said:Unless the US per capita some how decreases to allow this to happen, then this would be the end of the world as we know it. Sorry to say the earth(natural resources) can't support 1 billion people living the excesses of an american lifestyle.
but empires usually just outstretch themselves or end up collapsing from the inside due to corruption.
Hournda said:Two words, my friends: Peak Oil. The US will fall surprisingly soon.
Willco said:United States will never fall. It just won't happen. Empires won't exist. We'll just evolve to the point where we're operated by some big company.
Willco said:United States will never fall. It just won't happen. Empires won't exist. We'll just evolve to the point where we're operated by some big company.