Ight fam will doDub. It's definitely the way to watch the show.
Ight fam will doDub. It's definitely the way to watch the show.
Jesus we are only NOW finishing off this OT?
How times have changed.
Did I miss the memo where they were universally considered garbage and a waste of time? It's hit or miss, absolutely, but they are generally "safe" anime that do not push the envelope on fanservice and have sone really good animation at times, which are two of his criteria. Gotta try something different, ya know.
We may have had some displacement over the years.
I still don't understand what Kiznaiver is. It reads like it'll be yet another 'super special teens' show but even more convoluted than usual
It would have needed a different creative team. I don't think Ryosuke Nakamura is capable of making the trash you want.
I haven't cared for another they've made besides lwa. They should just make that. I mean a show about cute witches in an all girls school, why would that not sell?I expect nothing from Kiznaiver, but I bet Trigger will find a way to disappoint.
I feel like Pandora in the Crimson Shell would definitely be fueling more discussion if not for various bannings.
Also, calling Grimgar sexist pandering when handwaving GATE, the anime with rape and alluded pedophilia, is a bit strange.
Calling it 'sexist pandering' reeks of sex negativity and is a rather regressive perspective considering Grimgar actually has some fairly fleshed out characters. Fanservice is dumb, sure, but it doesn't detract from the story itself.
Only 185 posts until a new thread..
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention from God Eater 10: it has one of the more absurd over-long dying person monologues I've ever seen.
Spoiler stuff
I don't have a lot of patience for that sort of thing.
Man, that's some Assassin's Creed logic right there.
Yeah that rape scene on gate was uncomfortable as fuck. Especially more when you learn the bunny girl has some weird relationship with her subordinates too
Edit: not to say any rape scene isn't uncomfortable, but I wasnt expecting it in this glorious Japan show.
hey guys if possible i'd like some recommendations. it's been a while since i watched a full series and i feel like seeing what's out there. here's what i like: good animation, very little filler, and minimal fanservice. if it's a good manga i'm already reading it and won't bother watching.
last show i watched was one punch man, before that gurren lagann. other favorites are gits: sac/2nd gig, full metal panic, boogiepop phantom, escaflowne, full metal alchemist.
thanks in advance.
It's sexual objectification, plain and simple. It's all to serve the audience. The characters have no agency in their presentation*. They have no reason to shove their ass in the camera all the time. That's something the creators choose to do because they know people like asses shoved in their face. What part of the mage girl's character makes you think she'd want her boobs to be the focus of the camera? Was it in the first episode, when Ranta compares the girls' boob size and she gets extremely fucking uncomfortable? Is that what makes you think she wants people staring at her tits all day? Because unless that's what you think, then, oops, you've just confirmed that it is, indeed, sexual objectification. And if you do say you think that, well, to be frank, I won't believe you.
To become annoying?
The fact that you keep assume people disagree with you means not grown up is pretty low.
No, the idea is that you would grow up and learn about the way society oppresses people. I hope you don't become annoying! That would be a shame.
Boy I'm awfully glad Russ T's here to yell at us from his ivory tower and that being ok with any form of sexuality is somehow oppression.
Looking forward to his lectures of fujoshi fanservice when All Out releases next season.
Pretty much if you're not heinously offended by seeing an animated butt shot you're an uncultured swine that wishes that women be subservient to men.
The fact that you keep assume people disagree with you means not grown up is pretty low.
Thats a surprise. There was a kid in mine, he was laughing so much. Same for me.
No more Shakira singing in movies please.
You're really good at intentionally misinterpreting the things I say. It's impressive. But I wish you would engage sincerely, rather than maliciously.
Ashes to AshesPSA: If you watch too much anime you become like me. Sick and dying.
Ashes to Ashes
Bones to bones
PSA: If you watch too much anime you become like me. Sick and dying.
You called others ignorant and that you're 'teaching sexism 101.' You come off like you're some evolved being passing judgement across everything you don't like. Then when someone calls you on it you decide to insult and lecture others on how you're right and everyone else is ignorant.
Don't demand others to engage sincerely when you're the first one pulling the insults out.
Did someone say BONES????
More and more I go to these animation movies and I see less kids, which is kind of sad. I remember loving going to the movies with family or friends. A trailer for the new Dory movie came up and everyone in the room was looking at the screen with a smile on their face. And yeah I agree, no more Shakira please and thank you.
You should watch some Haikyuu. I've been feeling ill myself for a while, but I watched Haikyuu this morning and I'm feeling much better today!!
More and more I go to these animation movies and I see less kids, which is kind of sad. I remember loving going to the movies with family or friends. A trailer for the new Dory movie came up and everyone in the room was looking at the screen with a smile on their face. And yeah I agree, no more Shakira please and thank you.
More and more I go to these animation movies and I see less kids, which is kind of sad. I remember loving going to the movies with family or friends. A trailer for the new Dory movie came up and everyone in the room was looking at the screen with a smile on their face. And yeah I agree, no more Shakira please and thank you.
I could hear the sitcom audience laughter in my head.Did someone say BONES????
Pretty much if you're not heinously offended by seeing an animated butt shot you're an uncultured swine that wishes that women be subservient to men.
You must go at odd times, I usually like saturday noon/1pm showings which sometimes have tons of kids, the most I had was with each Ice Ages (why someone had their creying toddlers) and with each Transformers.
Was he crying on the video message scene? Because if so I can't blame that babyHad a crying baby during Interstellar in IMAX. Was super annoying.
You must go at odd times, I usually like saturday noon/1pm showings which sometimes have tons of kids, the most I had was with each Ice Ages (why someone had their creying toddlers) and with each Transformers.
Had a crying baby during Interstellar in IMAX. Was super annoying.
You know, hyperbolic arguments go nowhere.
Grimgar got some sexual fanservice going that's counterintuitive to the atmosphere and narrative it attempts, I think there's no doubt about it.
Did someone say BONES????