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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta - 11

Magician girl look like she means business and judging by the flashback she need her brain fixed ASAP.


I too would look at any attempt to check this NICE BODY in that chinese dress.

Ps: you can't catch a ghost with a bug net.


Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta 09
This episode mostly tried to recap things from the OVA and to that end was mostly successful.
The elder council was also fleshed out somewhat. A lot of panties were also had as is tradition it seems.
The fight at the end was pretty hype.


Subete no aware
Still alive , saved in the nick of time by Mana. Now to convince everyone that the duel is necessary Cure Ace must explain to everyone why regina and her are light and dark so it's flashback time! All while king selfishness is about to awaken !

This mean that the duel i wanted won't happen ( like at all ) .
Did the baby ever power up?


[Yozakura Quartet] - Fin

And so ends the most panty-shot filled mainline action series of 2013. It was pretty okay. The direction, animation, and general presentation of this series elevates some extremely standard material into a genuinely enjoyable (if occasionally cringe worthy) show.

As a result of the heavy fanservice I really I wouldn't really be able to recommend to anyone who isn't simply a fan of either:

a) cool, dumb action
b) great animation

but those kinds of people clearly shouldn't be watching anime!


As a result of the heavy fanservice I really I wouldn't really be able to recommend to anyone who isn't simply a fan of either:

a) cool, dumb action
b) great animation

but those kinds of people clearly shouldn't be watching anime!
What if they like a), b), and fanservice?


Anyone know a good place to get Mazinger Z background images for laptops please?

Meh more moeshit, only good thing is Space Dandy.

Winter has finally arrived!


Hold up isn't that Dirty Jesus Christ? I've heard of the manga, is there an anime for it?


Anyone know a good place to get Mazinger Z background images for laptops please?

Meh more moeshit, only good thing is Space Dandy.

Hold up isn't that Dirty Jesus Christ? I've heard of the manga, is there an anime for it?

It's Saint Young Men. The best of all the anime.


Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road

This ended up being a rather enjoyable TV movie with no real expectations attached. Kinema Citrus and Orange definitely did a good job with the animation and direction, so it's a pretty well animated and fun action adventure film set in a post-apocalyptic Japan with mechs, swordsmen, monsters, a ninja boy, and a terrible protagonist.

Storywise it's a pretty generic fallen princess meets strange superpower boy story, with lots of predictable tropes and not a lot of originality. Ame is a pretty awful protagonist who has self-confidence issues and her motivations mostly act as a plot device, while the villain is a totally underdeveloped annoying ass dude who tries to talk the audience to death every time he appears.

In a way the writing reminds me of Gargantia (also featuring lots of Nitroplus writing!) but worse, because it tries to condense a lot of world building into a 90 minute experience and the writers clearly aren't experienced in doing that at all. Thankfully the dialogue heavy portions mostly only impact the tail end of the movie, and the direction is strong enough to carry scenes without much dialogue so it feels brisk for 2/3s of the movie.

Solid character animation, amazing background art, some pretty good action, and really nice effects in the climax. The world setting is pretty fun too, even though it doesn't get fully utilized. I really liked the male lead too, and he made it possible to put up with Ame in every scene they're together in. Just don't go in expecting much from the story, and I think it's a pretty enjoyable holiday TV movie for anime fans.

Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta - 12
What a twist !
She was human all along ...so the whole thing was just tricks ? Damn impressive! David copperfield got nothing on her !

I'm a little disapointed by juri even if it made such a nice scene.

Did the baby ever power up?

The baby is a walking power-up device , as always. No she is still a baby so far.


Golden Time-12

Holy shit at this writing. Talk about being inconvenient timing.

All aboard the drama train. This ghost shit is beyond infuriating. The amnesia bit is bad enough.

A traditional love triangle is so much better than this.
DokiDOki precure - 45

Well euh ...Ahem

That is the textbook exemple of an anticlimatic fight. KirbYayoi , i must admit that i was maybe a bit too much hyped but still ..WHAT A DISAPOINTMENT.

I mean this was supposed to be a destiny fight, a clash between light & darkness but i saw none of it.

i know that this franchise can do great fights if they want but we are at ep 45 and i'm sad to see that everything i could see from that start basicly was true.

As for the fight itself , it had one good scene , the rest was smoke and mirrors ( and lots lots of talking ) ..The only thing to rejoice is that the 5 min limit is finally gone (worse nerf ever )

They better explain all this stuff properly in episode 46 ... but it doesn't matter , mana is there so the fight i wanted WON'T HAPPEN.
Mana appearance was done in a way worse than in classic shonen, right on the brink of time ... you can't argue that if she was a male , it would be the MOST GENERIC ENTRANCE EVER , but here it doesn't matter because she came to the rescue , with all her swag and the first 2 member of her harem that only use is to be a battery to shoot the 5 people final attack.


They can still correct this mess , but i don't see how they will manage to change what will be the most generic finale of the entire precure universe.

At best, we'll understand the "origins" of what really happened to the
Burger King's kingdom

Thanks to spoils from a magazine and past experience, I have a hunch of how things end here, and what it'll mean after Doki.
Just saw the new OP. That banner is amazing. I should have stopped reading after the synopsis for Space Dandy too. The OP warned me and I didn't listen.

What the FUCK is going on in PUPA?


Is that the first character design of Captain Earth revealed so far? Can't even tell who the designer is from that. Komori?

Errr, they released everything on the site when they announced it, like everything else in that pic, it's just a line art version of existing art: http://captain-earth.net/

The character designer is Satoshi Ishino.

Komori is assistant director on Chaika right now.


well not really...yet
Errr, they released everything on the site when they announced it, like everything else in that pic, it's just a line art version of existing art: http://captain-earth.net/

The character designer is Satoshi Ishino.

Komori is assistant director on Chaika right now.
wow, completely missed that.

CD is kind of a nobody. oh well lol. Seems the staff really is Star Driver redux aside from that.
School Days 12

Ok, this wasn't that surprising or interesting. I knew the guy was
going to be killed, just not how. But I think one would probably be able to tell anyway. Those focus shots of knives in 2-3 episodes and that tea kettle just before things went down.

Oh, there's still 7 minutes left...

I see... *watches ending again* Well, that was certainly something. *watches ending again* Hahaha.

Well... For the ending and the funny parts (both the unintended and some of the intended) I give it 1/5 nice sunsets. Mostly this was just boring.



wow, completely missed that.

CD is kind of a nobody. oh well lol.

Not exactly a nobody. He's an animator who has worked in BONES a ton in the past. He was also the animation character designer for No.6.

I think ever since they have established a "studio style" in terms of how characters look, they've been more willing to let animators who have worked with them for a long time to try their hand at character designs. We've seen it quite a few times now.

Ayumi Kurashima on Xam'd, Atsuko Nozaki on Tokyo M8, Shigeto Koyama on Heroman, Takashi Tomioka on Gosick, Tsunenori Saito on Stranger and Tempest, Satoshi Ishino on No.6 and Captain Earth, Hiroko Yaguchi/Kazumi Inadome/Yuko Yazaki on Un-Go, Nobuhiro Arai on Chaika.

It's an ongoing thing now, and honestly I think it's pretty good that they allow animators to get experience on larger roles on productions.


well not really...yet
That's true, though I think back in the day they juggled having their own studio style along with designs that brought a unique voice to most works. All those designs you listed (for the most part) just say to me "BONES designer" and that's about it.

Also, at this point I think Shigeto Koyama is basically just talking his designs from previous shows and just mixing and matching them lol. Though still looks like a fun mech design.
Just watched episode 8 of Watamote. I refuse to believe that humans made this. I can barely go a couple of minutes without having to pause of out of sheer pity for the MC.
How can you say you love your sister if you won't eat won't let her eat you?
My little sister can't be this ravenous


I really just can't wrap my head around the amount of negativity Dokidoki generates. Especially the first and last cours. Like, I read the complaints, and I think about them, but they just don't click in my head.
Dokidoki is going to be #1 on my anime of the year list for sure.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Do Animes normally just randomly delay an episode for a week or two at the very last second? Feel like it happened with a few series these past few weeks, Hunter x Hunter, Hajime No Ippo Rising, and Kill la Kill to name a few.
I really just can't wrap my head around the amount of negativity Dokidoki generates. Especially the first and last cours. Like, I read the complaints, and I think about them, but they just don't click in my head.
Dokidoki is going to be #1 on my anime of the year list for sure.

First cour was essentially the best. If anything, it being the best is partly responsible in just how negative things have gotten for DokiDokes, because the first cour represents potential, and everything afterwards is basically "here's how we messed up".


Do Animes normally just randomly delay an episode for a week or two at the very last second? Feel like it happened with a few series these past few weeks, Hunter x Hunter, Hajime No Ippo Rising, and Kill la Kill to name a few.

What do you mean by "last second"? It's the year end holiday season. Generally almost everything gets pre-empted in the last two weeks of December. It's part of the planned programming. Nothing is being "delayed".


Maturity, bitches.
[thread=744058]It's up.[/thread]

I decided to not post a massive list because I feel most people should be able to remember what they watched up to a year ago and it just makes the OP far too long and I doubt anyone reads through it.


[thread=744058]It's up.[/thread]

I decided to not post a massive list because I feel most people should be able to remember what they watched up to a year ago and it just makes the OP far too long and I doubt anyone reads through it.

Wow, you went through with all the garbage categories. I'm not even going to bother voting then. :/
The World God Only Knows OVA Tenri Special

I still don't like how the anime skipped like 6 other girls. I understand adaptations can only do so much, but more than quick little cameos would have been great :(

Tenri is pretty cute, but Shiori does shy better! I liked Diana quite a lot, looks like that's going to continue right into Goddesses.

Wasn't all that impressed with Nora. I they needed another persoanlity type out of the Demons. Her buddy was pretty funny too, reminded me of Asaba from Kare Kano xD

Oh and shoutout to childhood full of game gears. haha.


The Light of El Cantare
We're still going to do an informal vote for technical categories just for this thread, right?


Poet Centuriate
[thread=744058]It's up.[/thread]

I decided to not post a massive list because I feel most people should be able to remember what they watched up to a year ago and it just makes the OP far too long and I doubt anyone reads through it.

And lo, the end began.
[thread=744058]It's up.[/thread]

I decided to not post a massive list because I feel most people should be able to remember what they watched up to a year ago and it just makes the OP far too long and I doubt anyone reads through it.

Considering the vote is made up of AnimeGAF and I guess Toonami+extras, I don't see why the list was skimped out.
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