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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episode 12 – Love Forever

Fantastic anime worthy of being in the end of the year anime of the year list and definitely on an anime of the decade list too. Perfect from start to finish. It could have reached even more heights of it did more of the transformations in episodes instead of skipping them but it didnt really harm the show that was already challenged for meeting the 23 minute time commitments. I was glad to see Ittoki Otoya (utapri) VA in a role for this show, and newer va's like Ryu's having a lead. The staff knew how to treat the characters well and even gave them really entertaining and confirmed canonically pairs so that made it even better than expected. Hopefully this gets more creative juices flowing from people writing anime and they continue to make anime have such cast compositions in these non traditional roles for our current generation of definitive anime. 10/10.


Yeah, if Cornbread's not in the mood for anything dark right now he should just quit while he's ahead.

Lol, I found Irregular HS to tide me over, then I'll go back to Madoka to feel the pain, I'm sure one of the little girls must die or something, uugghh, yeah, I'll pass for a short time, then go back to another dark world..


Psycho Pass 11

The last two episodes were pretty action packed. Loved the hunt scenes. The locked gun when she was pointing at Makashima was like a little Gray Fox moment from MGS1. :p


Mahouka is probably the worst show I've ever watched to completion.

I dunno why I did it.
I have to admit the anime was very lackluster. That's mostly because it just doesn't translate to the medium very well because in the LN, Tatsuya analyzes everything and talks to himself like 80% of the time

Can't expect too much from the story either I mean it's Onii-sama we got here.


I never understand these comments, theres like at least twenty anime that would beat out Mahouka on even a bad anime list I bet. People watched Panty & Stocking, Honey & Clover, Galilei Donna, and even those nasty Ikkitousen animes to completion.

Bub, that anime has no place on any list that also includes Ikki Tousen. Morita and the Unicorns alone elevate that series above such garbage.
I never understand these comments, theres like at least twenty anime that would beat out Mahouka on even a bad anime list I bet. People watched Panty & Stocking, Honey & Clover, Galilei Donna, and even those nasty Ikkitousen animes to completion.

I'm not going to actively seek out garbage, at least if it's not airing or on The List, lol. Even Galilei Donna was better and I didn't finish that shit


I haven't really looked through the thread, but I can understand the notion of someone finding the act of jumping into the world of anime as daunting, so asking people for recommendations is a simple and honest thing, and generally there are some great recommendations and suggestions, but no doubt many are a bit off to say the least. Sometimes it works out, but many times it doesn't, because if someone is like "hey I'm new to anime..." I doubt that they are in tune with the humour and mannerisms of many shows. I think it's in our best interest to recommend the safe, but revered choices as to foster a nice environment as well as conditioning newcomers to support the shows that already need all the support it can get, not to drive our own motives and push our own faves but to again, create a healthy environment. If someone asks for something in particular? That makes sense. Somebody wants to start off with something whacky? Go ahead. Not everybody wants to watch a Ghibli or an Akira but you don't necessarily have to go to the opposite side of the spectrum either. Some nuance is in order.

I guess I've had it easy. No doubt I've been recommended things many times, but for the most part I find my own shows. I know what makes me tick and that's why I end up watching shows like Flag and Boogiepop, shows that I find on a whim and like making eye contact with a girl/guy, you just click instantly. Its obvious however that many people don't have that initiative. I know it can be funny to recommend the silly show for the reactions, but I think that once that person is comfortable and accustomed to the community and you know that persons ins and out a bit more can you go ahead and have a little fun.

My taste is a little off kilter, but if I was to recommended something to a newcomer? The Ghibli films are a great place to start, as with GitS, Bebop and Akira. Very safe, and again may not gel with many people, but at least it won't scare them away and from there you can see what they liked and what they didn't like about said shows/movies above and work from there since most of us have seen the things listed above.
I mean, just looking through the last couple of weeks of posts, I see a lot of people recommending people watch shows that are 'infamously' bad, such as School Days, Eiken etc as well as shows that are just regular bad, like Mahouka/Irregular.

I don't really condone recommending people these kinds of shows. It really gives a bad impression of the medium as a whole. It really isn't that difficult to recommend people any one of the dozens of great Movies/TV shows/OVA's that exist.

I know that may sound a little odd considering that I personally have a fondness for some extremely bad anime but the difference is that I'm not going to go out there and recommend people watch these shows (unless they really have a hankering for crap) and I'd certainly never recommend them to people who are relatively new to the medium.

There's lots and lots of advice available on the internet for people looking to get "into" anime, much of which is bad. The least that people in there could do would be to support and promote quality works.


come in my shame circle
Absolute Duo 1-7

So I've been watching this over the last few nights. Started off kinda enjoying it but now I see this is sliding down the slope of the main character's dick being a magnet for every female in the series.

Episode 7 just seemed like the most ridiculous with the sausage eating and the aloofness of the main girl. Only a few more episodes so I can struggle through it but I know I won't be pleased with the ending, but then again I always seem to pick these bad series anyways...



As I said before, I don't mind getting some crap recommended to me once in awhile, I mean the only one that was truly a waste of time so far has been School Days, which was kinda crap.. The rest of them have been entertining at least and I came in here completely with an open mind, so it's all good to get trolled a little, it's like Freshman hazing, lol.

Now Eiken and that other one, well.... not gonna happen there, lol...


Milky Holmes TD 8-11

So, the new season has just finished its main story, and for the last episode next week we're getting some random story apparently focusing on the Milkies and Arsene.

Anyway, during the first 7 episodes, I thought the season started uneven, especially due to the "Element" segments at the end of each episode, where the Milkies had to win some kind of game in an interdimensional space in order to help Marine, an idol who lost her "Elements" that give her singing voice. It generally didn't work since most of the humor tied to them comes from their incompetency, and those scenarios require their victory. However, I thought the show had been improving, and the episodes generally getting more enjoyable... but that pretty much stopped at episode 7 though, which was likely the season's peak. Episode 7 focused mostly on Nero and the other Milkies rather than some new guest character or Marine, and undermined the "lesson of the week" right after the scene was over.

The 2nd half of the show addressed the flaw regarding the Element scenes, but then everything else kind of falters.


Episode 8 is a Rose of Versailles parody. Well, it uses some visual elements anyway. Still, they basically waste half of the episode "setting up" the joke before attempting to be funny, and the pay off just wasn't good enough anyway. Like I said above though, they actually fixed the Element scenes, with the Milkies now being incompetent there and the scenes actually carrying some humor.

Episode 9 and 10 take place in a casino, also episode 10 is filled with references from Macross to Laputa, also bring back past elements and use them well, like the ouija board - the main issue here though is the direction that puts lots of dead time between the jokes for little reason. Some scenes, especially in episode 10 also had a strangely serious atmosphere even though the action on screen seem like it should be humorous. The element scene in episode 10 ends up being one of the best moments in the series though. I also liked the one in episode 9, although I can see why people would dislike it, since it's entirely focused on Marine, rather than the Milkies. However, I think if Marine had been written like she was in episode 9 throughout the entire series she could have been a worthwhile addition to the cast - since there she had an unique humorous element to her (stupidly good luck), while in the other episodes she's basically just a straight man at best and "that one character that always brings a serious tone with her" at worst. I also liked the new character added in episode 9, although she doesn't get enough comedic screentime in the end due to the Element scenes taking almost half of episodes 9 and 10.

Episode 11 is a resolution of Marine's story and this season's main premise, so the humor was sidelined. Kokoro's return here and a couple of the scenes with the Milkies were good though.


The streak of bad recommendations is seriously getting stupid guys. Let's get back on track.

Anyway, a terrific, moving OVA I'd recommend is Ice.
Well, if you enjoy SAO it's safe to say you don't have the most discriminating of tastes and are fairly tolerant of problematic anime tropes and thus are more likely to enjoy bad anime. Still, I do think it's ideal to encourage people to partake of the best the medium has to offer. I'd rather foster awareness and appreciation of gems such as (to pick a few random relatively recent titles) Mushi-shi, Saint Young Men, the Blue Exorcist film, or Shounen Hollywood than promote titles which are already more popular than they should be.


I'm quite fond of Trigun (action) and Gun X Sword (mecha). Both are fairly solid space westerns with a good amount of action, comedy, and drama. Trigun is the more famous of the two, but I think Gun X Sword is a little underrated. Or unknown. I've really never seen anyone talk about it.
Started watching because of Kurumi, but ended up liking Tohka the most. (Sorry Cajun and Battleship :p) Mostly because Kurumi doesn't show up before the second half og the series and then just... dissapears again before the final 2 episodes.

Nothing a little corrective therapy won't fix. Just need to wait for my electric toothbrush to charge up before we can get started.


I mean, just looking through the last couple of weeks of posts, I see a lot of people recommending people watch shows that are 'infamously' bad, such as School Days, Eiken etc as well as shows that are just regular bad, like Mahouka/Irregular.

I don't really condone recommending people these kinds of shows. It really gives a bad impression of the medium as a whole. It really isn't that difficult to recommend people any one of the dozens of great Movies/TV shows/OVA's that exist.

I know that may sound a little odd considering that I personally have a fondness for some extremely bad anime but the difference is that I'm not going to go out there and recommend people watch these shows (unless they really have a hankering for crap) and I'd certainly never recommend them to people who are relatively new to the medium.

There's lots and lots of advice available on the internet for people looking to get "into" anime, much of which is bad. The least that people in there could do would be to support and promote quality works.

Yeah, if people want to inflict themselves of bad anime, this is anime GAF, after all,, that is within their rights, but I think some of the trolling to the newbies has to be toned down.
I never understand these comments, theres like at least twenty anime that would beat out Mahouka on even a bad anime list I bet. People watched Panty & Stocking, Honey & Clover, Galilei Donna, and even those nasty Ikkitousen animes to completion.

Over exageration or lack of anime knowledge really.
Mahouka anime is far , so far from bad it's not even funny .
It's also not even close to the great category ... but i can fuel a list of worst show than mahouka so easily.

Mahouka is a normal show with strong and weak parts... anyone disagreeing just need to watch more anime..or i dunno , something REALLY BAD , like blade and soul or magical warfare.


I mean, just looking through the last couple of weeks of posts, I see a lot of people recommending people watch shows that are 'infamously' bad, such as School Days, Eiken etc as well as shows that are just regular bad, like Mahouka/Irregular.

I don't really condone recommending people these kinds of shows. It really gives a bad impression of the medium as a whole. It really isn't that difficult to recommend people any one of the dozens of great Movies/TV shows/OVA's that exist.

I know that may sound a little odd considering that I personally have a fondness for some extremely bad anime but the difference is that I'm not going to go out there and recommend people watch these shows (unless they really have a hankering for crap) and I'd certainly never recommend them to people who are relatively new to the medium.

There's lots and lots of advice available on the internet for people looking to get "into" anime, much of which is bad. The least that people in there could do would be to support and promote quality works.

Yeah I agree. It’s all fun and games and for the most part the silly recommendations are done for the reactions, hazing if you will, but I really believe that if we want anime as a medium to thrive and improve we need to show our love for the quality stuff. Imagine telling someone who has never watched anime before to check out the Patlabor films? Or Ghost in the Shell or Akira? I've seen it first-hand. And yes while many people may not become head over heels for these, you can still see the appreciation in their eyes, and isn't that a nice feeling? People complain about how members with anime avatars are perceived or how anime itself it perceived for that matter, but then don't bastion the material that can compete pound for pound with any other show or film when given the chance. Watch your shonens and shows about cute girls doing cute things, but surely you can see that this stuff shouldn't necessarily be peoples first encounter to anime? I know for a fact that a lot of newcomers are receptive to that stuff, but many aren't. It’s not being an elitist or telling people what to like, but to create a prosperous environment.

Do I take it a bit too seriously? No fun allowed? Maybe so, tastes are subjective and again everyone is receptive to different things and that’s awesome. That’s anime at its best, when you can have one dude go out and direct a well received and beloved action comedy and then go on to direct one of the greatest sports anime series ever in the span of two years. That’s cool! Where you can create a show that contains mechs but have its strongest episodes be the ones that contain no action whatsoever, maybe just a man and a woman driving around in a thunderstorm before going to a hotel for the rest of the night. I want to show off that side of anime, because I’m proud of those moments.
Yona of the dawn - 24
So this series is over in anime..
Overall they really did a good job with this anime, and they followed each arc just like they should. It's really too bad that it's over since there is a SUPERB arc coming right after who is even better than the "pirates of awa" arc.

This show needs a S2 ..it's a good show with great characters , good dialog and a nice world to see.

WHERE IS MY S2 ? i want a S2 !!!!


I mean, just looking through the last couple of weeks of posts, I see a lot of people recommending people watch shows that are 'infamously' bad, such as School Days, Eiken etc as well as shows that are just regular bad, like Mahouka/Irregular.

I don't really condone recommending people these kinds of shows. It really gives a bad impression of the medium as a whole. It really isn't that difficult to recommend people any one of the dozens of great Movies/TV shows/OVA's that exist.

I know that may sound a little odd considering that I personally have a fondness for some extremely bad anime but the difference is that I'm not going to go out there and recommend people watch these shows (unless they really have a hankering for crap) and I'd certainly never recommend them to people who are relatively new to the medium.

I might. But then if I'm recommending something I actually enjoyed watching it. If I didn't like it I probably did not watch all of it and would not mention it, unless its a show of a type I dislike where I have a feeling the consensus is that its a decent show of that type.

Of course what I recommend really comes down to my knowledge of the person and their tastes in terms of storytelling overall. If they don't like scifi, I'm not going to recommend a scifi anime no matter how much I like it. I'll recommend anime that lines up to their tastes instead.
Yona of the Dawn 24 (END)

Getting the last dragon was easy. Something tells me his backstory is probably the darkest. Theres no way hes just a regular happy go lucky dude. Poor Yona though. She got NTR'd. Looks like Ao has a new buddy in Jeno.

That last scene with Hak and Yona...HNNNGGGGG. SEASON 2 WHEN!?!

Overall, this was a fantastic show. Consistent and enjoyable from the very beginning. I had no idea I would end up loving it as much as I do now. A really solid action / fantasy with a tinge of romance here and there.

Definitely picking up the source material now.

John Blade


Just finish the 5 episodes OVA and yea, this show is good for one big thing and that is the fight scene. Very entertaining from beginning to end seeing people getting kill by Afro.

As for the rest, well......it's okay and standard flare when you start to think about it. It isn't like Samurai Champloo from my previous watch in story/character development/plot. The story is simple for everyone to understand. Afro dad is number 1 and someone want to challenge him as he is number 2. Number 2 beat Afro dad so, he have to fight for revenue to become number 1 just so he can beat the guy who kill his dad. That's about the major plot. You see his friend getting kill because of this to the point you think Afro is blind by his rage (to the point to he have to kill his teacher who save him from his dead). Nothing I can say except it's very simple to follow.

For character development, you see them from flash back of Alfro life and also dialogue between Afro and other secondary character he talk to along the way. Can't say much here as it's also standard flare which help the audience to understand Alfro life and that's it.

Still, I guess if you're coming into this show to have a great story, you might be disappointed a bit. It's okay but nothing special. The main reason you want to watch this show is the fight scene and they're done well for most part (as well as entertainment). They're few scene where the camera movement is moving too quick to see what is happening might be the only complainant from what I gather.

Overall, fun watch. Just go into the show to see action but don't think too much in the story as it's simple and won't get too many award for it. Off to watch the movie right now.
I forgot who said this but I pretty much agree with it, Afro Samurai seems like something that Huey and Riley from The Boondocks would watch on the TV and not a real thing. Sam Jackson in an anime, c'mon that is a punchline.


Neo Member
I don't post often, but Yuri Bears 11 blew me away. I never thought the show would have the impact on me that episode did.
Lulu's happy smile right into her dead hanging paw, I had to pause it and leave the room. Actually, I'm crying writing this.


Damn absolute duo was much more intresting than magical warfare.

Yeah. That I dropped that after like 2 episodes.

AD on the other hand was one of the few shows I kept watching this season (though that's more an indictment of the season - it was terrible). Though its certainly in the bland middle of the road. I liked it more than the other two magical fighting school shows this season.

John Blade

I forgot who said this but I pretty much agree with it, Afro Samurai seems like something that Huey and Riley from The Boondocks would watch on the TV and not a real thing. Sam Jackson in an anime, c'mon that is a punchline.

It's kinda sad if you need a famous actor to make this Anime more popular in the west. Not saying his voice acting is bad. It sound fine but they isn't much voice acting in the show.
Yeah. That I dropped that after like 2 episodes.

AD on the other hand was one of the few shows I kept watching this season (though that's more an indictment of the season - it was terrible). Though its certainly in the bland middle of the road. I liked it more than the other two magical fighting school shows this season.

U.fafnir and world break ?

Hard to say witch one is better between those 3 .. they both have huge flaws that drag down their potential a lot.


RS listed the contents of the No Game No Life CE
Contains episodes 1-12 plus a CD, a poster, 9 stickers, 6 postcards, a foil card, an authenticity card, and playing cards, all in a chipboard art box.

Special Features: Japanese Commentary, No Game No Life Shorts, Clean Opening and Closing, Japanese Promos & Commercials.
Koufuki Graffiti 10-11
Pizza girl was cute, especially the ending promo.
The other episode was cute as well with Shiina wishing them good luck and Ryou's parents being mysterious
So I wanted to know if the staff for the upcoming Gangsta anime adaption is good. So could some people from Animegaf who are far more experienced in anime give me a little imput.

Studio: manglobe
Director: Murase Shukou
Series Director: Hatsumi Kouichi
Series Composition: Inotsume Shinichi
Character Design: Ueda Youichi

I know the director had a hand in Ergo Proxy and the music was done by the same person who had a hand in Samurai Champloo a bit. Just wanted to know what others think about the staff.
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