The air in this thread is making me rewatch Cardcaptor Sakura. Need some pure magic girls, not magic teens, or magic girls getting their heads omnomnomed off.
CC sakura 01
Kerberos > than the lion from Smile Precure.
Man I love the battle theme.
My memory is fuzzy... but isn't Clow Reed the biggest troll that is the center of all CLAMP stuff?
hmmm reminds me, I do need to finish up Tsubasa chronicles. I remember them all turning into vampires or something silly.
Ano Natsu 2-4 - I'm enjoying this show, it's very standard and cliche, but the direction is surprisingly solid, with the "daydream" sequences being a nice high-light, and the production values and art is quality, can't wait to catch up on the rest of it.
I wish you well on your journey of a thousand hnnnngs.
CCS was a joy to watch.
As for Tsubasa chronicles, i left off around halfway through boxset one.
With only one episode left, I would have to say that Nisemonogatari has been a disappointment overall. However, Shinobu's complete awesomeness, combined with better source material and director, should make Kizumonogatari be worth it.
Should definitely be worth it, we're basically going from the bottom of the barrel (Nise 2) to the cream of the crop in Kizu. Than you bring in Oishi and it's a wrap... well unless you're a Hitagi fan since this happens prior to Bake.
Smh @ MAL's ratings having Nise @ 8.51 and Bake @ 8.49.
I think I had a dumbfounded look on my face during the entire duration of the first episode, which is as far as I went with Brain Powerd.. music is pretty good though, I like the non Kanno OP and some pieces are just brilliant.. dat Power of the Light....
IIRC I think Kanno had no idea what the fuck Tomino was trying to do with this series and after having several complaints fall on to death ears she just went fuck it, and made some great music.
Well... you do kind of have a point there, don't you...
But I decided early on to force myself to watch the whole thing, and stuck to it to the end, despite the fact that the right thing to do would have been never start in the first place, or at worst drop it in episode 1.
What else is out there like Redline? It oozes a unique personality, that's what it sells and carries itself on. It does its own crazy thing and just takes the viewer along for the ride. Sword of the Stranger is like the antithesis of that. It feels like a unique property that's shaped to be as agreeable and inoffensive to as large of an audience as possible.
There will always be action anime around, and stuff based around samurai. How often will there be anything like Redline? Just seems silly to say you want less stuff like Redline.
What else is out there like Redline? It oozes a unique personality, that's what it sells and carries itself on. It does its own crazy thing and just takes the viewer along for the ride. Sword of the Stranger is like the antithesis of that. It feels like a unique property that's shaped to be as agreeable and inoffensive to as large of an audience as possible.
There will always be action anime around, and stuff based around samurai. How often will there be anything like Redline? Just seems silly to say you want less stuff like Redline.
Redline is a great visual experience, but the plot, characters, and general premise are just standard racing movie stuff. I suppose you could say it has personality and the sci fi setting is a bit different, but I don't really think creativity is what's separating it and Sword of the Stranger.
Redline is a great visual experience, but the plot, characters, and general premise are just standard racing movie stuff. I suppose you could say it has personality and the sci fi setting is a bit different, but I don't really think creativity is what's separating it and Sword of the Stranger.
What else is out there like Redline? It oozes a unique personality, that's what it sells and carries itself on. It does its own crazy thing and just takes the viewer along for the ride. Sword of the Stranger is like the antithesis of that. It feels like a unique property that's shaped to be as agreeable and inoffensive to as large of an audience as possible.
There will always be action anime around, and stuff based around samurai. How often will there be anything like Redline? Just seems silly to say you want less stuff like Redline.
Redline is a great visual experience, but the plot, characters, and general premise are just standard racing movie stuff. I suppose you could say it has personality and the sci fi setting is a bit different, but I don't really think creativity is what's separating it and Sword of the Stranger.
Redline is a great visual experience, but the plot, characters, and general premise are just standard racing movie stuff. I suppose you could say it has personality and the sci fi setting is a bit different, but I don't really think creativity is what's separating it and Sword of the Stranger.
Overall, don't watch this. It's bad. If you want to watch a recent action harem show, go watch something better than this junk like High School DxD, or R-15, or Ben-To, or Daimao, or Samurai Girls, etc, etc. Don't waste your time with this stupid thing unless you want to make yourself suffer.
I've made it quite clear I consider SnO the best harem of all time, but I never delved very far into the anime. Of course as I am fully aware of the plot, lore and all that other jazz, I thought I might as well watch the movie.
There's a few interesting things about the existence of this movie. First of all, nearly half of it is a recap. While this isn't particularly new, it isn't usually accompanied by new footage but rather altered footage. And said new footage is an adaptation of an arc in the manga, something that is very rarely done with anime movies that have also been given a TV adaptation.
The recap itself is kind of weird. Most events are given a short intro with Hiyori to signify this is all from her perspective. Of course what little I've seen of the anime shows it's the same footage for the most part. The problem comes from the fact most recapped events skip straight to or near the punchline. SnO is a series where the buildup is absolutely vital. The hilarity normally comes from the gradual escalation of more absurd concepts contributing to the already absurd situation.
Even if we ignore the comedy element in the recap, it is still cut in a way that would make very little sense to newcomers. This is very clearly a movie for the fans. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I do think the footage from the TV series could have been edited much better.
As for the new stuff, well it was pretty good for the most part. Since this movie adapts what is arguably the most important arc in the series thus far, special attention was given to plenty of vital scenes. It was made readily apparent when the cartoon physics were turned off and it was time to get serious. None of the tone shifts felt forced, something I would credit the source material for.
Now that isn't to say it's perfect. There were actually 1 or 2 scenes that I specifically remember carrying more weight on the manga page. The most notable one is
Tomiki's big damn heroes moment.
In the manga, this was a powerful moment that restored hope when you thought it was all lost. In this, it just kind of... happens. No epic music, no dramatic cuts, nothing.
Other than that scene though, I have nothing but praise for the last 15 minutes or so. The action was great and translated very well into animated form. Very intense and emotional. There were actually a few points where I was close to tearing up, though that came after the action for the most part.
I'm not really sure how to rate this overall. I mean if I were to factor the recap in, I might dock a few points, but I'm not so sure it should count. Though I definitely did enjoy seeing some of the series' best moments in movie quality such as the Tingling Nipples song. The rest of the movie was competent for the most part with shades of genius prior to the last 15 minutes which was 98% genius.
If anything, this has reinforced my love of the source material more than anything else. This is really a movie for the fans and I'm not even so sure anime-only watchers would understand it all. Though to be fair, the manga still hasn't covered stuff like what Synapse really is or what Tomiki's relation to it is.
So yeah, some amazing parts, some not so amazing parts. I'd probably give it like an 8.226/10.
"How the hell did he light those?" question would distract from the hilarity of the entire line of soldiers with Gatling crossbows basically just aiming straight ahead. Totally worked too, because that moment was great.
Also the inevitable, "From my perspective, it is the Jedi who are evil." speech finally happened. It didnt't make a ton of sense, but it happened.
And we close out the disc with
Rachel going crazier. Weird how she went from relatively perceptive (seeing through Vetti's dumb rescue ruse) to completely bonkers love-struck girl. Maybe it's the dresses.
Redline is a great visual experience, but the plot, characters, and general premise are just standard racing movie stuff. I suppose you could say it has personality and the sci fi setting is a bit different, but I don't really think creativity is what's separating it and Sword of the Stranger.
Just because it follows particular conventions doesn't mean it can't be creative in the execution of them. Every character in Redline is well defined as an individual, and a large number of the side cast don't feel like something you'd see anywhere else. Nothing about it seems particularly standard to me. You have the hulking rival of the movie pictured with some fluffball puppy, girls making faces at the camera for like thirty seconds before later riding around in a ladycar's breasts, which transforms into a mech that tickles robots with pink sparkles until they melt. There are huge pieces of design presented visually that have no purpose or place other than to realize the world as its own unusual identity. The pieces of the plot that are unique aren't told explicitly, they're expressed through a more visual medium.
I also don't feel like the setting or character design can be undersold as they're some of the most important pieces of the movie, and their execution is phenomenally surreal and a result of meticulous creative labor.
What other standards am I judging by? Its story and characters. Outside of Sonoshee and JP, the other characters were forgotten and forgettable later and were never fully realized at the most pivotal time in the movie. It literally became too much style and little substance at one point with how they developed the race.
What other standards am I judging by? Its story and characters. Outside of Sonoshee and JP, the other characters were forgotten and forgettable later and were never fully realized at the most pivotal time in the movie. It literally became too much style and little substance at one point with how they developed the race.
They brought things to a decisive climax much faster than I expected, but then the pacing feels just right. We aren't really given any reason for Toshihiko and Yuna to fall in love with each other, which fits the portrayal of love as an animal passion akin to the Beast Eaters' desire for flesh. The snapshots of their dating experiences do help their relationship feel real.
Why don't more people watch Paranoia Agent? It was an excellent series, and Maromi is adorable. I have a little plush of the infernal creature that watches me from the shelf that came with the boxset.
Everything would be better with more lesbians and penguins.
Seen Movie #2 The Sealed Card yet Cajun? (you died mid-way through your CCS marathon ) If not, make sure and visit a clinic for your AWESOME shots first.