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will VJ2 launch for GC AND PS2 at the same time ?

almokla said:
timely exclusive then ..

for how long ?

EB has the game coming out the 18th of November for the GC, and the 7th of December for the PS2. But GameStop has them both coming out on the 23rd of November.
SolidSnakex said:
EB has the game coming out the 18th of November for the GC, and the 7th of December for the PS2. But GameStop has them both coming out on the 23rd of November.

Placeholder dates?

Either way...Didn't Viewtiful Joe release, just a few months ago, on PS2 @ 19.99 and not do well?

I hope it finds its market as its an excllent game...though it could stand to be toned down a bit.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Those must be placeholder dates, Inaba has been saying they would come out at the same time for months. And every print ad shows both versions together, you don't see that when one version is a timed exclusive.
almokla said:
wait ... no co-op ?

does it have 2 player mode then ? ..


Read that interview...its short and you'll learn alot.

IGN: The tag-team/switch system sounds like it would make for an ideal foundation for cooperative two-person play. Why the decision not to go in that direction?

Atsushi Inaba: We thought that the "Viewtiful Touch" alternate play would really make Viewtiful Joe 2 a lot more fun to play since both Joe and Silvia have their own unique special moves. There's a whole side of the game in which alternating between characters raises the player's effectiveness and efficiency.
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