They must be really confident in the actual show itself. That's the only way I can see why they're doing this. What better way to hype a show up if you have a bunch of good impressions on it by people who've actually seen it?
The Gargantia site blog has a low-res version of a new key visual, along with an announcement that they'll be giving away 8,000 copies of a free blu-ray containing the first two episodes of the show at Anime Contents Expo at the end of this month. Bandai must love flushing money down the toilet.
Let's consider the world we live in:
Anime Mirai 2013 Blu-ray on sale at ACE 2013 at 3800yen each: 1,000 copies made
Gargantia Blu-ray with ep1-2 given away for free at ACE 2013: 8,000 copies made
More shows confirmed as 13 episodes: Devil Survivor 2, Hataraku Maou-sama, Uta no Prince-sama S2 all for Spring, and Danganropa is also listed as 13 episodes for Summer.
The first set has international sell sheets too, along with 12-episode listings for Yuyushiki and the new Samurai Girls season, though they're not as interesting as the TBS ones.
(via @WTK 1, 2)
Any gundam fans know if ZZ Gundam, Turn A Gundam, Victory Gundam are good?
SMH.. at that Phantom Pain interview thread.
Those guy can't be serious.
Because I'm a humongous nerd in the "I like Tamako a great deal" camp, I went into an Asian super-market and bought some Mochi earlier today. That's certainly an... interesting taste.
Supermarket mochi taste way drier and is less chewy than specialty made ones. I have to get the good stuff from the J-Cafe's and the okay stuff from Yo Sushi. I avoid the supermarket ones like the plague.
Based on the manga by Nishimura Mitsuru and Kajikawa Takuro, this drama is about time travel. A chef by the name of Ken, somehow manages to go back in time to the Sengoku period. However, he loses his memory in the process. He is thought to be a spy, and in his haste to escape capture, he dives into the river. He is saved by Natsu, a swordsmith. He doesn't remember his own past, or the fact that he came from the future, but he remembers cooking well. He is soon recruited by Oda Nobunaga to be his Head Chef.
Hey guys, do you know what's the best medicine for nearly dying from stress, sexual frustration, and overwork? Why, do more work while getting help from nobody, of course!
Fuck this stupid show. These people are all horrible human beings.
:TherealworldFuck this stupid show. These people are all horrible human beings.
There's expecting someone to do their work on time and then there's being an inconsiderate cunt when said someone is in the dumps.:Therealworld
[Hataraki Man] 09
Hey guys, do you know what's the best medicine for nearly dying from stress, sexual frustration, and overwork? Why, do more work while getting help from nobody, of course!
Fuck this stupid show. These people are all horrible human beings.
Nobunaga No Chef 1
Pretty decent adaptation so far. I LOVE the outfits, armors and whatnot, they look so cool.
The MC doesn't really look like his manga counter-part but that's not an issue. I actually liked the parts that were not an exact copy of the manga.
As always, watching people cooking and eating yummy dishes make me hungry, damn it! Everything looks so good.
Work until you die!That's the Japanese spirit!
There's expecting someone to do their work on time and then there's being an inconsiderate cunt when said someone is in the dumps.
"Whoever told you that is lying," he retorts, his smile shifting down gears to a rare frown. "The situation is the complete opposite. Nobody told me to take a rest. When I returned to work, Capcom didn't even acknowledge that I had been in hospital. There was no change in my schedule. I was at home for an entire week before the doctors allowed me to return to work. When I returned to my desk there was a ticket to Rome waiting for me. There's no mercy. Everyone in the company says: 'Ono-san we've been so worried about you.' Then they hand me a timetable and it's completely filled with things to do."
Paging madpierrot.
Because I'm a humongous nerd in the "I like Tamako a great deal" camp, I went into an Asian super-market and bought some Mochi earlier today. That's certainly an... interesting taste.
Deputy Head of Consumer Game R&D Division, Director of Capcom Vancouver, Officer of Capcom USA inc.
It's taken its sweet time to leap over that Rising Sun, but Microsoft's Surface RT tablet has finally arrived in Japan. Priced at 57,800 yen ($600), it's launching today in collaboration with Ghost In the Shell series, Arise, where the Surface RT will apparently be making some cameo appearances, with a view to referencing its touch interface. If you're interested in seeing how Microsoft's lightweight tablet might look in the robotic future, we've added a concept sketch after the break.
You should have seen the post I made a couple months ago. I actually went to a mochi-shop, and bought them fresh made. I even bought the Anko type.
People did see the SEED Destiny HD Remaster trailer, right?
Cross posting from the Surface thread: Surface RT launches today in Japan, gets a cameo in Ghost In the Shell anime
Whats the point in a non HD trailer?
Cross posting from the Surface thread: Surface RT launches today in Japan, gets a cameo in Ghost In the Shell anime
I think you're the most dedicated man I've ever met. I want to learn from you sensei!
Well since I saw the show I wanted to eat Anko really bad, so of course it was the only way. I am talking about bean paste.
You should have seen the post I made a couple months ago. I actually went to a mochi-shop, and bought them fresh made. I even bought the Anko type.
Some more information on that task, coming from BahiJD himself:The 2 Queens
Director/Script: Savin Yeatman-Eiffel
Animation Director/Key Animation: Toshiyuki Inoue
Character Design: Bahi JD
Concept Design: Joel Julian , Hidekazu Ohara
Art Design: Thomas Romain of the characters are Joel's work and are based on what he and Ohara drew at the beginning.
Joel has an incredible speed,
so while I was spending weeks on the main characters, Joel had already finished over 10 sub-characters in few days.
My focus was mainly on the two Queens, their turnarounds,
their costumes, some weapon designs
and giving Joel's design the final touch and make them more animate'able.
Simple said,
Joel and Ohara made the "character designs" and I made the "character turnarounds", with a deeper involvement on the two main characters.
(Also I helped Toshiyuki Inoue a little at the beginning,
because he had trouble with the design since it was unusual,
but after a few days he had mastered the design, it was very impressive!)
I should also mention that the final designs used in the trailer
and on the posters are really the result of a combined "team effort" between the members of the team.
Starting from Savin / to Joel & Hidekazu Ohara / to me / to Toshiyuki Inoue.
Looks like MVM of all companies have picked up the UK local license for both Bake and Nisemonogatari for both DVD and BD. Will be interesting to see how pricing works out on those.
Why are so many people buying K-ON! merchandise if the show is over? Is there still a manga going or something?
That toaster is a work of genius.
They must be really confident in the actual show itself. That's the only way I can see why they're doing this. What better way to hype a show up if you have a bunch of good impressions on it by people who've actually seen it?
Supermarket mochi taste way drier and is less chewy than specialty made ones. I have to get the good stuff from the J-Cafe's and the okay stuff from Yo Sushi. I avoid the supermarket ones like the plague.
Naturally.I need to get me some mochi, but no one sells it here, gotta go to NJ for some.
Wonderful last episode that aside from the last few minutes, did not feel too much like a last episode. That insert song was great but I wish they had used another one for the final battle too.
This show was absolutely loads of fun, even though some parts of the plot (mostly the second half of the show) was kind of ridiculous and hard to understand. The characters were lovely and extremely likable, even Izayoi who's most certainly a Gary Stu was given a hilarious personality and gives no fucks about who thinks what of him. The concept of gift games, the Little Garden, and communities were great and would love to see how this world is expanded so SECOND SEASON WHEN?!?!??
Have you watched gdgd Fairies too? From what I've seen, it seems to have a similar type of style (or at least the same animation). I might be wrong though.Straight Title Robot Anime 1
A poorly animated CG show featuring moe robots trying to understand the concept of humor?
This is genius.
Mori is best robot
I find this hard to believe. If I can get it in a small city in Louisiana, surely you can get some anywhere in the Northeast?
I find this hard to believe. If I can get it in a small city in Louisiana, surely you can get some anywhere in the Northeast?
I live in Ohio, and my general area has a (relatively) large Japanese population due to there being a few Honda factories around. The closest Japanese stores and restaurants are like three or four counties away. It makes no sense at all.
Unfortunately it's not a vector, so when you stretch the image it gets a tad blurrier, but this image makes for an awesome PC desktop:
Alternately, you can keep it at the original res, and do something like this:
Or you can go full minimalism with a different picture from the article:
I live in the mountains. There's nothing but trees here.
I live in Ohio, and my general area has a (relatively) large Japanese population due to there being a few Honda factories around. The closest Japanese stores and restaurants are like three or four counties away. It makes no sense at all.
Always liked taro root and I was surprised at the variety of mochi flavors there are.