Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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I don't really know about that at all.

The otherworld, is, er, perhaps the least consistent, most sporadic and random 'space' in anime since then end of Evangelion. Lets take a look at the 'facts' -

There is a general disregard for things such as 'gravity'.

- It apparently consists of multiple layers that you can fall through.

- Every layer looks completely different, and it's largely just a mess of objects, colours and designs.

- The people in the other world can apparently engage in entirely ridiculous action sequences and take huge amounts of damage without dying.

- Literally everything is there to just "look cool", it never even pretends to a be a plausible space. It's like the falling clocktower from the start of Bayonetta - except it's actually more absurd then that because at least the clocktower is a real object. Some parts of the otherworld are just shapes.

- Sometimes you get giant floating eye things.

I don't really think it's like other "spaces" in anime.

Well, like I said, most of this is because the franchise is based on a cool picture a guy drew. There's no real substance intrinsic to the franchise, the only actual necessity is a character named Black Rock Shooter. In fact it's not even a character, it's just a design.
History's strongest disciple kenichi OVA 1

Woot, boobs!

And some made up plot to show off some meh fight choreographing. I do wish they would do another season though.
The whole cast seems more loli for some reason.

It starts out with an arc showing the characters when they were younger, when Nodoka went to their school before she moved to the place she is now. They'll get older after that.

...You didn't notice that that part was in the past (compared to the main Saki series) from younger Nodoka there? She's in the preview.


Subete no aware
It starts out with an arc showing the characters when they were younger, when Nodoka went to their school before she moved to the place she is now. They'll get older after that.

...You didn't notice that from younger Nodoka there?
Is that the same character? I thought it was supposed to be about her cousin or something. I really know nothing about this show beyond the fact that girls play MJ in it!


Nah. Its the same way I can watch old shows with janky animation and not throw up. I align my expectations.
The old shows you are actually watching don't exactly have bad animation though.:p LOGH is pretty damn impressive for a 110-episode series that is mostly talking.


You can't really compare asian dramas and Japanese animation. There isn't the same kind of gulf between Japan and America in terms of talent. Yes, Japanese animation is typically done on a much smaller budget, but Japan still has some of the best animators and studios, at least in terms of traditional animation. I mean, in America you can see soulless crap like Family Guy in prime time. It is not at all difficult to name anime that look better than that.
Is that the same character? I thought it was supposed to be about her cousin or something. I really know nothing about this show beyond the fact that girls play MJ in it!

No, that's Nodoka. As is mentioned in the original series she's moved around a lot, and she used to go to Achiga, when she was younger. The series starts there, then has a timeskip after she leaves.




Bakumatsu: 23

OPPORTUNIST. Kanna showed himself to be a complete pimp--in every sense of the word--this ep, and
BROKE shortly after. Gotdayum. A misogynistic glass canon, he really was.
I didn't even plan to finish this series off tonight, but I have to; shit has gotten real...and incredibly animu, but real.
Ah, so Nodoka isn't actually a character in the series?

Right, just in the beginning part. The five girls of the new school (with the girl who wears just that jacket as the lead) are the main cast. The manga spends a decent amount of time on the earlier-years part though, so I'd expect at least an episode of it.


Subete no aware
So goofy when considering the context, but hawt.

Right, just in the beginning part. The five girls of the new school (with the girl who wears just that jacket as the lead) are the main cast. The manga spends a decent amount of time on the earlier-years part though, so I'd expect at least an episode of it.
Maybe it'll be a sham like the first four Chihayafuru episodes. lol

"We'll meet at the national championships, I promise!"


I keep forgetting this guy exists.

He's actually more popular than Zen in Jump, than again that's not exactly saying much since he finished 9th or so lol. Not like it matters, the good Akune stuff will never get animated regardless, same with Zen and anything to do with Kumagawa.


He's actually more popular than Zen in Jump, than again that's not exactly saying much since he finished 9th or so lol. Not like it matters, the good Akune stuff will never get animated regardless, same with Zen and anything to do with Kumagawa.



He's actually more popular than Zen in Jump, than again that's not exactly saying much since he finished 9th or so lol. Not like it matters, the good Akune stuff will never get animated regardless, same with Zen and anything to do with Kumagawa.
Has any sort of episode count been confirmed yet for Medaka Box?


Has any sort of episode count been confirmed yet for Medaka Box?

The original rumor that came out around the same time as Gainax animating this (but this had Imaishi attached as director, which may have been true @ the time) was that Medaka Box was going to be split cour. And really looking @ things.. best case scenario for that is first cour would be upto Unzen, maybe start of Flask. Second one would finish that off.

So if anything we might see a killer cliffhanger showing Kumagawa.. and that is it lol. Let us pretend not animating Kumagawa was the reason Imaishi said fuck this and left Gainax. "I can't skip straight to Kumagawa and have to animate a guaranteed sales bomb focusing on medaka and zen? Fuck this I'm outta here".


Chubby chaser.

Dat's me. Best girl!

Perhaps, by stretching the picture Hix was trying to teach us something about the nature of visuals themselves and how we, as viewers, all perceive the same set of identical visuals through are own subjective lens'.

Nah. He just doesn't like the black bars.

here, lets start the bitter tears early

Eureka Seven character designer, Kenichi Yoshida:


E7:AO character designer, who the fuck cares what his name is


Like I said. Its just so...anime. Fuck this.

Eureka 7 characters look just as "anime" as anything else.

HidaSketch SP1

SHAFT certainly jacked up the overall animation quality for this special.

That artwork is gorgeous.


Tragic victim of fan death
Guilty Crown 22
Seriously. What the fuck. I don't understand. Shitty show/ending with minimal good parts. Only good thing that was consistent was the visuals and music.
Also they do not give Shu a break throughout the entirety of it. My goodness. Just let the poor kid die. Jeez


Smile Precure 03
"Pikapika Pikarin, Jankenpon, Cure Peace", oh god this was a lethal dose of moe, dat superhero pose, dat
I think I'll go lie down for a bit... it's no Heartcatch (Cure Moonlight!) but it's way better than Suite.


Smile Precure 03
"Pikapika Pikarin, Jankenpon, Cure Peace", oh god this was a lethal dose of moe, dat superhero pose, dat
I think I'll go lie down for a bit... it's no Heartcatch (Cure Moonlight!) but it's way better than Suite.

This episode was DEADLY cute.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
here, lets start the bitter tears early

Eureka Seven character designer, Kenichi Yoshida:


E7:AO character designer, who the fuck cares what his name is


Like I said. Its just so...anime. Fuck this.

I like both. They're visually appealing to me.

Since both Waiting in the Summer and Tamayura feature cameras in their stories, I decided to googledo some research on them.

Kaito's camera is apparently a Fujica Single-8 P300, a camera which was only produced from 1967 through 1972. Him having a vintage camera like that is kind of odd, so I can only assume someone involved in the production likes antique cameras. Single-8 is the Japanese version of Super 8, developed by Fujifilm in 1965.

The camera used by Lemon in episode 3 is a Fujica ZC1000, which can sell used for nearly $3000 on Japanese auction sites.

Fuu's camera in Tamayura is a Rollei 35 S. Apparently only 260,000 were ever made.

Thanks, this was a good readup, I didn't know about the cameras. :)
Symphogear 11:
seriously thinks that
God is on the Moon
? And she wants to
destroy the Moon out of revenge for God toppling the Tower of Babel
? Has she not read any history book written since
? Symphogear certainly took a turn for the insane going into the final stretch.

I guess the only explanation is that she cant keep the knowledge of the people that she awakens in, which would possibly explain how she could keep the ancient mindset that God is just in the heavens, which would be I guess space/moon? Though Im curious what she will do in todays and then the final episode as they really seemed to go all out in episode 11.

I guess it just epic and looked so cool that I ignored the reasoning for it and just sat in amazement.


I like both. They're visually appealing to me.

Thanks, this was a good readup, I didn't know about the cameras. :)

It is. I don't see anything wrong with the Oreimo character designs whatsoever. they are very appealing and cute. They arent derpy or clumsy, just well drawn and clean.
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