Jojo episode 1
the only thing I know about this show is that it should be a bizarre adventure.
5 seconds in and I see a body with a wooden spike coming out it's mouth clearly inserted from the other side. Thus I think I can safely assume this will be mature lol.
so initial thoughts on the dub. The male voices are fine, the female voices not so much, but they seem to be very small parts. I mean heck the first female voice I thought I was watching venture bros for a moment because it sounded like a guy trying to be a girl >.<;
the action in the episode is a little odd in the way it's done, the first bit I saw was barely animated, but the boxing scene made it a lot more clear how it is going to go, with over the topness letters added to a swing. The boxing wasn't done poorly, but it wasn't Ippo quality
I will say with the blonde girl showing up again her voice doesn't seem as bad. likely a case
The whole Dio thing feels very over the top and forced so far and this is moving quickly, but I imagine it's all going quickly in order to get the the Bizarre adventure. overall not minding this though, I figure the writing will get better after the time jump. I did enjoy Yes' Roundabout as the ending song though.
the only thing I know about this show is that it should be a bizarre adventure.
5 seconds in and I see a body with a wooden spike coming out it's mouth clearly inserted from the other side. Thus I think I can safely assume this will be mature lol.
so initial thoughts on the dub. The male voices are fine, the female voices not so much, but they seem to be very small parts. I mean heck the first female voice I thought I was watching venture bros for a moment because it sounded like a guy trying to be a girl >.<;
the action in the episode is a little odd in the way it's done, the first bit I saw was barely animated, but the boxing scene made it a lot more clear how it is going to go, with over the topness letters added to a swing. The boxing wasn't done poorly, but it wasn't Ippo quality
I will say with the blonde girl showing up again her voice doesn't seem as bad. likely a case
The whole Dio thing feels very over the top and forced so far and this is moving quickly, but I imagine it's all going quickly in order to get the the Bizarre adventure. overall not minding this though, I figure the writing will get better after the time jump. I did enjoy Yes' Roundabout as the ending song though.