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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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I'm not saying that Cross Ange can't be recommended sincerely. But a lot of people recommending it aren't being sincere.

It also seemed to me to reopen the doors to the old hatewatch culture that drove people to push School Days onto others back in the past.
That I can agree with you on.

Like I'd have no problem recommending Cross Ange if someone asked for any kind of anime to watch to pass the time and was just looking to be entertained.

Date A Live website's been updated with details of a BR re-release of season 1, with 35 minutes of cut footage being added to episodes 4-12. This includes the tick tock clock arc, so I'm pretty sure I'll have to buy it out of principle, language barrier be damned. Release date is 31 July.


I wouldn't watch a show like Cat's Eye, but for some reason when I see shows like it, I get infatuated by the artstyle and the 80'sness of it all. Man I'm sucker for that shit, but in the end I know better than to be suckered in I guess :p


Sailor Moon S 01-02

The budget increase is clear. Maybe buying themselves that extra week with the recap episode was a good business move. The villains, the stakes, everything seems so much higher than the previous two series already. New stock footage for Usagi looks nice, though her finishing attack involves way too much spinning. Like, GekiTouja level spinning. A good prelude to what I've heard is one of the best seasons, but the real main attraction begins in earnest next week.


That I can agree with you on.

Like I'd have no problem recommending Cross Ange if someone asked for any kind of anime to watch to pass the time and was just looking to be entertained.

And that's about all it does, lol. Of course, now that I watched all the available episodes for free via Crunchyroll, I'll have to watch the rest if the crash and burn story until it is over.

But yeah, it's entertaining, however, it's still etter than the mess that is School Days, which is giving me the train wreck effect right now... uugghh
Yurikuma Arashi 11:
Goddammit Ikuhara. The one thing, the only thing I asked you for was for Lulu to live. That's all. I didn't care about any other character's fate as long as she lived. Just...even after the initial moment the final parting of live just hit so hard.

RIP Lulu
Blood-C 8

'hey I know you just sliced a giant beetle sword monster dude in half, but is that your blood?'


help me gaf

You're covered in blood LET ME HUG YOU

Does she have to clean up like this every night? lol, here have my hankerchief?

'Why are you carrying that sword everywhere?' I...is this fucker for real? I...I can't.

'You're everything to me. You're it.' You just like started getting to know her like a few days ago, Romeo.


this dude loves to hug

what is writing, how does character

'Rubber ducky, you're the one, you m-' OMG NO FUCK WE WENT SO LONG WITHOUT SINGING FUCK

you totally gonna get fucked up

'and did you hear about the Policeman' not like, a name or anything, just that one policeman that we both know exactly who we're talking about.

errbody getting fucked up by the purble crab spider thimg

't...they're dead?' Yes. Yes they are. Very observant and reactionary of you.

You know, you could be saving them right now, sword girl. You're doing a shitty fucking job.
That's where you are wrong , saya is the BEST protector of an area , that i've ever seen in anime. You just have to understand where her priorities lies.
Noo ;__;

Well Episode 24 will have some serious shit going on. Is Nanatsu going for 26 episodes? I somehow remember the manga being different at that point... have they skipped the short breather part in that battle?
It's 24 eps. <I'll hope for a S2 some day.>
So I just finished Monogatari: Second Season (not to be confused with the actual second season of the anime, Nisemonogatari)

There are a lot of things I can say about it. I could talk about how it's the absolute pinnacle of the series(especially Hanamonogatari, good lord), or about the how the arcs centered around other characters are substantially better than the ones in which Araragi is the protagonist. But instead, i'll just leave off with this:


I call it the Kaiki Stride...
Well monogatari needed that other focus to improve his world . seeing everything through arararararagi eyes ( sorry i chuckled ) would completely dull the grey area that the writter wanted to make when they created those situations. Even the arcs where arararagi was in , it was more about the POV of the other character that matterred.

Also , kaiki , best con-artist character ever in anime.


Samurai Flamenco: 12-END
So I went into this show with a lot of reservations especially for the first 7 or so episodes. Even after the big tonal shift, I was still not entirely convinced but after that, well, you just have to basically strap yourself in for the ride. And boy what a ride.

I still find the start of the series annoyingly cloying with Masayoshi's naivete and the show itself struggles to balance it wanting to be comedic and deal with a cruel and sadistic streak towards death and pain.
The ending scene is also a bit of an odd tone as well:
For the final arc, it delves into Gotou's affliction as it were and while it finally resolves it with him realising that he is a broken person for texting himself on behalf of his (probably) dead girlfriend, it feels like the work is undo somewhat when at the very end, he receives another message he sent from himself; especially when it feels like it's treated in a comedic "Oh! That Gotou!" kind of way

Having said all that, it's definitely a very enjoyable series if you can stick through the lacklustre first section. The over the top middle section and the surprisingly enjoyable but darker finale make up for this.

So, that just leaves my one remaining watchbet with strangedopamine for an insane number of Doremi episodes.
Best bunny teacher.
Figurine when?
If she isn't laughing with her evil face, there would be no point to this figurine.
Final scores for #BestNisekoi

#TeamChitoge: 1,590
#TeamOnodera: 721
#TeamTsugumi: 331
#TeamMarika: 196
#TeamHaru: 157


da bess
As long as onodera doesn't win , i'm ok with it.

Guys, I'm looking for shows that begin with C and ends in e. Any suggestions? Doesn't have to be one word by the way.
^^ a rushed adaptation of a funny and entertaining LN.

Date A Live website's been updated with details of a BR re-release of season 1, with 35 minutes of cut footage being added to episodes 4-12. This includes the tick tock clock arc, so I'm pretty sure I'll have to buy it out of principle, language barrier be damned. Release date is 31 July.

So they rushed across the material , and now they give us the skipped arcs ? LOL

How about making a complete season from the start ?
This first season was alright. I felt the humor was better in the first few episodes whereas the later episodes relied on in-jokes a bit too much. There were some pretty funny expressions throughout though. It's an alright slice of life series
This first season was alright. I felt the humor was better in the first few episodes whereas the later episodes relied on in-jokes a bit too much. There were some pretty funny expressions throughout though. It's an alright slice of life series

The first season is also its comedic peak. What comes after is rarely funny,and it all culminates in the latest dreadfully dull hour+ long OVA.


Yep. It sure did. And unfortunately there's no sequel yet. Not until Imagawa decides to make Shin Great Mazinger.
I don't think it's up to him, but the studio, and it likely didn't do well enough for a direct sequel.

If you want some sense of closure on what happened, you could watch Mazinkaiser V.S. The Great General of Darkness. But keep in mind that the continuity is not the same as Shin Mazinger, and you'll find that several characters from Shin Mazinger are missing and there's some new characters you won't recognize.

That and Mazinkaiser's freaking awesome as well.

More like Mazinger Z Vs The Great General of Darkness (Ankoku Daishogun). Here's a trailer:

Mazinkaiser Vs has the same enemies attacking, but the conclusion is very different due to the Mazinkaiser itself, which doesn't exist in Shin Mazinger. Shin Mazinger does hint that the Great Mazinger exists though. Either way, all those are completely different continuities, so quite a few things won't match up.


harem that will never end

makes too much $$$

Heh, I haven't exactly looked into the show, for obvious reasons, but from the box art and a cursory glance and such it never even occurred to me that there's a boy in the show, but in hindsight that was stupid of me. Makes sense I guess, the guys in these show mightn't exist anyways, since they have personalities that are akin to a cardboard box so its easy to miss them. Not my type of thing at all, but whatever floats peoples boat. These harem things never made any sense to me. The girls either act psychotic (which I guess if the point?) or they act like little sisters to the male protag, while the guy is either an alpha male or 9 times out of 10 totally oblivious to the whole love thing while a bunch of girls fall over themselves for him, usually accompanied by a girl whose way too young in order to add to the hilarity of it all. I mean the world is a big place and there's loads of different people out there, but surly these predicaments are just laughably unrealistic and idealistic, as if the directors are living out their fantasies...what am I even writing. Its 2am, I need some much needed sleep -_-


Silver Spoon Season 2 Episode 1-5

The show is enjoyable, but not as good as season 1. I feel there's some mundane and generic anime stuff that got added this season and is dragging the show down. Like that generic rich girl personality-type, or the beat-around-the-bush relationship between Hachiken and Aki, or that stupide event that happened in episode 1 that has still not been resolved yet in the slightest. It just feels like the show became a little bit less about farm life and a little bit more about generic anime highschool life.

But then again, it's been a while since I've seen season 1, so maybe my preference has just changed, I don't know.
Gintama 2015 PV


Here's a clear and extended version of the PV. Really like the Opening song as well.

Gintama the anime, even though it is embarrassing, has returned.
Even after the so-called "finale" movie, full of shame, it has returned.

You never change Gintama, you never change lol.&#128518;


Silver Spoon Season 2 Episode 1-5

The show is enjoyable, but not as good as season 1. I feel there's some mundane and generic anime stuff that got added this season and is dragging the show down. Like that generic rich girl personality-type, or the beat-around-the-bush relationship between Hachiken and Aki, or that stupide event that happened in episode 1 that has still not been resolved yet in the slightest. It just feels like the show became a little bit less about farm life and a little bit more about generic anime highschool life.

But then again, it's been a while since I've seen season 1, so maybe my preference has just changed, I don't know.

I think it was a hell of a lot better, mostly because it goes more into farm life and some of the serious issues surrounding that.


I think it was a hell of a lot better, mostly because it goes more into farm life and some of the serious issues surrounding that.

Season 2 is a massive leap in quality over the first season.

I guess it's just me remembering the good parts of season 1, though I still feel season 1 is better compared to this first half of season 2, and I don't feel like anything serious has actually happened so far. Guess I'll reserve full judgement until I've seen the rest.
Absolute duo - 12

i'll just write:

"How a finale episode is destroyed by BAD CGI "

Also bunny teacher is best teacher .. i need that figurine waith that pose ASAP.
Silver Spoon Season 2 Episode 1-5

The show is enjoyable, but not as good as season 1. I feel there's some mundane and generic anime stuff that got added this season and is dragging the show down. Like that generic rich girl personality-type, or the beat-around-the-bush relationship between Hachiken and Aki, or that stupide event that happened in episode 1 that has still not been resolved yet in the slightest. It just feels like the show became a little bit less about farm life and a little bit more about generic anime highschool life.

But then again, it's been a while since I've seen season 1, so maybe my preference has just changed, I don't know.

While I agree about the introduction of the new character, I think the series' most interesting developments, especially surrounding Hachiken, happen in the latter half of Season 2. That latter half alone was enough for me to favor Season 2 over the first, as much as I liked both.


Absolute duo - 12

i'll just write:

"How a finale episode is destroyed by BAD CGI "

Also bunny teacher is best teacher .. i need that figurine waith that pose ASAP.

Am still wondering why Tabane is in that show.

Unsurprisingly I am liking the novels more than the truncated anime.
Serial Experiment Lain mega post since tomorrow it's Bloodborne time and no way in hell am I watching anime for a while goooooooooooooooooooooooooo

SEL 07: Society
Where Oculus Rift will bring down society. Lain's internet fame seems to be more widespread now. This dystopian internet society lol. Hard to take it too much as such since reality has people like this. Lain also visits the guy from the Matrix in the world's most boring room. This episode gave me "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARL" and revelations about Lain that were easily the most obvious due to the name of the show.

SEL 08: Rumors
Onee-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan get out of my roooooooooooooooooom

Lain tries to make it all into a joke, gets creepy disgusted stares from parental units. In fact everybody is giving her the stink eye. Jesus Christ everybody hates Lain in a hilarious fashion. Nobody has anything better to do than stare. Lain wants off Mr. Bones Wild Ride. Then crash and it turns into

SEL 09: Protocol
I....uh.........I. Erm. Yeah. I guess we had a bit of history and then it turned into a bit abstract and Lain hunting. Then we get a fucking creep.

SEL 10: Love
lol @ the pseudo-cold shoulder. Don't need a body taken to the extreme, and then more emphasis on sticking with the internet and gtfo'ing from irl. Papa gives heartfelt speech. Mama gives no fuck, witch hunt starts.

SEL 11: Infornography
Like half the episode was a musical recap that was metal as hell. I'm sure it meant something outside of a recap. But I can't think about it right now. More discussion with Dr. Rock n Roll hair. Then I just watch events go from scene to scene as I look at it dumbfounded and attempt to comprehend what is going on outside of the real world shit. That creepy alien outfit is the best.

SEL 12: Landscape
I don't even know anymore. Back to really abstract the Matrix before the Matrix. Only really terrifying at what it has become, almost horrific. So the Matrix Revolution. A new universe? I don't know. Maybe I should have watched these last few episodes with more brain activity haha. Then religion? And of course like every anime we get tentacle monster.

SEL 13: Ego
He turned to face the machine. "Is there a God?"

The mighty voice answered without hesitation, without the clicking of single relay.

"Yes, now there is a God."

I've seen way too many shows with this type of ending so it doesn't shock me at much. But back then it may have been a big deal. Besides that, satisfying conclusion to a largely confusing show.

Serial Experiment Lain: Series thoughts
Definitely can see why it's so highly thought of. Personally a lot of the dystopian aspects are lost a bit because they chose a topic that is so relatively modern and actually became a big subject within a couple of years. Unlike other major dystopian works I've seen that seemed to have taken something a bit more outlandish. Really not even sure if I'm choosing the right word to describe the topic here. It's just a negative view at what a future society could produce? If somebody can think of the right word be my guest. I enjoyed what I watched on a literary aspect and as a sci-fi fan, but I don't think it'll be replacing any of my favorite shows anytime soon. So tl;dr it's a fantastic show that may have aged a bit too quick due to the topic at hand and lost its impact.

I give it a 7.5/10. I'll attempt to start the next show on my watchbet maybe friday since I get out midday-ish.


Poet Centuriate


That is literally how I would describe Saikano.

Acchi Kocchi is so pleasant, like candy. Even the boxart is adorable.!

It's quite fitting in more than one way.

and +1 on Acchi Kocchi. It didn't end the way I would've wanted, but it's super, mega cute.

Is Drrrrrr a sequel to The Enigma of Amigara Fault?

I want an Amigara OVA.

Was this discussed? Tokyo Anime Award Festival:

  • Animation of the Year: Theatrical Film
    Award of Excellence: Stand By Me Doraemon
  • Animation of the Year: Television
    Ping Pong the Animation
    Award of Excellence: Yo-kai Watch
  • Animation of the Year: Anime Fan Award
    Tiger & Bunny The Movie -The Rising-
  • Best Director
    Isao Takahata
  • Best Script/Original Work
    Jukki Hanada
  • Best Animator
    Kumiko Takahashi
  • Best Animator
    Nobutake Ito
  • Best Animator
    Osamu Tanabe
  • Best Character/Mecha Design
    Takahiro Kishida
  • Best Art Director
    Kazuo Oga
  • Best Voice Actor/Actress
    Daisuke Ono
  • Best Voice Actor/Actress
    Kouki Uchiyama
  • Best Music
    Hiroyuki Sawano
Lifetime Achievement Awards:
  • Art Director
    Masahiro Ioka (Anne of Green Gables)
  • Voice Actor
    Hiroshi Ohtake (Cyborg 009)
  • Composer
    Nobuyoshi Koshibe (Sazae-san)
  • Singer
    Isao Sasaki (Galaxy Express 999)
  • Producer
    Hisashichi Sano (Doraemon)
  • Animation Artist
    Sadao Tsukioka (Cigarettes and Ashes)
  • Director
    Toshio Hirata (Pet Shop of Horrors)
  • Original Creator
    Monkey Punch (Lupin III)
  • Animator
    Tadakatsu Yoshida (Fushigi Yugi Eikoden)
  • Scriptwriter
    Yoshitake Suzuki (Kyojin no Hoshi)
  • Sound Director
    Kan Mizumoto (Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files)

Good list but lol at Frozen.

That's where you are wrong , saya is the BEST protector of an area , that i've ever seen in anime. You just have to understand where her priorities lies.

She lets fuckers just get wasted while she stands around and sucks her thumb. Her priorities are being a dolt.


Yowamushi Pedal GR - 23

How many frigging time this series gonna made me tearing up? damn the scene with Onoda's mom got me again

And the climax man...
Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road 23

This scene got to me. T_T

I cycle and run myself...not very good, mind you (lol).

I ran the LA Marathon last week, and every time I run it I carry the thought of my parents in my heart all the time. My Dad ran it in 2000, and passed away from prostate cancer in 2010. Fast forward to today, my Mom is more than happy to see me carry on his legacy years later, whether it's a marathon, half marathon, or a century ride. So scenes like this really tug at me.

Maybe that's why I love this show, yo.
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