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Windows Phone |OT2|

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Should've posted this earlier.



It's a company provided phone, so its a curve 9300 and probably BBOS6 (im not sure).

My exprience of web browsing on that phone is unbearable. It is way too slow in rendering, the small screen doesn't help and switiching tabs is so slow it is unusable.

To be fair i suspect all data traffic on that phone goes through encryption, and though my company's blackberry server which probably adds to the slowness.
It's on 5 unless it was upgraded in which case the browser is atrocious. They didn't have a competent browser until RIM bought Torch Mobile. I'm comparing IE9 to the browser in BlackBerry 7, Android 2.3, and iOS... like 3 years ago when it was still better than this.


has calmed down a bit.
When it came out, Topolsky said it was on par with iOS 5.
Few weeks later it was only "almost on par" with iOS 5.
Now it's some POS software.

That's because Windows Phone hasn't evolved like the others have. Google squashed hundreds of bugs with 4.04 and iOS updated so that your battery doesn't die from Siri and iCloud. Progress.
That's because Windows Phone hasn't evolved like the others have. Google squashed hundreds of bugs with 4.04 and iOS updated so that your battery doesn't die from Siri and iCloud. Progress.

Yes, I'm sure the 5.1 and 4.0.4 update completely changed the experience of iOS and Android. I wish Microsoft would finally fix that keyboard bug that was introduced with Mango.


I own a Windows Phone and overall I like it but I'm really disappointed at the speed that updates are coming out. Microsoft is late to the party and their attitude seems to be want until Windows Phone 8 to fix the issues and probably after that is wait until Windows Phone 8.5.

They want to work at their own speed but the competition is moving way too fast for them to do one major update a year like Xbox. If they're going go throw money at projects why not get more developers to help them get Windows Phone 8 out faster instead of these stupid smoked by Windows phone ads that back fired on them? Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that users actually like using their phones and like spending time on them so who cares if you can check Facebook 2 seconds faster than IOS and Android.

I'm with Josh in his review, this OS has the potential to be the best but it seems like the execution is not there and the glaring flaws are obvious if someone has ever used another OS. Microsoft needs tough love or else they'll keep pretending everything's all right and going as planned because i don't think for one second they thought they were this far behind from the competition.


I own a Windows Phone and overall I like it but I'm really disappointed at the speed that updates are coming out. Microsoft is late to the party and their attitude seems to be want until Windows Phone 8 to fix the issues and probably after that is wait until Windows Phone 8.5.

They want to work at their own speed but the competition is moving way too fast for them to do one major update a year like Xbox. If they're going go throw money at projects why not get more developers to help them get Windows Phone 8 out faster instead of these stupid smoked by Windows phone ads that back fired on them? Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that users actually like using their phones and like spending time on them so who cares if you can check Facebook 2 seconds faster than IOS and Android.

I'm with Josh in his review, this OS has the potential to be the best but it seems like the execution is not there and the glaring flaws are obvious if someone has ever used another OS. Microsoft needs tough love or else they'll keep pretending everything's all right and going as planned because i don't think for one second they thought they were this far behind from the competition.

Well done.


Yes, I'm sure the 5.1 and 4.0.4 update completely changed the experience of iOS and Android. I wish Microsoft would finally fix that keyboard bug that was introduced with Mango.

that should of been fixed a long time ago, if not fixed it might not be MS fault but the phone supplier....you are talking about the problem where the keyboard disappears?


that should of been fixed a long time ago, if not fixed it might not be MS fault but the phone supplier....you are talking about the problem where the keyboard disappears?

happens on all handsets so it's a mango bug.

iOS 5 has had two updates since October, mostly bug fixes and optimisations some security fixes, no real new features just squashing bugs introduced in iOS 5.

Android ICS has had four updates since October, features were added in 4.0.1, 4.0.2 was bug fixes and added bugs, 0.3 bug fixes and optimisations, new API's for devs and new camera apps, 0.4 bug fixes and further optimisations.

Windows phone 7.5 has had two updates since October, 7740 bug fixes, 8107 bug fixes, security patches.

The list of fixes for WP7's updates isn't as extensive as iOS but it's had as many updates in the same period of time of time so not sure how iOS has moved a head when the core features are the same as when it launched in October. Meh.


has calmed down a bit.
This sarcastic comment will take the place of the one I was about to post.

Just to make sure we are all on the same page, my comment about progress was also sarcasm. Wasn't sure if I had been too subtle there, but obviously we are all making the same point.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I own a Windows Phone and overall I like it but I'm really disappointed at the speed that updates are coming out. Microsoft is late to the party and their attitude seems to be want until Windows Phone 8 to fix the issues and probably after that is wait until Windows Phone 8.5.

They want to work at their own speed but the competition is moving way too fast for them to do one major update a year like Xbox. If they're going go throw money at projects why not get more developers to help them get Windows Phone 8 out faster instead of these stupid smoked by Windows phone ads that back fired on them? Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that users actually like using their phones and like spending time on them so who cares if you can check Facebook 2 seconds faster than IOS and Android.

I'm with Josh in his review, this OS has the potential to be the best but it seems like the execution is not there and the glaring flaws are obvious if someone has ever used another OS. Microsoft needs tough love or else they'll keep pretending everything's all right and going as planned because i don't think for one second they thought they were this far behind from the competition.

I agree and disagree. Everyone at this point is releasing one new version of their OS each year, and then minor upgrades/bugs/fixes/tweaks etc... throught the rest. Nobody is really moving faster than anyone else at this point.

That being said you could say MS is behind the curve on certain things so they need to move faster to play catch up, and I'd agree to a certain extent.

The main key here is to see what happens post Win 8. The main block WP has currently is the Kernel, and since MS seems to be switching to a unified kernel across all Win 8 platforms once that hits it might be different. At this point there isn't anything MS can really do with the OS until we get the new kernel.

That being said once the Kernel hits with Apollo all bets are off. MS needs to get on that in terms of updates hard and fast.


I agree and disagree. Everyone at this point is releasing one new version of their OS each year, and then minor upgrades/bugs/fixes/tweaks etc... throught the rest. Nobody is really moving faster than anyone else at this point.

That being said you could say MS is behind the curve on certain things so they need to move faster to play catch up, and I'd agree to a certain extent.

The main key here is to see what happens post Win 8. The main block WP has currently is the Kernel, and since MS seems to be switching to a unified kernel across all Win 8 platforms once that hits it might be different. At this point there isn't anything MS can really do with the OS until we get the new kernel.

That being said once the Kernel hits with Apollo all bets are off. MS needs to get on that in terms of updates hard and fast.

MS is the one that is behind and needs to to have parity or exceed the features of others so that it stands out. I'm hoping the change to the WINRT kernel does this but I'm still iffy on MS having that ability to convince the public that their OS is better. When Mango came out everyone was expecting this big push for WP which never really happened.

I'm glad that MS is keeping quiet on WP8 for now and I'm hoping when they announce it, that it gets released 2-3 months right after so that way there isn't too long a delay like with Mango. If they don't push hard this later this year with everything seemingly in place then realistically when will they?


I'm surprised that people here have taken such issue with The Verge's review when I of all people completely agree with it.

The ecosystem still sucks. It deserves to be rated worse now than on the Lumia 800 FIVE MONTHS ago. The competition is improving, Windows Phone has not.

Twitter integration is kinda neat, but missing extremely important features. Replies lose reply references. No threading to speak of. Twitter is simple enough as-is, but even that isn't complete.

App switching is a pain. Launching apps from the home screen instead of resuming them is a fucking stupid design decision.

Scrolling in third-party apps is still busted half the time. Especially when you back into an app.

The OS does a ton better than Android and iOS, there's no denying that, but it still has issues today that existed a year and a half ago at its launch, and there's no indication that any of it will be fixed before Apollo. And even then, who's even going to get Apollo? That still isn't clear.


It's the fact that the Verge gave the 800 a 7.9 and rated the software and ecosystem much higher than what the Verge rated the 900.(which got a 7.0)

Be consistent or don't but either way don't blame the readers when you aren't consistent and are full of shit.
Why would the ecosystem get the same score X months later if the same problems are still there? Seems pretty clearcut to me.

Anyways, the design of the Lumia 800/900 are killer. I imagine we will see a true badass WP8 halo device that's there with the screen and software later this year. In a way, Nokia was damned if they do, damned if they don't with the 900. It's been about a year since the Microsoft deal, so they needed to put something out to avoid a Palm situation. At the same time, Apollo's not out yet to prove a substantial advancement, and they're locked in with the resolution for the time being.


I agree with everything dLMN8R said especially the third party app scrolling that still hasn't been fixed. I bought Rowi and it has the smoothest scrolling I've seen but occasionally the scrolling will get choppy and you have to flick it up fast or go into a tweet and go back to get it smooth again.

I contacted the developer and they said it's a bug in the OS and this is supposedly fixed in the Tango release but this is a year and a half bug that still exists.
i know this is anecdotal, but it's very weird seeing people on my Twitter timeline going "Got my Nokia Lumia a day early" "New Phone, Nokia is back!" "Played with Windows Phone I think I'll get a nokia!" etc.

Now of course you have your twitter trolls going ""LOL Snake" "Oh Nokia? Thats older than BlackBerry" "I Bet it'll withstand a Nuclear War" (Which I still don't get why thats funny or a good retort) but for a Windoes Phone device to get so many reactions it's still a bit funny, to me.

besides the Titan II Having a 16MP Camera, the clear Windows Phone mockup, and Nokia first switching to Windows Phone, i don't see Windows Phone on my timeline much.


I'm surprised that people here have taken such issue with The Verge's review when I of all people completely agree with it.

The ecosystem still sucks. It deserves to be rated worse now than on the Lumia 800 FIVE MONTHS ago. The competition is improving, Windows Phone has not.

I think that perhaps one of the things that makes the Verge review stand out, is that he chose to plant his flag right now, and decided to score the OS down for these shortcomings instead of whisking it away with "Sure, it doesn't have this or that, but its a new OS". He seems to make it very clear:

The sheen has worn off of Windows Phone for me. When I put something in my pocket, it needs to be able to quickly and efficiently get things done. It needs to trump other devices in its class. It needs to be the best — and Windows Phone is far from it at this point.

I have read the Anandtech review, and the others on all the other sites. They all vaguely touch on the exact things he mentions, its just that they all feel WP is still comfortably in the "But its new" phase, so they didn't take off review points for it.

This guy did. I think a much more interesting question would have been whether or not he was fair in deciding that the OS is now old enough to be held beside Android and iOS at a 1:1 ratio like that. At least some actual discussion can come from that, especially since that seems to be the real problem. Calling the guy a hipster fanboy is pretty pointless, even if it happens to be true.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I think that perhaps one of the things that makes the Verge review stand out, is that he chose to plant his flag right now, and decided to score the OS down for these shortcomings instead of whisking it away with "Sure, it doesn't have this or that, but its a new OS". He seems to make it very clear:

I have read the Anandtech review, and the others on all the other sites. They all vaguely touch on the exact things he mentions, its just that they all feel WP is still comfortably in the "But its new" phase, so they didn't take off review points for it.

This guy did. I think a much more interesting question would have been whether or not he was fair in deciding that the OS is now old enough to be held beside Android and iOS at a 1:1 ratio like that. At least some actual discussion can come from that, especially since that seems to be the real problem. Calling the guy a hipster fanboy is pretty pointless, even if it happens to be true.

The platform is new though. The Nokia lumia 900 is only a second gen device. Same for the Titan 2. I truly think apollo will make or break the platform.


never heard about the cat, apparently
The platform is new though. The Nokia lumia 900 is only a second gen device. Same for the Titan 2. I truly think apollo will make or break the platform.
while yes it is new, its still late to the party and someone walking into the store doesn't give a shit if it came out in 2010. They care how it compares to the competition.

but yes, Apollo is Windows Phone's coming out party.


Cipher said:
I have read the Anandtech review, and the others on all the other sites. They all vaguely touch on the exact things he mentions, its just that they all feel WP is still comfortably in the "But its new" phase, so they didn't take off review points for it.

I found the Anandtech review to be everything but vague, and nothing by way of "But its new" rhetoric.



AT&T said last month that when Nokia’s new Lumia 900 phone went on sale April 8, it would benefit from the company’s biggest product introduction ever, exceeding even the iPhone’s.

The big day is here. But nearly all 39 AT&T stores within proximity of Times Square in Manhattan were either closed for Easter Sunday or did not answer phone calls. The few that were open did not have the handset in stock.

When AT&T stores within five miles of Times Square were contacted around noon, 18 of them played an automated message saying they were closed for Easter. Nineteen stores that were authorized AT&T resellers did not answer the phone, and two AT&T resellers that were open said they did not have the Lumia 900 yet.

The stores that played the automated voice message also played a short advertisement for the iPhone 4S and made no mention of the Lumia 900. “Visit our store to see the exciting iPhone 4S and how only AT&T’s network lets your iPhone 4S download three times faster,” a female voice said.

There was some Lumia-related action in Times Square on Friday night, when Nokia sponsored a performance by the pop singer Nicki Minaj to spread the word about the phone. Nokia roped off a section of Times Square and blasted promotional messages on screens for the show, and even served free signature cocktails with names like “Lumia Light” and “Beautifully Different.” There was only a single table of Lumia 900 phones on display, ignored by most of the guests in attendance.

First fucking up the smartphonebeta campaign launch and now the real launch. Nokia man…


The platform is new though. The Nokia lumia 900 is only a second gen device. Same for the Titan 2. I truly think apollo will make or break the platform.

I agree, after WP8 launches it will either start to truly gaining traction or it won't. By then there should be over 100,000 apps in the marketplace, OEMs all in place and hopefully full backing from the carriers this time so there really can't be another wait until so and so scenario.

I think the best case for them would be to have the Lumia sell well for a few months keeping WP7 in the news. Then announce WP8 features and upcoming plans and then launch it a 2-3 months later so it gets in the hands of consumers quickly.



is there a reason he lists Gmail as a no? Gmail support is built into the phone. Why do you need a Gmail app?

From further down in the quote section:

  • @tomwarren I’m just really accustomed to being able to archive and label. gmail for android seriously spoils you.

It isn't so much the lack of an app, but the functionality that's missing from Android Gmail.


I blind-bought Majesty but I still haven't tried the game out, I just downloaded Treasure Defense and it's actually a pretty decent TD game. Decent production values and gameplay, and it's free.


Unconfirmed Member
From further down in the quote section:

  • @tomwarren I’m just really accustomed to being able to archive and label. gmail for android seriously spoils you.

It isn't so much the lack of an app, but the functionality that's missing from Android Gmail..

ah, ok. I couldn't get the comments to load.

are labels not the same thing as folders? I have a label called "Newsletters" set in Gmail that filters newsletters (obviously). I press "..." and then folders and it's there. I can move emails to and from it and they're labelled in Gmail when I go back.


The platform is new though. The Nokia lumia 900 is only a second gen device. Same for the Titan 2. I truly think apollo will make or break the platform.
The marketplace and consumers aren't going to give WP a break because it came out late in the game.

If you're late to the game as a consumer product, you don't get brownie points. You need to be up to par and provide a compelling reason that you can tangle with the market leaders. WebOS was way ahead with the multitasking card metaphor, but it fell behind in fundamental performance.

Anyways, news stories are out stating that Lumia 900s are suffering from data connectivity issues. I suppose we'll see in a few hours if they have any traction.


ah, ok. I couldn't get the comments to load.

are labels not the same thing as folders? I have a label called "Newsletters" set in Gmail that filters newsletters (obviously). I press "..." and then folders and it's there. I can move emails to and from it and they're labelled in Gmail when I go back.

Yea. I thought that too. Maybe i'm not poweruser enough to understand that.

I also listen to Di.fm on tunein radio, but maybe i'm missing something from the android app.


ah, ok. I couldn't get the comments to load.

are labels not the same thing as folders? I have a label called "Newsletters" set in Gmail that filters newsletters (obviously). I press "..." and then folders and it's there. I can move emails to and from it and they're labelled in Gmail when I go back.

But that would of taken the guy some time to actually explore the OS, rather than just dismiss the fact it's supported. Not being able to add new folders/labels in gmail from wp7 is a pain but to dismiss that sorting mail isn't supported is a bit far.

PSGames said:
With this thread being in Community and all is there a thread for the Lumia in off topic?

Not seen anyone here mention it though there was talk there should be one.


Today is the day I gotta hunker down and brave all the 900 pictures and impressions right? (where are they?) Few of you getting one today?

Also, rumors:

His self-appointed retirement from leaking Microsoft rumors later this month is apparently not stopping the MS Nerd from revealing some new tidbits concerning the upcoming Windows Phone 8 “Apollo” release in a series of tweets today.

He sheds some light onto Nokia’s WP8 devices, which will include a PureView flagship (albeit with the Nokia N8′s 12 megapixel sensor) with a ClearBlack 1280×720 display destined for Verizon, and a QWERTY landscape-slider with a traditional 4″ WVGA display set to arrive on Sprint. The rather interesting part here, however, is the chip these devices are supposed to be running on: the MSM8960, part of the Snapdragon S4 family. For readers unfamilar with Qualcomm’s product range, the S4 is the second generation dual-core Snapdragon that can also be found Android devices such as the AT&T version of the HTC One X; despite only sporting two cores, its CPU performance is actually comparable to – if not better than – the quad-core Tegra 3 from Nvidia, whereas its GPU performance falls short.

As for the other two major US carriers, MS Nerd claims that T-Mobile will get an HTC device for launch while AT&T is getting two Samsung devices.

Regarding hardware partnerships, Lenovo and ASUS are said to be joining the likes of Nokia, HTC and Samsung as Windows Phone OEMs, whereas there’s “no sign” of LG, Dell or Acer.

So AT&T gets the Lumia. Verizon possible gets super PureView phone. Plausible?

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
With this thread being in Community and all is there a thread for the Lumia in off topic?
Yea there is one. Search for "don't wait for apollo" and we should be there since all we are talking about at this point is the Nokia lumia 900. but I am really lazy.... Like super lazy.....uuggghhh
Today is the day I gotta hunker down and brave all the 900 pictures and impressions right? (where are they?) Few of you getting one today?

Also, rumors:

So AT&T gets the Lumia. Verizon possible gets super PureView phone. Plausible?
Does Verizon even have any windows phones? If so, are they selling?


Lmfao. Dat OP.


Junior Member
I'm not gonna lie I'll be pissed if Verizon get's that phone and AT&T which has been supporting the platform since the beginning doesn't.
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