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Windows 8.1 |OT| There's your start button

The power button doesn't show up on tablets or other devices you're generally not supposed to turn off (or can simply close the lid or push the button to put it in connected standby)

Ah... I've updated my ultrabook, which is a hybrid laptop/tablet so that explains that.

There are two options:

1) Show Store apps on the taskbar
2) When I sign in, go to the desktop instead of start

No 2 is worded "When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of the start menu" so naturally I thought that was at fault. Seems it was actually No 1 that was causing me to go back to the desktop. Shame, because I liked that instead of going back to start after closing an app, it was simply going to the next open app.

Thanks for the help.
Okay I got the update. I don't like booting to desktop. I just feel naked like that now, so I figured out how to revert that. But I don't like the hand-holding of the new right-click functions. Is there any way I can get the old behavior back? Title bars on apps look ugly, but could be tolerable, despite not being all that necessary.


Junior Member
The corners kinda clash with the new minimize/close bar.

Edit: Wish the taskbar doesn't auto hide with metro apps.


I hope someone over at microsoft is working at bringing the desktop side up to par with the metro design stuff. Stuff like icons and the frames have felt a lot out of place ever since windows 8 came about. I understand that it can break compatibility with a lot of desktop stuff like legacy apps, but it feels like its long overdue now.

The Cowboy

My issue with the taskbar and metro apps is that, they didn't bother to adjust how it works with the task bar coming up in a metro app when you mouse towards it - if you happen to have the taskbar at the top of the screen.

I have my taskbar at the top and when i go to the top in a metro app the black bar shows up for closing/minimising, then strait after the taskbar appears over the top of it.


Junior Member
My issue with the taskbar and metro apps is that, they didn't bother to adjust how it works with the task bar coming up in a metro app when you mouse towards it - if you happen to have the taskbar at the top of the screen.

I have my taskbar at the top and when i go to the top in a metro app the black bar shows up for closing/minimising, then strait after the taskbar appears over the top of it.


They really didn't think this through. I feel all these updates are messing with Win8 users more than pleasing legacy users.
If I maximise a desktop application (with no Metro apps open) and double-click in the top left hand corner of the screen...it closes.

Edit: Seems like this isn't a bug, but something that's been in Windows for a while.

Edit2: "a while" = since Windows 3.1


Hmmm, why did I think the Start menu would have metro apps now? Maybe that was what's coming in Windows 9? I exited Classic Start, don't see any change to the start menu (desktop). Guess it's back to classic start.

PC still freezes on the spinning dots on reboot, have to power off every time.


Hmmm, why did I think the Start menu would have metro apps now? Maybe that was what's coming in Windows 9? I exited Classic Start, don't see any change to the start menu (desktop). Guess it's back to classic start.

PC still freezes on the spinning dots on reboot, have to power off every time.

Because, despite the fact that details about the Windows 8.1 Update and a future update were separated by more than an hour in the keynote, some tech bloggers couldn't wrap their minds around it and just assumed the Start Menu was coming today.


Unconfirmed Member
So far I like the update on my Surface Pro. Nice, that I have a few gigs of space thanks to the update!

Edit: will links in NeoGaf ever work on IE11?

Edit 2: The OS seems faster as well?


So, wait... The new start menu isn't in this update?

I noticed that I now have a power and search on Metro start, but that's all the changes I've noticed. Is there a complete change log?


never heard about the cat, apparently


Not a fan of seeing the taskbar on my startscreen when I click the start button. What makes is worse is that it sometimes doesn't disappear when moving my mouse away, as far as I can tell it's totally random and happens every few clicks. Has anyone else noticed this?

Start up and shutdown got WAY faster for me. Tell me I'm not experiencing a placebo effect here.

No changes there but it was already lightning fast for me. Maybe fast boot wasn't active previously?
Ugh, I disabled showing metro apps in the taskbar, but I can't find the option for my desktop to boot to start screen instead of the desktop.

And OMG, open link to new tab opens a tab in background! Best unannounced feature ever!
Taskbar properties -> Navigation -> When I sing in ....

It's not there anymore, now it's an option to go back to start screen or desktop when I close all apps.

But I guess the setting reflects on start up too, will reset to try.

Edit: BTW, IE now is awesomesauce again! After 8.1 I was having terrible lock ups, now they are gone, and overall it seems faster too, and some sites that didn't worked before now are perfect!

This update is worth for IE alone, imo.


I disabled the metro apps showing up on the taskbar. I actually liked having two separate instances of programs running, considering it's so easy to access them by swiping the left hand side.

Does the taskbar not show up for everyone? In the videos they released on youtube it just shows someone putting the cursor down at the bottom.


Does the taskbar not show up for everyone? In the videos they released on youtube it just shows someone putting the cursor down at the bottom.

It only shows up for me when I make a quick straight move right to bottom edge of the screen, it's takes more 'effort' to bring it up comparing with charm bars to me. I can move my pointer there slowly and nothing shows up. You can't unintentionally bring it up I guess.

I hate auto hiding taskbar in general, wish I could lock it, that would be more useful for me. Even for tablet OS makes sense to be there all the time, think of it as a notification bar.

edit: After checking auto-hide in taskbar properties, taskbar never shows up in start screen or modern apps any time.

edit2: the above edit looks like was caused by hiding modern apps in taskbar and not auto hiding
I disabled the metro apps showing up on the taskbar. I actually liked having two separate instances of programs running, considering it's so easy to access them by swiping the left hand side.

Does the taskbar not show up for everyone? In the videos they released on youtube it just shows someone putting the cursor down at the bottom.

When I disabled metro apps showing in the taskbar the taskbar stopped popping up to me in metro apps.

It only shows up for me when I make a quick straight move right to bottom edge of the screen, it's takes more 'effort' to bring it up comparing with charm bars to me. I can move my pointer there slowly and nothing shows up. You can't unintentionally bring it up I guess.

I hate auto hiding taskbar in general, wish I could lock it, that would be more useful for me. Even for tablet OS makes sense to be there all the time, think of it as a notification bar.

edit: After checking auto-hide in taskbar properties, taskbar never shows up in start screen or modern apps any time.

It pops up consistently for me, when I take the mouse in the bottom center of the screen. Trying to bring it a bit more towards the corners is a no go, I guess they didn't want it to mess with the corners gestures...
Fuck, Windows Update is getting hammered. And here I was thinking I could download the update in around 10 seconds on my connection.
I'm on a dilemma. Raising the taskbar to 2 rows looks really bad, but it's really useful having desktop and metro apps there all the time...

With a single row it gets cluttered really easily, so I disable metro apps appearing on the taskbar, it looks better, but less useful :(

What should I do?


I'm on a dilemma. Raising the taskbar to 2 rows looks really bad, but it's really useful having desktop and metro apps there all the time...

With a single row it gets cluttered really easily, so I disable metro apps appearing on the taskbar, it looks better, but less useful :(

What should I do?

You could try a program like Bins, not sure if it works on Windows 8 though. I use it on my other Windows 7 laptop.
Edit: the site says it is compatible http://www.1upindustries.com/bins/


I thought this was supposed to update automatically if you have it set that way? I got some updates today, but it was just security stuff.
For Surface Pro 2 users, how do you turn off the new tap touchpad to drag? Really throwing me off as using the actual left click button isn't always pleasant on the type cover 2(why did you get rid of real buttons Microsoft)

I thought this was supposed to update automatically if you have it set that way? I got some updates today, but it was just security stuff.
I had to manually download it in the settings/update and recovery location.
Not sure how to feel about the update, either than it's obviously a stopgap solution until they release the Start Menu and windowed apps for non-touch interfaces. Particularly because some of these changes will probably actually go away once they add the above.


special needs, sexual needs
Ok odd question. I have Windows 8.1 Pro on my laptop but I'm looking for a new PC that comes with just the standard Windows 8. My question is there anyway to get Windows Pro along with my media center package onto the new PC?


Windows 8.1 Update direct download link



Oh my heavens. Thank you for this.

For the longest time, the update wouldn't install. These wouldn't either until I realized the downloads weren't actually completing properly. They'd download but the file size would be smaller than what was listed on their site. I imagine the same thing was happening via Windows Update because it installed perfectly once all the downloads completed in full.


got an update but no power or search buttons on start menu (surface RT)...

guess it was not the 8.1 update 1...

questions :

is there a way to disable the password screen?

is there an clock setting to make a full screen clock appear when the tablet is charging and idle?
Not sure how to feel about the update, either than it's obviously a stopgap solution until they release the Start Menu and windowed apps for non-touch interfaces. Particularly because some of these changes will probably actually go away once they add the above.

It is a stop gap.

Whereas the Desktop and Modern UI experience were sandboxed before, they're now intertwined in this halfway-implemented disgusting combination.

I'm not even sure why people need a Start Menu, and I don't think bringing it back is the solution. What people need is the readily available search functionality, and a way to view all applications that are installed from the Desktop screen. A search button and an "Apps" popup button would do a much better job at accomplishing this task.
It is a stop gap.

Whereas the Desktop and Modern UI experience were sandboxed before, they're now intertwined in this halfway-implemented disgusting combination.

I'm not even sure why people need a Start Menu, and I don't think bringing it back is the solution. What people need is the readily available search functionality, and a way to view all applications that are installed from the Desktop screen. A search button and an "Apps" popup button would do a much better job at accomplishing this task.

That really sounds like Windows 7's Start Menu.
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