Sumomomo Momomo end
This is NOT what I expected out of the series. Such a crazy finale for a show that started out as a typical harem martial arts parody.
But man, this series really had a strong last couple of episodes. I could actually start to see some
Magi quality at points even if it was still rough around the edges.
Overall, I would definitely say it's a show worth watching. Though I do feel the first few episodes are rather average, they did stay consistently funny. Koushi being the biggest buzzkill of a harem protagonist ever is actually genius because the interactions between him and the rest of the insane cast were only amplified. He even kind of learned to embrace the insanity even if he was all tsun about it. Definitely some good character development.
And of course it essentially turning into
at the end was fun too. While the shift could have been done a bit better, the framework was always there what with Momoko using a big-ass special dragon technique in the very first episode. It just got a bit more serious while mostly maintaining a sense of humor.
Now I gotta track down the manga. Looks like the anime ended at the halfway point.