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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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but that's for another season.

I'm just hoping it stays popular enough for another season, hate it when something ends on a cliffhanger :(

Ah well, the movie should be fun even if it's an original story
I wish I was in Japan so I could see it next week :( instead of having to wait for the DVD/BD

i'm having trouble with my subtitle, here.

1) "The last bite of a donut is the best"

2) "a man only need the number one to go through life"

3) "Promises shouldn't be made lightly !"

The godly animation still continues !!
My god ...2 episodes in a row of awesome..

2 episodes of awesome in a row !!!

ZOMG ...incredible



Both 999 and VLR would make a OAV extremely difficult. The former would be impossible to properly make though.

Am I forgetting something...? The
turning the DS upside-down
part might take a bit of fancy interpretation, but other than that one scene, I don't see any real problems with adapting 999. Multi-route VNs have had successful adaptations before (Amagami, Yosuga no Sora). The latter even has significantly similar events shared between routes. And repetition was proven workable by Endless Eight.
Am I forgetting something...? The
turning the DS upside-down
part might take a bit of fancy interpretation, but other than that one scene, I don't see any real problems with adapting 999. Multi-route VNs have had successful adaptations before (Amagami, Yosuga no Sora). The latter even has significantly similar events shared between routes. And repetition was proven workable by Endless Eight.

The part where you have to insert
akane ( young )
into the mix should be hard to do but not impossible. VLR on the other hand ....

This arc ended on a sour note ..it was a nice ending , a nice conclusion but still the massive reveal they dumped on me prevents me for accepting an ending like that.

Still this episode was a nice conclusion to an otherwise well paced ARC.

VERDICT ( episode 261 ) : VERY GOOD



Mobile Suit Gundam AGE 39
Are you kidding me, Hino? I mean COME ON. You finally have something going here, you humanized the MAIN VILLAIN OF YOUR SERIES and set it all up so that Kio could learn about how utterly wrong mankind is and we could have some kind of failed rip-off of MSN or something where peace is arrived at in spite of Flit's best efforts. You REALLY had something here, you REALLY had a chance to show how a man could turn against everything he had wanted to be and make so much of your crap be washed away.
Seriously, all you had to do was keep Ezelcant sympathetic, and remind us all how Flit had wanted to stop the Euba and Zalam, but wound up repeating their exact mistakes in his fight against the Vagan.
And instead you decided to rip off
Durandal's Destiny Plan AND Zechs' "I'm going to destroy the world because it is the root of all evil!"
Except, of course, that where the former was well executed and hinted at at the beginning of Gundam SEED Destiny and slowly made clear and one of the best parts of that show, and the latter was more about the villain's own depression and inability to accept himself, this entire scheme is NOT the product of the villain's character development over the course of the show, but just some megaton you dropped on us . . . because.
I really cannot believe how stupid you would have to be to have set things up that well and squandered it. I also cannot believe how "phoned in" the show's plot is that I LITERALLY GUESSED THE REVEAL BEFORE THE TENTH EPISODE. I mean, sure, I attributed it to Flit's Mom and not this level of poor planning, but STILL.

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE 40
It's something of a rite of passage for dorky little boys to be able to disable enemy soldiers without killing them in mecha shows. Kio has hit this point, and honestly he'd be likeable if it wasn't for the fact that, oh, you know, his character is lifted directly from Gundam SEED. Kio goes out to fight the Char clone, winds up on the enemy homeworld, meets a pink haired girl who sees the world through magic fairy eyes, and decides he's done fighting for either side and is going to fight instead for himself. Sounds a lot like Kira Yamato, since Kira goes out, fights his red-mecha-piloting friend, winds up on the enemy homeworld, meets the pink haired Lacus, and decides he's done fighting for either side.
And then both of them get new Gundams that enable them to not kill anybody.
The one good thing about all of this, though, this whole plagiarizing Kio from an infinitely better show, is that it almost amounts to having Kira come in and tell Flit EXACTLY why he is a horrible human being. ALMOST EXCEPT NOT BECAUSE HINO INSISTS THAT FLIT IS GOOD. As in, both Kio and Asemu have begun questioning Flit, but Flit gets away with it because YOU GUESSED IT, the Vagan. The Vagan's leader is a mustache twirling guy who wants to do genocide and stuff!
Nevermind the fact that Flit himself is planning exactly what Ezelcant is, except Flit's "superior humanity" is just people from Earth. He doesn't have to want to set himself up as a God, since he, you know, ALREADY HAS. Seriously, the wussy captain is finally growing a spine and saying "Hey let's not nuke this valuable base full of human beings since we can capture it instead." and Flit is all "I'm doing it by the book." NO FAIR WHEN YOU WROTE THE DAMN BOOK YOU BASTARD.
Also, can I just say I despise how utterly obvious this show is with its uninspired character designs? I mean, REALLY. The guy who handed over the base has to look sullen and swarthy and pale and sad because . . . he surrendered his base? COME ON. Bad enough you recycle design after design, but now THIS?
If Flit Asuno were presented in the context of this show as being as evil as Patrick Zala, it'd be fine, but he's just not. Nobody has said he is. Nobody has pointed out how what he is doing is exactly what he bitched at the Zalam and Euba about all those years ago. Nobody is, well, doing anything but sucking him off, as they have been for 40 episodes.

Hino, just marry Flit to Lighting and HAVE DONE WITH IT.

Creepy ass breathing in the background. Battles aren't cool anymore, because, well, I've finally given up on anything good coming of all this. Plus I can't care about any of the characters involved. The villains WILL lose, and there's no reason to suspect that Kio will die when neither Flit nor Asemu did. The show shies away from any chance to make a good decision it gets.
Ugh, and the fighting your friend thing. Is it wrong to say it works better this time than the overplayed drama of Xehanort, because we actually saw Kio and this guy become friends? There's also the fact that the villains have no power, and must inevitably fall before Hino or Flit or whatever that detracts from my ability to care. And now some other random character for me not to care about is introduced. Will she, like gothic loli ace pilot stand around and do jack all? Or will she, like Xehanort, stand around and do nothing at all?
Oh, and now Xehanort is showing how he's a good commander for remembering the names of his dead soldiers. Except it isn't done with any of the emotional force of when Treze does it. Instead its part of character development for gothic loli girl whose brother died I guess? I don't remember him at all, but the way this show introduces and kills people makes it hard to remember. For you, fetish chick, the episode in which your brother died was the biggest deal, but for me, it was Tuesday.
THAT MECHA HAS A GOL DURN MAGIC GIRL SCEPTER. What am I even watching here? Why am I watching it anymore? Also, Kio is like Kira except without Kira seeing all his hopes and dreams crushed so he could become Gundam Jesus and have the right to lecture people. Kio hasn't earned the right to give these lectures at all.
My sincerest wish right now is that this show never be incorporated into a single game of Super Robot Wars. Ever.


... But these are the best moments in the show.

The dynamics between the pitcher and the catcher (or the catcher and the pitcher if you know what I mean) is what makes the show so enjoyable to watch. They spend way too much time in this show actually playing baseball, its absurd how they decide to basically animate every single at bat in games.

Well, the mangaka has a major in sports psychology and played softball in high-school, she must really love the sport. (unlike some sport mangaka who don't seem to know shit about the sport they write about)
What am I even watching here? Why am I watching it anymore? Also, Kio is like Kira except without Kira seeing all his hopes and dreams crushed so he could become Gundam Jesus and have the right to lecture people. Kio hasn't earned the right to give these lectures at all.
My sincerest wish right now is that this show never be incorporated into a single game of Super Robot Wars. Ever.

Poor corvosol so you've resumed AGE ... that's sad . but hey you're near the end.

Even before the super robot wars , my problem is that they might appear in the gundam VS games or any gundam compilation related project ...that is what pains me a lot. by now you've seen all the gundams , none of them are even remotely intresting. either alone or their pilots.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Well, the mangaka has a major in sports psychology and played softball in high-school, she must really love the sport. (unlike some sport mangaka who don't seem to know shit about the sport they write about)

I appreciate the effort but only going through 2 games in an entire season is pretty nuts. Baseball games in this series are actually slower than real life baseball games.
Been watching Space Brothers and have been enjoying it, anyone know how many episodes it's going to go on for?

Could go for a while if the ratings keep up. It's based on a weekly seinen manga, so as long as that doesn't end, it could be long-running, meaning well into the hundreds.
Poor corvosol so you've resumed AGE ... that's sad . but hey you're near the end.

Even before the super robot wars , my problem is that they might appear in the gundam VS games or any gundam compilation related project ...that is what pains me a lot. by now you've seen all the gundams , none of them are even remotely intresting. either alone or their pilots.

AGE has already appeared in the most recent SD Gundam G Gen game, so it may be inevitable.


One Piece Alabasta Arc

The fights were great but at the same time I wasn't a big fan of traveling in the desert the whole time. It ended beautifully with Vivi and the crew.

Did the movie add anything to the arc?

Nope it only cut, shorten down scenes and it's paced way to fast, it was bad idea to try to cram a 63chapter arc/34 ep arc into a 1hr30mins Movie.

Movie still worth watching to see the arc in HD and even better animation.


Well, college and Fire Emblem: Awakening has had a way of keeping me away from anime as of late. I haven't even caught up on Tamako Market for the last two weeks. I figure I might as well bite the bullet and catch up on Idolm@ster while I sort out my other viewing priorities. I've put it off for quite some time.

The Idolm@ster Episode 12

I said a while ago that character-centric episodes (after episode 3, at least) tended to be the best ones in this show. This episode proved me wrong on that front, I think.

Having the second best character design in the show only gets you so far, Miki. This was just a dull episode. I've spent a while trying to figure out what I felt about Miki because I didn't think I'd been exposed to her enough to find some level of depth to her, but it turns out what I've been seeing was her character in its' entirety the whole time. I really liked her up until that realization. She's just... shallow. I guess she's pretty endearing in spurts, but she really can't carry an episode on her own, especially when her problems are so... meaningless. It's what by all rights is a casual misunderstanding taken to an extreme and stretched to twenty two minutes. On some level, I can understand where the problem comes from, on the other, her response is absurdly severe.
Nearly dropping out of being an idol altogether severe
. There's not a whole lot left to say about it, really. The production quality is consistent as usual and everything else, but it's hard to comment on it at this point given that there's nothing particularly they do in regards to the production that actually stands out this episode. It was... dull.

As per usual, this episode's insert song was pretty sub par. Aoi Torii remains the only song featured in this show thus far that I've actually found pretty good. Everything other than that is less singing and more... talking slightly rhythmically while synths play in the background. It's not at all fun to listen to and I have to wonder why they keep cramming so many in.

And am I the only one who thinks that
is going to wear out its' welcome really quickly?

This also has to be, like, the second time where the Producer winds up playing an actual role in helping an idol with their problems. The last one was... Yukiho's. I hope that this isn't going to be a trend.

And it only just occurs to me now that what they're saying in the opening is "lady", not "ready". What.


S Tier

A+ Tier

A Tier

B Tier

D Tier
Ami and Mami

F Tier

No guarantees of course. I'm just basing it off of the circumstances surrounding it. The studio and source material all make it possible to be a long-running, ongoing series.

However, there has also never been a seinen adaptation like that while the manga was still running, so who knows.
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