You can control the number of columns in each group of apps. Let's say that you have 2 groups of apps, each made up of 2 columns. If you drag a shortcut from one group to the other, that shortcut will appear at the bottom of one of the columns, but when both columns are full, a third will be created and so on. Obviously, you can re-order apps within a group by just dragging them about with the left mouse button.My main complaint right now, is the lack of customizations on the Start screen.
Is there a way to control the layout of tiles?
I have a bunch of desktop games in Start. I added them alphabetically, so that's how they were added. Unfortunately, Start wants to do everything in 2 columns. So they're sorted top to bottom, with the first 2 columns in order.
Is there a way to control the number of columns in a group?
To create a new group of app shortcuts, just drag a shortcut to the right of an existing group. You will see a dividing line appear on the screen and if you place a shortcut to the right of that and release the mouse button, the shortcut will be the first of a new group.
If you press the little - button in the bottom-right of the screen, you can zoom out, right-click on a group of apps, then give it a name. You can also left-click on a group of apps and drag them around as a group, so it's handy if you have groups of apps like Games, Social Networking etc. as you can easily change the order without having to drag one shortcut at a time.