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Windows Phone |OT2|

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rowi is on sale for .99 source

Almost bought it. Just installed the trial version and compared that to Carbon. I think I like Carbon more. The image preview looks a lot nicer and is more useful.


has calmed down a bit.
The local AT&T stores have the Nokia in the back but won't sell one to me until Monday. I wish I knew for sure if there was a pink one coming on Mother's Day, cause I know my wife would prefer that to Cyan.
I have feeling I will crack and get a black 900. Don't know if I will be able to wait.

I was excited until I saw picture of black 900 next to Titan 1 and Titan 2 ... I didn't know the phones are the same size. While the 900 looks better, I never feel the Titan was ugly. I think I am going to wait and save my upgrade for next gen phone.
Looks like this summer I'll finally be able to get my first Smartphone. My family contract is going to be upgraded and I'll be able to get data.

Any news on new Windows Phones coming to Sprint? I've played around with the Arrive and everything seems cool about it, but it's pretty old and I'd love to be able to get a newer phone but I won't complain.


Anyone catch the Vergecast? They spent an insane amount of time addressing the forum comments about that one single review.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Anyone catch the Vergecast? They spent an insane amount of time addressing the forum comments about that one single review.
what did they say. gimmie a link. i wanna hear them justify their review.
I have the replacement plan at Best Buy so I'm going to see what happens when I take my phone in and complain about the burn in. Best Buy has the 900 on the website already.
fuck that is tempting, i want to wait, but rogers is making it so hard with no dates on blue or white, its pissing me off.


Looks like this summer I'll finally be able to get my first Smartphone. My family contract is going to be upgraded and I'll be able to get data.

Any news on new Windows Phones coming to Sprint? I've played around with the Arrive and everything seems cool about it, but it's pretty old and I'd love to be able to get a newer phone but I won't complain.

Rumors of a high end Nokia coming for Windows Phone 8, towards the end of the year



Its hard to sum up, they talk about the OS, about the phone, about the Zune services even. And he sort of indirectly takes shots at a lot of the people criticizing him. Honestly, there's enough there for anyone to hear what they want to hear. Heck, they even take calls from folks on it.



has calmed down a bit.
what did they say. gimmie a link. i wanna hear them justify their review.

Josh basically said he knows more about technology than the folks who disagreed with him, said that not talking about Zune, Office, and Nokia apps was not a big deal, and that he is not an Apple fanboy because he uses a Galaxy Nexus
along with a 4s

I agree with a lot of what he wrote, but that dude is an obvious Apple fanboy who does not like MS.
I agree with a lot of what he wrote, but that dude is an obvious Apple fanboy who does not like MS.

Sure, he said using Windows is like poison, but that doesn't mean he can't have a valid opinion about other Microsoft products anymore. He still uses an Xbox 360!

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™

Its hard to sum up, they talk about the OS, about the phone, about the Zune services even. And he sort of indirectly takes shots at a lot of the people criticizing him. Honestly, there's enough there for anyone to hear what they want to hear. Heck, they even take calls from folks on it.

thanks for the link.

[opinionated rant]
i started at 30 mins and made it 10 mins before i wanted to punch a wall. I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW??? HOW ABOUT YOU GO FUCK YOUR SELF. just because you get to play with new toys and write about them doesn't mean you know shit. how about the fact that your site runs on rumors. or the fact that all you "know" is on the internet for everyone to see, so yea, WE KNOW. for fucks sake, why don't you think before talking completely out of your ass. and how does building PC's in your pre teens mean that you'r now the king of technology? hell i used to build PC's from broken parts laying around in high school and run UT 99 on them then have a lan party with my friends in class. anyone with half a brain can build a comp, i knew a guy who cut a power cord that was plugged in wall with metal scissors. HE could build a computer. just admit you're a macboy. their is nothing wrong with that. everyone is a fanboy of some kind.

Circle T

I've never really understood this whole "thing" with reviews. Games, movies, gadgets, cars, etc. It happens all the time. Someone likes an item, it then gets a bad review, and people go nuts. Who cares? Do you like said item? Great, continue enjoying it. I own a Galaxy Nexus as my daily phone. Upon its release, it was very divisive with its reviews. Some saw it as a look at the future of Android, while others saw it as outdated tech with lackluster specs. Not to mention the opinions out there about Android in general. None of that changes my opinion, though, that personally, it is the best device I've ever used.

Inside the tech hobbyist world, everyone already pretty much knows what they like and don't like, so reviews really aren't going to change much. And outside of that hobbyist world, no one really cares what those tech people say. I mean, I bet 90% of my close friends don't even know what TheVerge is, let alone why they would care what they say about gadgets. Or, if I asked them who Gruber and Siegler were, they'd probably think it was some law firm or something. We all need to just stop getting so hung up on scores and other people's opinions, and get back to just enjoying our stuff.

TL;DR - The 900 is a great WP7 phone. Stop caring about review scores, and get back to enjoying things.
Sure, he said using Windows is like poison, but that doesn't mean he can't have a valid opinion about other Microsoft products anymore. He still uses an Xbox 360!

Using a 360 and hating Microsoft are not two mutually exclusive things. Based on the internet, they actually seem to go hand in hand a lot of the time.


Jesus christ. It's one review. Ya'll need to chill and go out to buy yourself a new pair of shoes to make yourselves feel better.


Damn these look good.


has calmed down a bit.
It must be nice to be an apple fanboy and never have to worry about bad reviews.

Oh shit, the lock screen bounces when I touch it to indicate an action. What an amazing, innovative idea from Apple. Those guys never cease to amaze me. Its those little things that make all the difference.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm perfectly fine with the review...but some of his comments on the vergecast were pretty insulting. I KNOW MORE ABOUT TECH THAN YOU. Cool beans, mr high horse.

I don't think I could listen to that podcast. Reminds me of game journos calling mass effect fans entitled.


It must be nice to be an apple fanboy and never have to worry about bad reviews.

Oh shit, the lock screen bounces when I touch it to indicate an action. What an amazing, innovative idea from Apple. Those guys never cease to amaze me. Its those little things that make all the difference.
Apple products get bad reviews. (7/10 = bad. LOL) You're salty as fuck over something really insignificant. I don't even know how Gruber's comment is relevant.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I'm perfectly fine with the review...but some of his comments on the vergecast were pretty insulting. I KNOW MORE ABOUT TECH THAN YOU. Cool beans, mr high horse.
This. I don't care about the review. Fuck if I care, I like WP7 that's all their is to it. But that guy comes off as such a pompous d-bag. It feels like he wants to say sorry but instead says, "fuck you, you don't know shit. "

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Apple products get bad reviews. (7/10 = bad. LOL) You're salty as fuck over something really insignificant. I don't even how Gruber's comment is relevant.
Hey man. I am salty. The only reason he gave that 7 is because he knew he would get more shit if he gave it a lower score.


I'm perfectly fine with the review...but some of his comments on the vergecast were pretty insulting. I KNOW MORE ABOUT TECH THAN YOU. Cool beans, mr high horse.

Isn't that a valid point, though? Josh has a unique position on what works and what doesn't because he uses every platform.


has calmed down a bit.
Apple products get bad reviews. (7/10 = bad. LOL) You're salty as fuck over something really insignificant. I don't even know how Gruber's comment is relevant.

I have said repeatedly I agree with what he wrote, but why do you give a shit whether any of us gives a shit? You have something to add? This is a message board after all, we are all talking about shit that ultimately don't really matter.

Clearly, given how much time Josh dedicated during the last podcast, the review stirred a lot of discussion, so its just not this thread. You dont want to talk about it, you can just chill out in the iPad thread. Folks will be getting the phone soon, so the conversation will change to something else soon enough, maybe even something you want to talk about.


I have said repeatedly I agree with what he wrote, but why do you give a shit whether any of us gives a shit? You have something to add? This is a message board after all, we are all talking about shit that ultimately don't really matter.

Clearly, given how much time Josh dedicated during the last podcast, the review stirred a lot of discussion, so its just not this thread. You dont want to talk about it, you can just chill out in the iPad thread. Folks will be getting the phone soon, so the conversation will change to something else soon enough, maybe even something you want to talk about.
Because frankly, it's making this thread reek. Circle T and Windu seem to think as well that you guys are overreacting.


I still don't know which parts of the review people are taking offense to. I'm assuming it's not just the score because that seems like such a gaming side thing to do.

Circle T

Because frankly, it's making this thread reek. Circle T and Windu seem to think as well that you guys are overreacting.

My time in this thread is pretty much over, anyway. I helped out as best I could with early info and whatnot due to my early access to the device. Now that it will be out in a couple days, I will be of no use. It's been real, everyone, but I'm out.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
My time in this thread is pretty much over, anyway. I helped out as best I could with early info and whatnot due to my early access to the device. Now that it will be out in a couple days, I will be of no use. It's been real, everyone, but I'm out.

aww. well hope to see you around.


has calmed down a bit.
It would be great if you could post about the pink lumia the second you can confirm it. If it ever pans out, that is.

Circle T

aww. well hope to see you around.

It's not you, it's me....

I'll call you....

We can still be friends.


It would be great if you could post about the pink lumia the second you can confirm it. If it ever pans out, that is.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open, and let you guys know the minute I hear anything. I wouldn't expect anything much before the end of April or early May, though, but I'll do my best.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
It's not you, it's me....

I'll call you....

We can still be friends.


I'll keep my eyes and ears open, and let you guys know the minute I hear anything. I wouldn't expect anything much before the end of April or early May, though, but I'll do my best.

that'll do pig....that'll do.



Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I still don't know which parts of the review people are taking offense to. I'm assuming it's not just the score because that seems like such a gaming side thing to do.

Review really didn't get totally riled up like some. I thought he should have given a few more talking points on things. Mainly I felt the Nokia specific apps deserved a review mention. Still I was hardly up in arms about his score, and I could see how you could agree and disagree with that.

Now I haven't listened to the podcast segment yet, but if it's how people here are portraying it I have wayyy more issue with that. Especially if he tried to pull the I'm the King Tech Blogger that knows waaaayyyy more than all of you.

It's not surprising though as it happens a lot when controversial subjects arise out of something someone has done/said/written and instead of just leaving that be and let it do the talking the person comes out afterwards to inject more feelings. They should just let the post done/said/written public feels be what they are and just move on. Bad things tend to happen when you come back to said earlier remarks and get defensive about them.
I still don't know which parts of the review people are taking offense to. I'm assuming it's not just the score because that seems like such a gaming side thing to do.

It's the fact that the Verge gave the 800 a 7.9 and rated the software and ecosystem much higher than what the Verge rated the 900.(which got a 7.0)

Be consistent or don't but either way don't blame the readers when you aren't consistent and are full of shit.


Junior Member
He wrote that review to be intentionally inflammatory. Even the title itself was out of line. Here is Windows Phone's biggest shot yet at garnishing some marketshare and now you want to act like the OS is pure shit? Waste over half the review to trashing the OS? Virtually every one of his complaints would be fixed once more people bought the phones but an overly negative review like that is counter intuitive to get people to give it a chance. People are understandbly pissed.
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