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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Having not read the manga, Mirai Nikki 21 sure does hint at some kind of ridiculous
Yuno last-minute double-cross
. But it can't be that simple, can it?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
You have no idea.

Heh, heh, heh...
My theory is that there's
time travel involved and multiple timelines. Only way to explain one dead Yuno and one living Yuno
ribbon explosion > perfume
I've already made this post multiple times in this thread:
Rinne no Lagrange 10
Well the first half of this episode was particularly dull. The slice of life stuff last week was kind of funny, but it was just boring in this episode. It looks like we are going to get some mecha action, so maybe they can end the cour on a decent note.


Blue Drop 2

On the topic of Cecilia, I've yet to hear Brittney Karbowski voice a British character, so I'm sort of weary as to how that will turn out.

Welp, looks like I can say I've heard Brittney Karbowski do a British character and now I'm worried.

As for the show, I like Mari. She's got spunk and she loves to hate people.


I watched anime.

Level E 5

One of my friends had been telling me that the show goes to shit around here, but I was at least entertained by this episode. It's disappointing that
baseball guy seems to be completely MIA even though he was awesome
, but I'm digging the absurdism. All these trollish episode endings are pretty fun.

Lower quality, but not disastrous.





This was wonderful. It was a nonstop orgasm for my eyes and soul. Shit goes fast and things explode. It's beautiful. Everything should be like this all the time.

Style is substance. This is a total celebration of love, trust, guts, and speed. Every second was delightful. Madhouse died for my sins and I love them for it.

Guess I'm watching Lupin III this spring.

I agree fully about Redline. That was a joy to behold. The animation was absolutely stellar.


Blue Drop 2

Welp, looks like I can say I've heard Brittney Karbowski do a British character and now I'm worried.

As for the show, I like Mari. She's got spunk and she loves to hate people.

I skimmed over Blue Drop and thought you were watching Blue Gender. I walk away disappointed.

I watched anime.

Level E 5

One of my friends had been telling me that the show goes to shit around here, but I was at least entertained by this episode. It's disappointing that
baseball guy seems to be completely MIA even though he was awesome
, but I'm digging the absurdism. All these trollish episode endings are pretty fun.

Lower quality, but not disastrous.

You should get used to Level E's special brand of 'episodic' now. It's easier that way.
Kemonozume 1



The tale of many an anime fan.

Anyway, I really liked this. The beginning quickly and concisely set the stage for the central conflicts - both between the humans and monsters and between the two brothers. The direction of the love at first sight sequence was spot on - Toshihiko's mental state was portrayed well by having the camera focus exclusively on Yuna's face and then rewind and replay those few seconds after she disappears. The music direction also helped sell the scene - that sexiest of instruments, the saxophone, and the abrupt cut-off when the car door slams shut. The sex scene at the end (this must be the only anime that can boast having one of those without it being creepy or awkward) was clever in how it highlighted just what the girl truly was - the baser instincts she was trying to repress - while hiding it from Toshihiko.

The rough art design and animation is quite visually pleasing - it compliments both the action and the romance nicely.

The monkey was incredibly amusing; I hope his presence continues.

Really excited to see where this will go from here.
Having not read the manga, Mirai Nikki 21 sure does hint at some kind of ridiculous
Yuno last-minute double-cross
. But it can't be that simple, can it?

I didnt think it would actually come to that but with that
quick glance there at the end, I dont even know anymore, doesnt she just want her happy end with Yuki?

It also seems like we have too many episodes left for the end?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Sailor Moon Arrrruuu 47:


Inspired by Narag, I’ve decided it’s time to step my game up, live up to my tag that I really don’t deserve and dive back into the wonderful experience that is Sailor Moon. This episode was just awesome. I was wondering just how the show would continue after the events at the ending of 46, and this was certainly an interesting way to do it.

Episode started off really strongly with a pretty subdued start to the season, starting the same way the original season starts, with Usagi being in her mad dash scramble outside of her house because she’s running late to school but obviously to no avail. Everything has changed in her life as the story has progressed and yet nothing itself has changed as well and was basically summed up in the first minute of the episode. The scene between Luna and Artemis was adorable but it’s going to be a lot tougher than that pal.

And I’m not saying its
but its
. Honestly this is crazy even for Sailor Moon. I have no idea if this is filler or canon, but I do hope this is just for a couple episodes and not some really long running arc. It has some potential but there wasn’t really enough in this episode to make me think they could stretch this out for a while and not have it get old. The scene where
they all meet each other in the park all with conveniently forgotten memories
is totally cliche and silly but it was done as well as one could expect a scene like that to be done.


The school stuff was a bit silly, but I love that kind of silly. Poor Umino is forever destined to be alone. And things were going so well for him too. Usagi is as delusional as ever too. The new girl really needs to do something about her hair though, it’s a mess and I don’t mean in a sex hair kind of way.

Queue the monster of the week segment and a very convenient but well implemented flashback to the actual important story events of S1 (so basically just the last couple of episodes). Thanks a lot guys, now I really feel like I wasted my time!

The fight scene itself was completely and totally underwhelming. It's the first episode to a new season, at least show a new trick or two.

The new ending is one of the laziest endings I've ever seen in my life. It's really hard to top that.

All in all a pretty decent start to the new season, although quite jarring with the pretty big disconnect from the events of the ending to the first season with the events that take place in this one.
Level E 5

One of my friends had been telling me that the show goes to shit around here, but I was at least entertained by this episode. It's disappointing that
baseball guy seems to be completely MIA even though he was awesome
, but I'm digging the absurdism. All these trollish episode endings are pretty fun.

Lower quality, but not disastrous.

The middle episodes of Level E are definitely lower quality, but it picks up again towards the end.


This was wonderful. It was a nonstop orgasm for my eyes and soul. Shit goes fast and things explode. It's beautiful. Everything should be like this all the time.

No thanks.


Regulus Tera said:
I just realised we are getting Umakoshi-sanctioned Saint-transformation sequences in less than a month.

Ah, yes. The demasculation of anime continues.

I miss the days when folks still made manly shows.


Maybe not everything. Maybe not all the time. But thinking about my experience watching Redline makes me kind of hyperbolic.

Certainly, things should be like Redline more often than they currently are.

No you were right. Redline is like a shot of adrenaline.
Its pretty amazing.






This was wonderful. It was a nonstop orgasm for my eyes and soul. Shit goes fast and things explode. It's beautiful. Everything should be like this all the time.

Style is substance. This is a total celebration of love, trust, guts, and speed. Every second was delightful. Madhouse died for my sins and I love them for it.
But is it better than The Thin Red Line?


Sailor Moon 15

This week on "When chipmunks attack"
Usagi was being unnecessarily cruel to Umino. Maybe to Luna too.

Sailor Moon 16

Another hilarious episode. Usagi the thief = fantastic.

This was pretty great too. The visual gags in this are wonderful.

Sailor Moon 17

Nephrite's always in the right place yet how'd he know to target him before consulting the stars? Gimmick busted.
Usagi was surprisingly capable this ep too.

Sailor Moon 18

Shingo, you dick. What is with all these creepy dolls too?

Sailor Moon 19

So Nephrite knows their identities? What? Oh Luna is asking the same question as I wonder this. I love the show for that sort of thing. Shotgun appraoach ftw I guess.
I approve of Sailor Moon Kick getting more airtime too.

Sailor Moon 20

:lol at Usagi keeping her fixed up bathing suit.

Sailor Moon 21

In-universe Sailor V anime? Sign me up. Ep was pretty good but it was a shame the Castor/Pollux friendship angle was so short.

Sailor Moon 22

All that foreshadowing. I.. I didn't expect Mercury to grill Tuxedo Mask like that though. Guess he deserved it since he ended up
taking advantage of that poor drunk girl afterwards.

Sailor Moon 23

Naru's one of those characters that keeps getting the short end of the stick. That was my feeling at the start.
Naru nearly get moon tiaraed later on cemented this.
oh fuck
Nephrite protecting her caught me by surprise.

Sailor Moon 24


Holy shit what an episode.
Take note certain people - this is what a marathon looks like!
LoGH: Spiral Labyrinth 14

I'm amused that Yang's early career was so dull that the bulk of this arc supposedly devoted to him was spent detailing the events of decades before his birth. Fortunately he's an entertaining enough character to keep my interest through all of that and make me willing to overlook the visual problems.
Maken-Ki OVA - Yes, they made one. And yes, it's terrible. I hated the series beginning to end, and this is every bit as awful as anything from the main series. I hope this show doesn't do well enough to get a second season. It's just bad.

So, in this OVA, you get the requisite beach-island vacation episode. It has a few things in common with R-15's OVA, including a tentacle monster scene (though this show has two, sort of, bordering on three, instead of just one), and a setting on a tropical island with a beach and jungle, but in terms of quality, as with the main shows, Maken-Ki's is a pitiful reflection of R-15's. R-15 is just the vastly superior show all around, by a very wide margin, and that shows in these OVAs as much as it does anywhere. Of course, a lot of that's because of how bad this show is, but still it is true.

ANyway, so this episode starts out with the beach episode. Then the annoying sexist jerk MC Takeru has a little training arc, and for once actually doesn't do the perverted thing. Of course though, he's training so that he can learn to be powerful enough to protect the girls he likes, even though with how strong all three of them are that's only arguably useful... but as anyone who watched the show might remember he thinks that girls shouldn't fight, ideally (girls should stay back, and men should fight to protect them, even when the girls are strong fighters too, you see... ugh, it's making me hate him again, thinking about it, even though apart from talking about wanting to protect them he doesn't get into actually saying the worst stuff in this ova.), so of course he wants to anyway. It's all extremely generic, substantially below average stuff, like usual from this series.

Then the next part is a giant octopus attack. Through some convenient miracle it not only attacks so stealthily (despite its giant size) that all of the girls are captured, and it absorbs powers too once it grabs someone, so they can't get free of course. It's left to Takeru to save them. ... Then, the other girl who likes him shows up, and hits the monster... but then
lets herself get captured so that he can rescue her because she thinks that'd be more romantic or something. This was one of the few even vaguely amusing things in the episode, mostly her arrival was slightly unexpected.
. Anyway, then Takeru saves the day with a single attack. This battle was, like the rest of this episode, boring. The characters are all idiots, the show is bad, everything is incredibly predictable... it fails all around.

The second half of the episode starts off as a generic "test of courage" scene, but then turns into another battle midway through. This time all of the Maken-Ki girls actually do do something, to team up against the monster, instead of all getting captured by tentacles (note: this monster is a tree creature, so it has "tentacles" of a sort too
, though these don't capture the girls
). Spoiler: The good guys win. Shocking I know.

In the end, the evil girl who had orchestrated all of it without the goodguys knowing escapes
on her jetpack. Now this was kind of fun, you don't see jetpacks nearly often enough in anime...

Now, most people probably aren't watching this for the plot or the characters, but for the fanservice. Well... honestly, that wasn't that great either. Oh, sure, the girls were in bathing suits throughout, and there was that octopus, but it was all such cliche, average stuff... nothing too interesting here. And even though it was an OVA episode, apart from a randomly inserted, and largely animation-free, onsen scene at the end, there's no nudity to speak of. So yeah, even there it's nothing special.

Overall, don't watch this. It's bad. If you want to watch a recent action harem show, go watch something better than this junk like High School DxD, or R-15, or Ben-To, or Daimao, or Samurai Girls, etc, etc. Don't waste your time with this stupid thing unless you want to make yourself suffer.
Maken-Ki OVA - Yes, they made one. And yes, it's terrible. I hated the series beginning to end, and this is every bit as awful as anything from the main series. I hope this show doesn't do well enough to get a second season. It's just bad.

And yet you watched it all. Even the OVA. And wrote lengthy posts about it. You need an intervention.
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