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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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The Japanese method of learning a sport is always surprisingly abusive.


The Light of El Cantare

I like that it advertises episodes 1-11 when the actual series has 12 episodes. lol

You know, I don't think that I've ever seen that particular font outside of counterfeit goods. It's the same exact font that I see on the packaging for fake batteries and Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Spider Man figures that there's always a dude at any flea market selling for $1 in giant tubs.


The Light of El Cantare
Isn't it the same as Pokemon cards? That's how you know it's a super secret rare one.

[nerd] Pokemon cards don't actually use multi-layered holograms that create the illusion of depth like that paper fan sticker; they're actually embossed with a special foil that has reflective speckles like the title kanji on the box. [/nerd]

it does on figurine boxes but is only one identifying factor.

I know that they're used as marks of authenticity on some products, which is why I'm amused that a bootleg apparently cares enough about appearing legitimate that it uses a hologram but it halfasses it an just uses an image of a paper fan instead of some kind of fake "seal of authenticity".


[Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise]
P.S. About the
attempted rape
It's not that I don't think such a scene is out of place with the rest of the movie. The incident occurs clearly at the trough of Shiro's character arc, right after Dr. Gnomm's has died in what they speculate was a terrorist attempt and Shiro has to deal with the shady side of fame. Shiro's intentions up to this point have not been selfless (the only reason he started to take the Space Force seriously was because he was hoping to bone Riquinni), after all; in fact the story would not work without the scene at all since it's the catalyst that forces Shiro to stop being a cunt. My problem is with Riquinni blaming herself for the event and asking Shiro to forgive her. It's idiotic at its best and misogynistic at its worst. If the intention was to show that Riquinni's kindness is all forgiving because of her spirituality then the script didn't do a good job of explaining this. Almost all instances of religion in the film are damning in nature, and even if this were the case that's not a reason to have her so easily submissive for what was a rather strong female character otherwise.
That sucked.

The scene was always cut out of the UK release version - I'm not sure if it was BBFC mandated, but I've always figured it was a rare moment of clarity on the part of the Manga of the time in actually keeping an otherwise inoffensive movie down to a PG certificate. I didn't actually see that scene until years later when I picked up a Taiwanese (I think it was) DVD of the movie - still kicking myself for not picking up the US DVD with the directors commentary, but the video on that was supposedly atrocious.

I don't really think the movie loses much for removing that scene in it's entirety - certainly, I didn't even suspect that anything was missing until I started reading about it on the internet almost a decade after first seeing it - but I have to admit it's one of those things where it becomes obvious that something was removed once you learn of it's existence.


Subete no aware
The Japanese method of learning a sport is always surprisingly abusive.
Every training montage for any sport just involves throwing balls at the main character. Imagine if Chihayafuru was made in the 70s!

[nerd] Pokemon cards don't actually use multi-layered holograms that create the illusion of depth like that paper fan sticker; they're actually embossed with a special foil that has reflective speckles like the title kanji on the box. [/nerd]
You mean my Peek-at-you card is a fake?! :(


[nerd] Pokemon cards don't actually use multi-layered holograms that create the illusion of depth like that paper fan sticker; they're actually embossed with a special foil that has reflective speckles like the title kanji on the box. [/nerd]

I actually peeled apart some kid's fake Zapdos? card once, that's what he gets for trying to scam me out of my good cards. At least I think it was fake.


The weird thing is I have a totally legitimate looking copy of Planetes that turned out be a load of crap. Such is the roulette wheel of ebay.

I have always gotten legit merchandise on ebay.
however I dont go searching for deals either.
Some figurines have elaborate fakes but the price is a tier lower than the legitimate merchandise.


HxH 2011 72


Yep, this arc's gonna be finished in an ep or two and we can finally start the Chimera Ant arc!!!
after an episode or twos worth of kite flashbacks #owned


[Devilman OVA] - 2

While the first Devilman OVA actually told the tale of the creation of Devilman this doesn't really attempt to tell a story at all. It's basically two fight sequences with a bit of talking in the middle. Not that I'm complaining mind you because everything still looks great, but it's just not quite as interesting as the first OVA. Still:



Fun fact: Kenji Kawai did the music for both OVA's and it's pretty rockin'


Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou ep.5

That ending

That was brutal.
Good episode, I didn't expect the drama to focus on Clockwork Orange heh.


Wow. The horror of Yoshino knows no bounds. I think I'm going to have to watch Magi 24, after looking at the screens from the broadcast. The last two episodes look like a real kick in the face for manga fans. Roflmao. :(


Maturity, bitches.
All the K-On girls are reasonably well-off (their High School is private and all-girls so their families must have some money) plus going overseas isn't THAT expensive for Japanese people.
It's just a matter of them finding the time what with their 25 hours 8 days a week work schedule.


Hmmm, twitter just seems to have exploded with the news that the next Nanoha movie is indeed an original story set inbetween A's and StrikerS, called "3rd Reflection".


Kotoura-san 9
Have the creators got an inbuilt switch to apply tiny/dead eyes?


Kotoura, don't you know it's impolite to dead eye when someone's talking to you?

Really? That's where they are going to go with the mother plot? I guess with a show this polarized it would make sense.


Windy Tales 11


Clearly there's money to be made in the idol industry with awkward cuteness. Fortunately Nao was spared from the truly sick horrors of IDOL CULTURE but given her small amount of success thus far, is it truly fair to say she's free from its horrific grasp? I guess we'll never really know but that's life for ya.


Wow. The horror of Yoshino knows no bounds. I think I'm going to have to watch Magi 24, after looking at the screens from the broadcast. The last two episodes look like a real kick in the face for manga fans. Roflmao. :(

Yoshino always knows best. You should keep the faith.


Kotoura-san 11
Could you make the killer's identity more obvious please? I'd like to know their identity before they are even introduced. How about in episode 1, or the OP even? Seriously I don't think I've seen a killer more obvious.
Basically as soon as she was introduced, she was suspicious and her comments about Kotoura made it crystal clear.
ALSO WTF AT THAT ENDING!? "You've killed multiple young girls brutally, but I'll let you off with a warning. Just don't do it again or I'll put a cross against your name on the whiteboard. Get 3 crosses and you're grounded!" THAT IS NOT HOW THE LEGAL SYSTEM WORKS!!!
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