Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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They're generic nothing designs. Glossy and terrible.

This is nonsense. There aren't many anime designs that aren't generic looking. Anime characters generally have large colorful eyes, wild colored hair, and simplistic faces. This doesn't make Oreimo's designs or Eureka Sevens designs stand out in any way.


A Good Citizen
This is nonsense. There aren't many anime designs that aren't generic looking. Anime characters generally have large colorful eyes, wild colored hair, and simplistic faces. This doesn't make Oreimo's designs or Eureka Sevens designs stand out in any way.
This doesn't make the Oreimo designs any less horribly generic. Yoshida's designs still stand out in a good way. Oreimo designer guy's designs look like what you'd get when somebody with a steady hand googles "how to draw anime."


This doesn't make the Oreimo designs any less horribly generic. Yoshida's designs still stand out in a good way. Oreimo designer guy's designs look like what you'd get when somebody with a steady hand googles "how to draw anime."

Yoshida's designs look like other anime designs. I'm not seeing how they "stand out".
I can't see this posted here already, but apologies if it has been...

Lupin III 40th Anniversary UStream - LIVE 24/03/12 12:30PM - 13:00PM JPN / 3:30AM - 4:00AM GMT.

On stage:
Charlie Kosei (singer from the Lupin III first TV series series!)

Yū Kiyozono (Producer, "a woman named Fujiko Mine LUPIN the Third" staff from the new TV series!)

Mr. Charlie Kosei, the singer of the first Lupin III TV OP will be taking stage and performing LIVE!

In addition to this, Yū Kiyozono, producer of the new TV series "a woman named Fujiko Mine LUPIN the Third" will also take the stage for a talk on the new series!

Shame it's only thirty minutes long. Might stay up until 3:30 for this in hope we might see some footage of the new series.
When you thought Guilty Crown can become much more worse, they released such a final. Everything felt much more disjointed especially that part where
that girl Manu or what? started to dance
. I should trust AnimeGAF.


Guilty Crown 22

Meh, what a disappointing end, what with
Haruka living, Inori dieing and Shu not disappearing with her. And lol at Daryl being a nice person deep down. Oh, don't let me forget the evil mustache man, Haruka's brother, which she couldn't shoot even after he killed her husband, tried to kill her stepson over and over and tried to destroy the world. What fucking shitty character Haruka was.
Guess she'll be good as fooder in the upcoming doujinshi, at least.
Guilty Crown 22

Meh, what a disappointing end, what with
Haruka living, Inori dieing and Shu not disappearing with her. And lol at Daryl being a nice person deep down. Oh, don't let me forget the evil mustache man, Haruka's brother, which she couldn't shoot even after he killed her husband, tried to kill her stepson over and over and tried to destroy the world. What fucking shitty character Haruka was.
Guess she'll be good as fooder in the upcoming doujinshi, at least.

On Daryl
well I always found it difficult to believe he was not good. Considering he felt bad or rather didnt seem to actually shoot anyone during the time the rind was enclosing around the school, and then he saved Tsugumi once, I think Rowan hit the nail on the head that he was a nice and just needed a second chance.


Guilty Crown final
Shu is the most pitiful protagainist ever, being shitted on over 20 episodes. Only thing I miss about the show is Ayase, Tsugumi and Supercell's OP1/2.

Hiroyuki yoshino is a terrible writer and he's gonna fuck up Accel World anime.



Well, now this is how you end a great series in a great way. Yeah, some of the dialogue was silly
"let's be in pain together"
but fuck, who cares? Even that was great, in such an emotional scene, it's what brings you back to reality and can make you smile or laugh while the characters are crying like fountains.
Plus, this is a show that really disproves that the size of the gun doesn't matter. It matters, it fucking does!

I'm so gonna miss this show. Best show of the winter season for me, with Kill Me Baby, Another and Rinne just behind it.


Real question is how did they managed to get Noitamina to fund it?

Are you going to ask that question knowing that C exist? Really?
Here is what I think: They lost thier virginity and thier whoring themself out.
What!? The show had those kind of names behind it and it was still so awful. Damn. I guess they needed some quick cash...
To be honest with you, the writer of the Code Geass should be a big hint for a terrible show.


What's uncomfortable about it?

It approaches fandom in, like, the creepiest way possible.

I can't recall what precisely made me drop it, but it had something to do with the way the situation that ended up in a... park? Got resolved. Like, they went to ComiFes, the sis got revealed as an otaku carrying doujins, her best friend flipped the fuck out. That whole sequence made me feel dirty, and there wasn't even all that much of a sexual angle to it. It just didn't feel right.

Compare/Contrast Genshiken, though that's a more mature work as a whole I find, even if it has moments of immaturity.

The closest counter-example I can think of is bizarrely a more recent episode of My Little Pony, but you probably don't want to talk about that.


Are you going to ask that question knowing that C exist? Really?

At least [C] plays around with a concept that's very rarely done in anime, which is much in line with Noitama shows in general.

Guilty Crown is just stock shounen, mecha blatently aimed at otaku's.


So much for focusing on hand to hand combat instead of special attacks. :p
A series where the one with the Pegasus Cloth doesn't spams the 'Meteoros de Pegaso' (Meteor Fist) attack again and again isn't a real Saint Seiya series. But, those combat scenes between Mars and Seiya looked pretty close quarters to me... now we are talking of something promising!


Highschool DxD - END

Last two episodes are basically stock serious business damsel in distress, hero saves the day etc. Basically what ecchi shows suck most at.

Well the middle part of the series was entertaining enough, so I at least took something out of it.


( ≖‿≖)
Kind of off topic but I just got a Macross art book from amazon japan after ordering it about 2 years ago with a makoto shinkai art book (that arrived like a week after I ordered it)

How strange! I forgot about it, but a nice surprise.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It approaches fandom in, like, the creepiest way possible.

I can't recall what precisely made me drop it, but it had something to do with the way the situation that ended up in a... park? Got resolved. Like, they went to ComiFes, the sis got revealed as an otaku carrying doujins, her best friend flipped the fuck out. That whole sequence made me feel dirty, and there wasn't even all that much of a sexual angle to it. It just didn't feel right.

Compare/Contrast Genshiken, though that's a more mature work as a whole I find, even if it has moments of immaturity.

The closest counter-example I can think of is bizarrely a more recent episode of My Little Pony, but you probably don't want to talk about that.

LOL. I remember that bit. Fucking bizzare scene to be sure, I remember my reaction being "...wut?"
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