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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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i feel like the only one here that thinks school days is genuinely worth watching

If you list them in the features, you give the whole game away. I wouldn't worry.

am i going to jail?
depends if theres any black vans outside right where you live

Is it really needed when their address is on the package?
how else are they gonna track down the pedo cabals when they take it with them?
So I wanted to know if the staff for the upcoming Gangsta anime adaption is good. So could some people from Animegaf who are far more experienced in anime give me a little imput.

Just wanted to know if the staff is terrible or good just to keep my expectations a bit in check.

Studio: manglobe (Decent studio that can go either way)
Director: Murase Shukou (More a of an animator/character designer then director. But he did direct Ergo Proxy)
Series Director: Hatsumi Kouichi (Mostly a Key Animator/Episode Director. He did direct the first Berserk Golden Age movie, but he also directed Deadman Wonderland...)
Series Composition: Inotsume Shinichi (Has done some great work (Yona of the Dawn, Jojo 1,2,3) but has done some shit work (Euruka Seven AO)
Character Design: Ueda Youichi (Too little Character Design to tell)
Music: TSUTCHIE (They did some of the music for Samurai Champloo)


come in my shame circle
Absolute Duo 10

This is the third fucking time this jackass has sent his rebel shit against the main characters. You've failed twice already, why do it a third time? Deer lord!

And big tits is back, after not being able to handle rejection she decided to join the bad guys and beat up all of her friends to prove she's strong so main character will get on his hands and knees and love her.

2 more episodes to go.


Absolute Duo 10

This is the third fucking time this jackass has sent his rebel shit against the main characters. You've failed twice already, why do it a third time? Deer lord!

And big tits is back, after not being able to handle rejection she decided to join the bad guys and beat up all of her friends to prove she's strong so main character will get on his hands and knees and love her.

2 more episodes to go.

Whether it be sports or anime, you always seem to end up watching shit.


hey I taught Narag about witches.

Know who else taught me about witches?



Be kind to Kave. In time he'll learn to trust us and we can direct him to good anime. Once a rapport has been built, we can finally show him good football too.

-make him watch bad anime
-earn his trust by making him watch bad anime somehow
-make him watch good anime

seems legit


The Light of El Cantare
The recent upward trend of troll recommendations has become increasingly tiring and a real drag on discussion. It's just not very funny anymore, and even if it were, I don't think it's worth potentially alienating potential newbies to both the thread and the medium by telling them to watch School Days or Eiken or something else equally ridiculous and embarrassing to anyone not already deeply invested and entirely too far gone.

troll recs should just be flat out prohibited tbh


come in my shame circle
Absolute Duo - complete

Quite possibly the worst use of "friendship power" I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot since I read Fairy Tail.

Whole show went off the rails around episode 7 or 8.

Onto the next series I end up hating.

Also screw y'all, I'm perfectly fine! I do watch some good series...sometimes.


Absolute Duo - complete

Quite possibly the worst use of "friendship power" I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot since I read Fairy Tail.

Whole show went off the rails around episode 7 or 8.

Onto the next series I end up hating.

Also screw y'all, I'm perfectly fine! I do watch some good series...sometimes.
Please watch a good anime this time, for your sake.


When Marnie Was There

The latest and presumably last Studio Ghibli film directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, When Marnie Was There touches on a lot of the same ideas as his previous work, Arrietty. Themes of loneliness and parental abandonment are dealt with, and both stories feature a sickly child being sent to live with relatives in a rustic environment as a form of therapy; there's even evil housekeepers in both films. That said, they're still very different films, so it would be unfair to accuse him of copying his own work.

One large difference would be in the protagonists of each work: while Arrietty was focused on the titular miniscule heroine, her "pioneer" family, and how she related to a lonely human boy, Marnie reverses the formula, by focusing on the alienated youth and her "salvation" through meeting a very special person. If Arrietty was about a well-adjusted and loved but naive girl being forced to face harsh and frightening truths about life, Marnie is about a girl who knows nothing but harsh truths learning to accept the love of others.

Having watched this very good essay on Akira Kurosawa recently, and especially the comparison of his show-don't-tell storytelling with The Avenger's bland cinematography, the use of imagery to convey emotions and the essential meanings of scenes was something that was on my mind a lot while watching this. You don't need any dialogue to understand the ideas communicated in the above shots. Dialogue is a useful tool, but it should be used as a complement, which is something Yonebayashi understands. It's an extension of the characters themselves, and makes for some funny moments(the "fat pig" line), but it doesn't overwhelm the story in unnecessary wordiness.

I had difficulty placing the kind of story Marnie is at first(besides a mischievous comparison of the ending with
), but after thinking about it, I would call it a Jun Maeda story that's actually competently written. I feel like leaving Ghibli could actually be a good career move for Yonebayashi, because it's unfair to expect him to live up to his predecessors. I think if he stayed there would be a danger of him being viewed as another Miyazaki Jr., and this comparison would miss his own unique idiosyncrasies, like his interest in magical realism, subtle usage of three-dimensional camera work, and sense of dramatic atmosphere. I also think he'll be better able to develop his own style without Miyazaki's shadow looming over him.

Either way, I hope he lands in a good place and keeps making interesting films.
Was Yona of the Dawn any good?
it's very good , trending toward the awesome at times. definitly rewarding if you like to see characters that actually think about their actions .

Absolute Duo - complete

Quite possibly the worst use of "friendship power" I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot since I read Fairy Tail.

Whole show went off the rails around episode 7 or 8.

Onto the next series I end up hating.

Also screw y'all, I'm perfectly fine! I do watch some good series...sometimes.

Well it went off the rails when they tried to do something with useless girl and the train derailled when they did a filler ending.

I blame useless girl , even after all of that i don't see how the girl has changed.
When Marnie Was There

I had difficulty placing the kind of story Marnie is at first(besides a mischievous comparison of the ending with
), but after thinking about it, I would call it a Jun Maeda story that's actually competently written. I feel like leaving Ghibli could actually be a good career move for Yonebayashi, because it's unfair to expect him to live up to his predecessors. I think if he stayed there would be a danger of him being viewed as another Miyazaki Jr., and this comparison would miss his own unique idiosyncrasies, like his interest in magical realism, subtle usage of three-dimensional camera work, and sense of dramatic atmosphere. I also think he'll be better able to develop his own style without Miyazaki's shadow looming over him.

Leaving Ghibli won't exactly keep Miyazaki's shadow from looming over him, at least in the eyes of the broad film community. Even Hosoda still gets called a "Miyazaki Jr.". I think you'd have to make a film that wasn't family-friendly or had an art style strikingly outside the norm to avoid that comparison, considering that Miyazaki is all most film connoisseurs know of Japanese animation.
Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A OVA

Yes, there is a Saki Achiga-hen OVA that just released a few days ago, almost a year after the series started. It was included with the BD box set of the series in Japan. Sadly it hasn't been translated into English yet, but I hope it is because it's pretty good! The OVA is about 13 minutes long and animates several scenes from the Saki/Achiga mangas that hadn't previously been animated. It's mostly just taken from the manga(s), not original material, but that's okay because it's good stuff! Also, that the manga is translated helps with understanding the OVA, since most of it is taken from that. Still, there are some added bits and I'd love to understand all of what they're saying.

This isn't one of those fanservicey OVAs some shows have, it's just fun scenes with the Achiga girls as well as appearances by some of the Senriyama girls and a few more. The main plot of the OVA is about the other four Achiga girls going to the city to buy Kuro a birthday present. They're not sure what to get her though, so there is some wandering, some cutaways to show what Toki, Ryuuka, and Sara of Senriyama are doing, and such. There's plenty of cuteness and silly moments.
(Sara, you'll never see that 30 yen again... Hiroe's a jerk, she'd never pay you back.)
There's also an explanation for why Kuro likes big breasts -- something about her missing her mother. The Kuro & Yuu flashback is adorable. Also at one point (in the present-day part) Yuu
loses her mittens. Her frantic searching's amusing. Fortunately Toki and Ryuuka found them and tied them to a tree. :)
Yeah, it's a fun little episode. No mahjong this time, but the main Saki manga has been in the middle of an intense mahjong match for quite some time now, so it's nice to get a little break from that. Also of course the end episodes of Achiga were a long, tough mahjong match as well.

At only 13 minutes long, and with the full OP and ED in the episode, this OVA goes by pretty quickly, but it's great to finally see more animated Saki again, it's been a while. I'll certainly rewatch it, and again if some group translates it as I really hope someone will, hopefully sooner rather than later.

This OVA is somehow so obscure that it's not even mentioned on Anichart's chart (either in winter or spring), but it does indeed exist, I've watched it, and anyone else who likes Saki should too!


I might. But then if I'm recommending something I actually enjoyed watching it. If I didn't like it I probably did not watch all of it and would not mention it, unless its a show of a type I dislike where I have a feeling the consensus is that its a decent show of that type.

Of course what I recommend really comes down to my knowledge of the person and their tastes in terms of storytelling overall. If they don't like scifi, I'm not going to recommend a scifi anime no matter how much I like it. I'll recommend anime that lines up to their tastes instead.

People are free to recommend whatever they happen to believe is good content, but there are plenty of posters recommending deliberately (and obviously) terrible shit, which is specifically what I was referring to.

I mean, if people recommend stuff that they like which I happen to think is rubbish I will probably view my thoughts on it that but that's a very different situation.


Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road 23
Even though I've already read this far in the manga this is still the hypest shit ever. If they don't announce a new season after this I'll be so disappointed.


I don't know why this "recommendation" stuff is such a big deal, especially with consensus driven environment in here.. from what I seeing the "correct way" of recommendation is more what people here (especially known poster) agreed upon as "good" instead adjusting to that said person. Please spare me these all sincere bullshit.


I don't know why this "recommendation" stuff is such a big deal, especially with consensus driven environment in here.. from what I seeing the "correct way" of recommendation is more what people here (especially known poster) agreed upon as "good" instead adjusting to that said person. Please spare me these all sincere bullshit.

I give good recommendations to people that ask for them.

Look at what I did for SDBurton. I know what he likes and what he would like, so I opened his eyes to a magical world that I knew he needed to see.

It's kind of why definitive lists or links to the AOTY threads aren't so great because there's no accounting for the individual's tastes and catering to them.


I give good recommendations to people that ask for them.

Look at what I did for SDBurton. I know what he likes and what he would like, so I opened his eyes to a magical world that I knew he needed to see.

It's kind of why definitive lists or links to the AOTY threads aren't so great because there's no accounting for the individual's tastes and catering to them.

Yup, as opposed to recommending Flower of Evil to random poster that just saying he enjoying Attack on Titan..


Maturity, bitches.
the only one that was truly a waste of time so far has been School Days, which was kinda crap...
You now know why people speak of this show. That's certainly not a waste of time.
Then again I had fun with the experience so while the show may be seen as not good I enjoyed it.
You now know why people speak of this show. That's certainly not a waste of time.
Then again I had fun with the experience so while the show may be seen as not good I enjoyed it.

You can find out why people speak of it without spending several hours watching it.


Maturity, bitches.
Actually thinking about it, the reason it was enjoyable was because each impression I posted would result in a series of replies so it felt like I was watching the show with the community. Maybe the fact I also stuck to a one a day rule which resulted in a lot of anticipation (people were pleading that I'd marathon the last few episodes). Nowadays I notice people often post they are watching it and hardly anyone bats an eyelid. While suggestions for it still happen maybe we should admit that perhaps impressions for it are not as fun to read as they used to be or even more so, simply just bored of them.

You can find out why people speak of it without spending several hours watching it.
Reading about it isn't the same as experiencing it. Why bother with watching anime when I can read the plot summery on Wikipedia!


Strike Witches Episode 1: 5 Minutes In

Right, I see where Kancollie got the idea and holy fuck I have not switched off an aniem series this quickly due to fanservice in quite a long time. Basically the rest of this review is going to be me saying the word nope for five more minutes. Anyway, time to clean both my history and my spirits with water.
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