The one from Lucky Star I guess
that doesnt count, those are a bunch a little girls damn it. hell, even the one from school rumble is packing it. japanese have a misconception on blonde american girls lol
The one from Lucky Star I guess
Silver Spoon Season 2 Episode 1-5
The show is enjoyable, but not as good as season 1. I feel there's some mundane and generic anime stuff that got added this season and is dragging the show down. Like that generic rich girl personality-type, or the beat-around-the-bush relationship between Hachiken and Aki, or that stupide event that happened in episode 1 that has still not been resolved yet in the slightest. It just feels like the show became a little bit less about farm life and a little bit more about generic anime highschool life.
But then again, it's been a while since I've seen season 1, so maybe my preference has just changed, I don't know.
Has there ever been an american girl in anime that didn't have giant breasts?
Has there ever been an american girl in anime that didn't have giant breasts?
Yep, that's exactly it, that's Madoka Rebellion in one.Madoka Magica Astral Ocean.
I'll be right there with you, brother and I'll laugh forever and ever at the scene that tells everyone off for thinking what basically amounts toMovie 4 will have that and also undo the ending of Rebellion and have the ending us Rebellion haters wanted from Rebellion. Calling it now. It will be the total opposite of Rebellion and I'll cry tears of joy watching it.
I'll then read the impressions of it here and then proceed to cry tears of laughter.
Are there any Canadians in anime period?
Are there any Canadians in anime period?
What did i just watch?
Are there any Canadians in anime period?
jesus christThis idiot right here
Final scores for #BestNisekoi
#TeamChitoge: 1,590
#TeamOnodera: 721
#TeamTsugumi: 331
#TeamMarika: 196
#TeamHaru: 157
da bess
I would avatar quote myself so hard right here. All of you are a very very dark bunch.
The hell? You alright there m8?
Oregairu S2 PV officially on youtube
Also PR for Aquarion Logos has some character design pics:
Are there any Canadians in anime period?
Also PR for Aquarion Logos has some character design pics:
Ok, now TBS put Oregairu S2 PV2 on youtube
The one from Lucky Star I guess
Has there ever been an american girl in anime that didn't have giant breasts?
Are in-jokes a bad thing once the show has established what they are? Since anime shows are often so short they don't seem to be designed around watching a random episode (unlike say the billion episode long yank sitcoms) but rather seeing them all in order so the audience should be well aware of what the in-jokes are at that point.YuruYuri
This first season was alright. I felt the humor was better in the first few episodes whereas the later episodes relied on in-jokes a bit too much. There were some pretty funny expressions throughout though. It's an alright slice of life series
One shitty show culled from my watchlist. Fuck yea! At least I got something notable out of the show:![]()
This is an awful final shot. The show wants to portray how close they are yet the window pane suggest the opposite by having part of the frame blocking the distance between the two.
Serial Experiment Lain mega post since tomorrow it's Bloodborne time and no way in hell am I watching anime for a while goooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Serial Experiment Lain: Series thoughts
Definitely can see why it's so highly thought of. Personally a lot of the dystopian aspects are lost a bit because they chose a topic that is so relatively modern and actually became a big subject within a couple of years. Unlike other major dystopian works I've seen that seemed to have taken something a bit more outlandish. Really not even sure if I'm choosing the right word to describe the topic here. It's just a negative view at what a future society could produce? If somebody can think of the right word be my guest. I enjoyed what I watched on a literary aspect and as a sci-fi fan, but I don't think it'll be replacing any of my favorite shows anytime soon. So tl;dr it's a fantastic show that may have aged a bit too quick due to the topic at hand and lost its impact.
I give it a 7.5/10. I'll attempt to start the next show on my watchbet maybe friday since I get out midday-ish.
Leave it to Lucchini to mistake a Neuroi for a bug.
She lets fuckers just get wasted while she stands around and sucks her thumb. Her priorities are being a dolt.
Are there any Canadians in anime period?
Those empty eyes. That look at me. God damn.Absolute Duo-12
One shitty show culled from my watchlist. Fuck yea! At least I got something notable out of the show:
Absolute Duo-12
One shitty show culled from my watchlist. Fuck yea! At least I got something notable out of the show:
Strike Witches 7
I didn't think there could be a more stupid premise for an episode than the missing pants conundrum but this beats it handily. But if that one was one of the better episodes of S1 than this is the worst of S2 along with ep3. Maybe I was just tired but I found it mind numbingly dull. And some of the imagery ... Yikes. Well I got my Siegfried Line reference so it was not all for naught I guess.
Leave it to Lucchini to mistake a Neuroi for a bug.
The pants episode was. The bug episode only loosely.Believe it or not that episode was actually based on a true event.
New Owari no Seraph PV with subs and the OP:
All dat Shinoa.
Come back to me Isaac and miria.
Believe it or not that episode was actually based on a true event.
Onizuka went full Orochimaru in this episode.